In just 9 days, President Biden has signed a record 40 executive orders, actions and directives. This is a far cry from the schoolbook instructions on "How a bill becomes a law." Is this what "our democracy" has come to mean? The stroke of a pen? Where's the U.S. Constitution?
Former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has been sounding the alarm over new "domestic terrorism" legislation introduced by Adam Schiff (D-CA) and highly charged claims by former CIA director (a partisan Democrat) that "even libertarians" are potential "domestic terrorists." A police state is coming unless people like Brennan and Schiff are denounced by President Biden himself. Also, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) sounds the alarm: are National Guard troops in DC the next "forever war"?
By Chris Rossini
There really are only a few major ways to acquire wealth. One is as the service of others, and the other is at the expense of others. The former is the arena of the free market. The latter is the arena of politics, bureaucracy and crony capitalism. In a free marketplace, one must produce that which is most urgently desired by consumers. Obviously, everything that is desired by consumers cannot possibly be produced. Resources are not unlimited on Earth. This is not the Garden of Eden. Resources are scarce, labor is scarce, and time is scarce for those who are alive. These must all be economized and allocated to produce that which consumers urgently demand the most. There are universal and impersonal guidelines to lead the producers of goods and services. They are known as profits and losses. Profits signal that more of a product or service is in demand by consumers. Losses are a signal that less (or none) of the product or service is in demand. When losses reach the point of the liquidation of an enterprise, the resources are taken up by other producers for the creation of products and services that are in higher demand. In the free market, the consumer is in control. The consumer is the king. For it is the consumer that has the absolute power to say "YES" or "NO" with his wallet. Likewise the producer must obey. Whether the demand is for expensive fine wine, or cheap carbonated sugar water, the producer is at the mercy of what the consumer desires most. Sadly, the free market is something that waved bye-bye to Americans a century ago. Once government is allowed to interfere in the marketplace, favoritism and politics must take over. That moves us to the second way to acquire wealth -- through force and taking. Today, the marketplace is completely dominated by government "regulations" at all levels. Under this setup, favored and politically-connected corporations benefit along with the politicians and bureaucrats. Under crony capitalism the consumer is no longer king. The crony and politically-connected corporation becomes king, along with the bureaucrats and politicians that supply the "regulations." Consumers, instead of having the absolute power to say "YES" or "NO" are now forced to buy products and services because of political "mandates." The politicians come into office with meager incomes, and after their terms are some of the wealthiest people in the country. In other words, "public service" pays very, very well when you get rid of the free market. Likewise, the crony and politically-connected corporate employees rack up net worths that have reached over $100 billion! This is the flip-side of acquiring wealth at the service of others. It's the way to acquire wealth at the expense of others. Instead of resources being allocated towards products and services that consumers desire most, they are instead squandered on political machinations and schemes that line the pockets of a select few politicians and corporate employees. The most popular political machination is war. War is the biggest and most reliable "government program" of them all. But it is far from the only one. In fact, President Biden, who has supported plenty of war, says that when he thinks of "climate change," he thinks of "jobs." What a perfect example of crony capitalism. This is not the desire of the consuming public. This is the road to riches for the politically-connected few, if they can pull it off, and they're definitely trying to pull it off; that much we can see. But economic laws are unbreakable. Ultimately, the free market must make its valiant return. Politicians and their politically-connected friends eventually screw everything up so badly, that there are no rabbits left in the top hat. Economic planning always (without exception) produces historic disaster. Economic pain for the masses always has its limits. When the free market returns, it's like a breath of fresh air. The pent-up creativity of voluntary commerce is released once again, and once again the consumer becomes the king. So the way to acquire wealth is always a choice. Will you serve your way to wealth? Or just take it from others like the political classes do? The thing about wealth is this: In the end, we all leave this Earth with the exact amount that we came with: Zero. Obviously the acquisition of wealth is not the important factor here. You can't take a single debased Federal Reserve dollar bill with you! Both the billionaire politically-connected executive and the small business owner that serves his customers (without any government connection or privileges) will leave this Earth with nothing. But each during their lifetimes made that critical choice: Service? Or Politics and Plunder? In the Bible, Jesus is quoted as saying: "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul.” If there was ever a proclamation that voluntary service is the way to go, that was it. Wealth at the service of others is far superior to the acquisition of wealth at the expense of others.
President Biden's top coronavirus advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has just announced that it's "just common sense" that people should wear two masks. Last March he said no one should be walking around with masks on. Then he said put a mask on. Meanwhile CNBC featured a segment advising that people wear THREE masks! Is all of this "the science"? No wonder that, according to a recent study, Americans are four times more depressed and anxious than they were in 2019.
Yesterday the House impeachment 2.0 team marched impeachment papers over to the Senate for trial. With even President Biden doubting a conviction of citizen Trump, is there a point where what increasingly appears to be a show trial backfires politically for the Democrats and for a president who is desperately trying to sell the slogan "unity" to a divided America? Is there any Constitutional provision for removing a president from office who has already been removed from office? Will this start a trend in retroactively impeaching past presidents? Or pro-actively impeaching presidential candidates?
By Ron Paul
Almost immediately after his inauguration, President Joe Biden began creating new government dictates via executive orders. Many of these executive orders concern coronavirus, fulfilling Biden’s promise to make ramping up a coronavirus-inspired attack on liberty a focus of his first 100 days. One of Biden’s executive orders imposes mask and social distancing mandates on anyone in a federal building or on federal land. The mandates also apply to federal employees when they are “on-duty” anywhere. Members of the military are included in the definition of federal employees. Will citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries where US troops are or will be “spreading democracy” be happy to learn the troops shooting up their towns are wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Another one of Biden’s executive orders forces passengers on airplanes, trains, and other public transportation to wear masks. Biden’s mask mandates contradict his pledge to follow the science. Studies have not established that masks are effective at preventing the spread of coronavirus. Regularly wearing a mask, though, can cause health problems. Biden’s mask mandates are also an unconstitutional power grab. Some say these mandates are an exercise of the federal government’s constitutional authority to regulate interstate commerce. However, the Constitution gives Congress, not the president, the power to regulate interstate commerce. The president does not have the authority to issue executive orders regulating interstate commerce absent authorization by a valid law passed by Congress. The Founders gave Congress sole law-making authority, and they would be horrified by the modern practice of presidents creating law with a “stroke of a pen.” Just as important, the Commerce Clause was not intended to give the federal government vast regulatory power. Far from giving the US government powers such as the power to require people to wear masks, the Commerce Clause was simply intended to ensure Congress could protect free trade among the states. Biden also signed an executive order supporting using the Defense Production Act to increase the supply of vaccines, testing supplies, and other items deemed essential to respond to coronavirus. The Defense Production Act is a Cold War relic that gives the president what can fairly be called dictatorial authority to order private businesses to alter their production plans, and violate existing contracts with private customers, in order to produce goods for the government. Mask and social distancing mandates, government control of private industry, and some of Biden’s other executive actions, such as one creating a new “Public Health Jobs Corps” with responsibilities including performing “contact tracing” on American citizens, are the type of actions one would expect from a fascist government, not a constitutional republic. Joe Biden, who is heralded by many of his supporters as saving democracy from fascist Trump, could not even wait one day before beginning to implement fascistic measures that are completely unnecessary to protect public health. Biden will no doubt use other manufactured crises, including “climate change” and “domestic terrorism,” to expand government power and further restrict our liberty. Under Biden, fascism will not just carry an American flag. It will also wear a mask.
Just days after President Biden's inauguration, "blue" states began announcing an end to lockdowns and other restrictions. Suddenly it's time to open up. Even NY Governor Cuomo said the economy must be re-started. Is it science? A miracle Covid cure? Politics? A huge coincidence?
The national debt racket is not a Trump or Biden thing. It's not a Republican or Democrat thing. They all perpetuate it. But all rackets come to an end, and it's important that as many people as possible understand what must come next, so that this "system" is never adopted again.
While the media continues to push the phony narrative that right wing domestic terrorists are going to descend on state capitals, yesterday saw the emergence of actual left wing rioters in the form of Antifa, which attacked in Portland and Seattle. Federal property was reportedly targeted. Will the press report this as "domestic terrorism" as they reported on the 1/6 Capitol melee? And, more interestingly, as the rioters screamed anti-Biden slogans: will the Biden Administration move against this violence from its left flank?
September 2024