In the first comprehensive, peer-reviewed study the efficacy of face masks to prevent the spread of Covid has been called into question. Within the margin of error there is virtually no difference between a masked group and an unmasked group, Danish scientists discovered. Yet this major discovery about the virus is being completely ignored by authoritarian governors who are demanding even MORE intrusive mask mandates. Are we really following "the science"? Or politics?
Health journalist Bill Sardi joins today's Liberty Report with the results from his extensive reporting on Covid and the rush to a vaccine. Find out why most everything the "experts" are telling wrong! Plus today - the Danish face mask study is FINALLY published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. The results may - or may not - surprise you!
By Chris Rossini
Ignorance is the nature of each individual human being. It is something that can never be fully discarded, no matter how long one lives. We can each relatively decrease and diminish our own ignorance, if we so choose. But we can never completely abolish it. Even if you were to take every last second of the rest of your life to jam a new piece of knowledge between your ears, your ignorance would still vastly overwhelm your understanding. Knowledge amongst human beings is radically decentralized. One person spends a lifetime learning about a part of the human body and uses his expertise to serve his neighbor as a doctor. This person, who may be brilliant at re-setting a broken bone, can have no idea on how to fix his plumbing back at home. His brilliance is limited, as it must be for every person. Fortunately, another person has the knowledge to be a plumber. So the doctor and plumber (both brilliant in their own ways) voluntarily decide to trade and exchange. Both must decide on their own if it's worth it to exchange. No one has the "right" to another person's labor. That would be slavery. Neither is interested in making the other a slave. So the two must negotiate terms that work for each of them individually. Both benefit if they both agree. It's not a zero-sum game where one is forced to interact with the other against his own will. And so the freedom to trade is the bedrock of a peaceful civilization. Different perpetually ignorant individuals, each deciding what knowledge and expertise is needed at the moment, in order to achieve a particular and specific individual goal. That's how civilization thrives...with voluntary interactions. While it's impossible for an individual to knowing everything, it's never necessary anyway. Only specific knowledge is desired at specific times and in specific situations. The doctor may not have a plumbing issue for many years to come, and will thus never even have to think of the word 'plumbing,' until it becomes necessary again. When fixing the plumbing becomes necessary, he'll once again seek out the person with the proper expertise and perhaps conduct another trade. The time will be different. The situation will be different. The plumber may be different. So the terms of the possible agreement will be different as well. Each moment is unique. The doctor may decide it's not worth it to him (this time) to have the plumbing fixed. Since free trade is not a zero-sum game, he can decline to have the issue fixed at all. With voluntary exchange, all parties have the ultimate power and freedom of saying: "No." Now....multiply a single voluntary interaction between these two individuals by about 7+ billion people and you get a glimpse at how infinitely complex human life and civilization is. It's way beyond anyone's comprehension. Human civilization is infinitely complex with an unknown number of variables. There are unknown and ever-changing thoughts, beliefs, goals and aspirations of 7+ billion people! And yet...there is another aspect of human nature (besides ignorance) that influences civilization. Imagination. Each one of us can imagine anything that we want. It is a big part of our freedom of thought. But imagination can be used for either good or ill. We can imagine things that are true, as well as things that are not true. Hollywood is an entire industry centered around creating entertainment built on the imaginary and untrue. But BIG societal problems arise when people imagine things that are not true, and then try to force it into becoming reality. This is where perhaps the deadliest idea in human history comes into play: Socialism. Trying to force this imaginary idea into becoming reality has already killed hundreds of millions of people over the last few centuries. The deaths from this idea continue to the present day. What happens with Socialism is we get some very vocal people who believe that they can (and should) control everything in society. What should be produced ... Who should produce it ... Where it should be produced ... How should it be produced ... When should it be produced. This is all impossible for anyone to know, let alone a group of very vocal people. But it goes beyond even that. Everyone must think one way ... Everyone must believe one way ... Everyone must act one way. Again, this is absolutely impossible, but it dominates the imaginations of a lot of people, and they subsequently try to force it into becoming reality. Technology cannot help those who seek total control either. Remember, knowledge is radically decentralized. It can't be centralized because there's no limit to the amount of knowledge that exists! You can't catalog the limitless. You can't put boundaries on the boundless. Think back to the doctor and plumber, and the specific thoughts that go through the mind of each. They're the only ones who know what they are thinking. They're the only ones that choose specific goals that each try to accomplish in each second of their day. Now multiply it by 7+ billion and you have an unfathomable amount of change that takes place in every split second. There is no way for a group of vocal people to control society. It doesn't matter how much power they have, how many weapons they have, how much force they threaten, how much force they dole out, or how many algorithms they create. It certainly doesn't matter how much data they can store either. The amount of data that they can't store will always be greater, and the possibilities of what can transpire in each moment will always remain unpredictable. The only thing that constantly striving for the imaginary utopia of Socialism can accomplish is the only thing that it's ever accomplished: It can destroy society. But why bother? Society would ultimately be rebuilt on freedom anyway. The desire to live is perhaps the strongest desire that people have. Why not just accept the truth? A part can never control the whole. It's best to just live and let live. The upside is limitless.
Across the country authoritarian governors and local officials are imposing new "guidelines" on Americans as they plan for the Thanksgiving holiday later this month. They are using coronavirus as an excuse to cancel the entire holiday season. But slowly a resistance is forming to these petty tyrants. We'll highlight some of that resistance. Also today, new Covid testing tricks and the European crackdown...
By Ron Paul
Former Vice President Joe Biden has not been officially declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, but that has not stopped him from forming a coronavirus task force. The task force is composed of supporters of increased government control. One idea Biden and his task force are considering is a four to six weeks nationwide lockdown. However, supporting a nationwide lockdown would violate Biden’s campaign pledge to “listen to the science.” The evidence regarding lockdowns is so overwhelming that even the World Health Organization (WHO) has been forced to admit the truth: lockdowns do more harm than good. Lockdowns result in more instances of depression, suicide, domestic violence, and alcohol and drug abuse. Lockdowns also cause people to not go to hospitals or doctors’ offices, leading to people dying because they failed to obtain medical assistance in a timely manner. Biden also is working with governors, mayors, and other state and local officials to create a de facto national mask mandate. Biden has also declared he will mandate mask wearing in all federal buildings and for people traveling interstate. A mask mandate for interstate travel could mean you will be required to wear a mask on airplanes, trains, and even when driving in your own car if you cross state lines. Yet again, Biden is ignoring the science. In this case the science has demonstrated that most masks are ineffective at preventing the spread of a virus. Medical science also shows that wearing a mask for extended periods of time can cause health problems. For example, mask wearing interferes with proper breathing. Long-term mask wearing may also cause serious dental problems. Ironically, major victims of mask mandates include low-wage workers Biden and his fellow progressives claim to care so much about. Many of these workers are required to wear masks on the job. Biden has also proposed raising an army of “culturally competent” contact tracers. According to the University of California, San Francisco, which is helping train that California’s contact tracers, contract tracers “….ask questions related to topics that can be sensitive, including health, work, living arrangements and food resources” in order to identify someone who should be quarantined. These contract tracers could also be able to enforce masks or other mandates — including a potential vaccine mandate — by helping ensure that those who refuse to comply are indefinitely quarantined. Biden is not the only politician pushing authoritarian “solutions” to coronavirus. The government of Washington, DC is considering authorizing vaccinating of children without parental consent. This ignores the science that some people will have a negative reaction even to a generally safe vaccine, so individuals should make their own decision in consultation with their physician. This is especially important these days, as we are dealing with a vaccine that is being rushed into production for political reasons and that even the manufactures admit will have serious side effects. Lockdowns, masks, and other authoritarian measures do little or nothing to promote health. Instead, they erode freedom and create their own health problems. Those who know the truth must make Joe Biden and other authoritarians listen to the true science. While those more at risk — such as the elderly and people with certain health problems — could be encouraged to take extra precautions, all Americans should be given back the liberty to make their own healthcare decisions.
In a recent interview the newly resurgent Covid guru Dr. Anthony Fauci laid down the iron fist: I know we have an independent spirit in the US, he said, but now's the time to do what you're told! That is always the refrain from authoritarians. President Trump's coronavirus advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas, takes a very different approach. Also today, the unbearable coronavirus hypocrisy of our "leaders." And...vaccine news: should we cheer?
20 million Americans are collecting unemployment, and Joe Biden wants a nationwide lockdown to battle a virus that has a 99+% survival rate. There is one immoral and unconstitutional institution that enables this kind of authoritarian madness: The Federal Reserve.
Former vice president Joe Biden has been declared president-elect by the mainstream media and he is wasting no time making good on his promise to lock the country down in the name of fighting Covid. His Covid task force member Dr. Michael Osterholm is recommending a four to six week mandatory national lockdown, paid for by a massive money-printing operation. Will doing the same thing again bring different results? Also's how they are going to force you to take the Covid vaccine. And...election update: Giuliani claims 650,000 illegal ballots cast in Pennsylvania. Is he just blowing smoke?
President Trump's efforts to ensure a fair election process have been demonized by virtually every mainstream media outlet. Even Republicans have by and large abandoned him. But are the legal challenges in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania starting to gain traction? Also today, globalist Klaus Schwab tells us we can never have normal again. And...what will Biden's foreign policy look like?
By Chris Rossini
This morning, Luke Rudkowski published a great Tweet: "There’s two types of people out there 1. that want to be left alone and 2. others that refuse to leave other people alone. Which one are you?" That statement encapsulates the seemingly never-ending struggle between Liberty and tyranny. It also places the responsibility precisely where it belongs, on each individual. 'Which one are you?' Each of us must decide for ourselves. Should you choose to live a life centered around voluntary and peaceful interactions with others? Or, will you live a life that is centered around aggressive force against your neighbors? The argument for why a voluntary and peaceful life is far superior cannot be more logical, rational and compelling. Let's break it down. First of all, let's consider the physical aspects of our beings. The form. The matter. The seen. We are each exquisitely unique in our physical selves. There are no carbon copies, we have individual boundaries, and each of us occupy our own individual space in the universe. Wherever we each happen to be at the moment, it's exclusively for us. Where you are, no other human being can be, and vice-versa. This physical setup appears to be custom-made for individuality and a world of individuals. It's not made for some amorphous blob. Now let's consider the limitless -- our mental and spiritual selves. The non-form. The unseen. Once again, we are each exquisitely unique here as well. This is where we are each the masters of our domain. What you think from one second to the next is all you. What you choose to focus on ... What you choose to attract into your life ... What you want ... What you believe ... It's all yours, and yours alone. When an event happens in the world, you interpret it and explain it to yourself. Your explanation to yourself may cause you to cry. But the same event can mean the exact opposite to your neighbor. He may explain it to himself in a way that makes him jump for joy. A third person can witness the event and not care one way or another. It's the same event! Others can attempt to explain what events mean to you, but it is up to you to decide whether to believe them, or not. You can't place blame on the many modern-day professors, or the media, or the politicians for constantly lying to you. Why did you believe them? You didn't have to believe them. The responsibility is yours alone on who to believe. We are individuals. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. Now, considering all of this, wouldn't it be strange to try to turn this world of individuals into some kind of amorphous blob? Wouldn't it be odd to attempt to force one to be like another? To try to force one to think like another, or act like another? Over and over, Nature creates uniqueness and you want to create carbon copies? You're going to try to overturn Nature? Fortunately, such an idea is impossible. It's very deadly, as history keeps showing us, but impossible nevertheless. There would obviously no longer be a humanity if it were possible. It's a foolish goal to attempt to try to force something to be something that it is not. Yet, this anti-human goal occupies the minds of many individuals, and has since at least the beginning of recorded human history. You can tell, right away, when you're around them. They'll start uttering the words:"There should be a law..." That's the first tell-tale sign that you're dealing with a self-styled re-maker of others. They're also are very attracted to blob-like diktats: "Universal" mask mandates. "Universal" health care. "Universal" pre-k. "Mandatory" vaccines. "Mandatory" testing. "Compulsory" government schooling. These blob-like diktats lead to the creation uneconomic and artificially-created "jobs". Legions of martinets are unleashed on everyone: "Fill out these forms." "Where's your paperwork?" "Where's your authorization?" "Do you have a license for that?" "What about a permit?" "Is that FDA-approved?" "No more than 25% capacity." The martinets are never satisfied. How can they be? Everyone is unique. They're trying to create carbon copies. They've set themselves up for never-ending dissatisfaction. The attempted invasions proceed right down to the core of every individual life: "You can't think that!" "You can't say that!" "You can't do that!" This anti-human fantasy imagines some individual "experts" standing high above a universal blob of humanity with the sole authority of making proclamations. Everyone else in this blob must then follow. The "experts" imagine everyone else acting in unison like a school of fish, or as members of an ant colony. If the "experts" say that XYZ is true, then it's true simply because they said it. If they say that XYZ is "science," then it is science, simply because they said it. The "experts" say. Everyone else is to obey. Those who choose not to obey are to be ostracized. They must be the defective ones. There must be something wrong with them. They must be "re-educated" to obey...without question. That's the fantasy at least. Now, considering the aforementioned reality about our individual physical, mental and spiritual uniqueness, is it any wonder why the fantasy can never become a reality? This fantasy of "rule by experts" goes way (way) back. It's not anything close to being a new idea, despite always being presented as one. The piles of corpses that have been left in the wake of attempts to implement it have reached the level of 'uncountable.' Yet no matter how many corpses are piled up, the "experts" never seem to stop coming, and neither do those who want to be ruled by them. Freedom means the ability to choose. Evidently, there are always those who choose to not leave others alone. Nevertheless, the questions remain the same for each of us individually: 'Which will you be? Voluntary or force? Liberty or tyranny?' Liberty is the far superior choice. |
February 2025