After meeting Monday with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), President Trump appeared to agree with the Senator that certain senior Obama era intelligence community officials may be abusing their security clearances for personal and political gain. Opponents claim that any move to strip the clearances would be an attack on the First Amendment of those involved. Plus bonus topic: Did the FBI mislead the FISA Court in pushing for surveillance permission on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page?
By Future of Freedom Foundation
This speech was presented at a conference entitled "Non-interventionism: America’s Founding Foreign Policy" in Charleston, South Carolina on April 29. 2018. The event was co-sponsored by The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity and The Future of Freedom Foundation. Our country is enmeshed in permanent, ongoing foreign wars and interventions. The results of foreign interventionism have been catastrophic, not only in terms of massive death and destruction abroad, but also in terms of ongoing, ever-growing destruction of liberty, privacy, and prosperity here at home. It is time for America to do some serious soul-searching. The best place to begin is by examining first principles — especially the founding principle of non-interventionism on which our nation was founded and which remained its guiding principle for more than a century. There are few forces in the universe more powerful than ideas on liberty. They have the potential to sweep across a nation and bring monumental paradigm shifts in society. That’s what we aim to do with the idea of non-interventionism. It is an idea whose time has come, again. It is the paradigm that will help restore liberty, peace, prosperity, privacy, and harmony to our land.
President Trump sent out an angry, all-caps, Tweet last night, warning Iran that it would suffer "consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before" if it threatens the United States. This came after Iranian president Rouhani said that peace with Iran would be the "mother of all peace" but war would be the "mother of all war." Secretary of State Pompeo also joined in, announcing a new US government propaganda media outlet aiming to push Iranians toward regime change and calling the country's leaders "mafia-like." Well-funded neocon think tanks in Washington like the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies are dedicated to war with Iran. Will they succeed?
There is a huge misconception, where Americans are led to believe that Government and Big Business are antagonists. We see it in Hollywood movies, and in the media all the time. Americans need government "regulations" to protect them from business. In reality, Big Business could not be happier with this slight-of-hand. They love government "regulations," and hate the free market.
Bad news for Russia-obsessed Democrats as we get closer to mid-term elections? According to a newly released Gallup poll, American concern over the "Russia threat" is at less than one percent. Blue wave?
Just when it seemed that much of the US intelligence community was on the ropes over its role in the 2016 US presidential election, lo and behold the Rosenstein indictments days before the Trump-Putin summit has much of America demanding that we never question our spy agencies. If we do, they say, we are traitors. Is this the kind of America we want to live in?
By Liberty Report Staff
Ron Paul discusses on RT:
Following yesterday's Trump-Putin summit and press conference, the mainstream media and most politicians have come completely unhinged. Some openly call for a coup against Trump. Most endlessly repeat the absurd claim that it is "treasonous" to meet with a foreign leader they don't like. How far will the hysteria go?
September 2024