By Ron Paul
What are my thoughts on the DNC email controversy? Do I empathize with Bernie Sanders considering what happened to my campaigns? What do I think about Bernie's endorsement of Hillary? Find out in this Fox Business interview:
By Ron Paul
Once the fanfare of this election is behind us, I'm afraid we're in for more of the same when it comes to government messing with our lives and liberties. The number of disappointed Americans will remain high, and America will limp along. The changes that are desperately needed with government, the military-industrial-complex and Federal Reserve meddling with the economy will not occur. I discuss on CNBC:
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Watch Ron Paul introduce Camino Coin Company Interested in being a sponsor? Email us The Federal Reserve has subjected us to a constant economic roller-coaster ride. By artificially suppressing interest rates, they create illusory economic booms. Those illusions must always be shattered by an accompanying crisis and bust. Lives are destroyed, families are ruined, and the economy lies in shambles. The widespread suffering is totally unnecessary. Ron Paul leads the way on today's edition of Myth-Busters!
When former defense secretary Leon Panetta pushed war and conflict at yesterday's Democratic convention an amazing thing happened: he was drowned out by the audience chanting "no more war!" There is a war camp in both parties, but is the peace camp getting the upper hand?
By Ron Paul
I'm always filled with optimism when speaking to young people around the country. The ideas of liberty are alive and well. Over the last couple of days, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Young Americans For Liberty conference in Washington DC. Here's a nice sideline interview that I gave while there:
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Watch Ron Paul introduce Camino Coin Company Interested in being a sponsor? Email us By Chris Rossini Big political speeches are a valuable tool for bamboozling the public. They present a fantastic opportunity for politicians to reach tens of millions of people at one time. What a gig! Americans glue themselves to the TV in order to watch prepared words (that are carefully crafted) to give individuals that good and wholesome feeling about government and its magical ability to make the world go round. Actions, past and present, get thrown out the window. The only thing that matters are the words and the feelings that they create. For example, last night Bill Clinton gave his convention speech. The Clintons have been involved with government for decades and have jointly caused incalculable damage to so many lives. That gets tossed aside. Instead, after 30 years of the Clintons, Americans yet again have to be pitched on the reasons why Hillary would make a great president. As predictable as the the sun rising and setting, the media and talking heads fell over themselves and wrote column after column on what a great speech Bill Clinton gave. He still has that magical ability to "connect" with the American people. Two nights ago, the adoration went to Michelle Obama. It goes without saying that the Obama years have been anything but the Hope & Change that they were promised to be. Freedom and liberty have been devoured at a shocking pace. But alas, once again, it's the words that count during the big speeches. Let's look at just a few of Michelle Obama's carefully crafted words that should send panic down everyone's spine: In this election and every election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives. Sounds so innocent, doesn't it? Ahh, but the ever-vigilant Karen De Coster strips the innocence away with the skill of a surgeon. Here's what Michelle Obama was saying: 1 - Power. That's just a single sentence! We can, of course, parse the whole speech and write thousands of words of rebuttals.
That is what the media should be doing, but the days of watchdog reporting are long behind us. Instead, the media acts as an advertising arm for every expansion of power. Big political speeches are indoctrination seminars for adults. Tens of millions get a dose of the same stuff that they received as innocent kids sitting (and being "shaped") in those government desks.
Forty years a slave, once Charlie Brown was freed after the Civil War he built one of the largest business empires in south Texas. More on this amazing rags to riches story as Ron Paul travels on location to speak with Mr. Brown's great-grandson.
How can we fight back against an encroaching government that increasingly views us as the enemy? The first step is to get ourselves informed. One great way to get started is by reading Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick's new book, A Tipping Point for Liberty: Exposing and Defeating Leviathan Government. Adam joins the Liberty Report to discuss his new book.
By Simon Black
It was only a few weeks ago that I told you about the government’s annual report on Social Security. It was a veritable death sentence for the program. The Board of Trustees for Social Security (which includes the US Treasury Secretary) wrote that major parts of the program have already run out of money, and the rest of Social Security will run out of money in the next decade. Amazing. Even Social Security knows that they’re bankrupt and unable to keep their promises to taxpayers. This is going to cause an unbelievable crisis in the United States. Think about it: half of Americans have ZERO retirement savings and will be fully dependent on the Social Security once they retire. But by the time their retirement comes, the program will have likely already run out of money. Well, the government has figured out a solution. And it’s genius. Two weeks ago a new bill was introduced on the floor of Congress that, just like all the other really dangerous legislation, i.e. USA PATRIOT Act, this bill has a catchy acronym. It’s called the SAVE UP Accounts Act, which stands for. . . . . . “Secure, Accessible, Valuable, Efficient Universal Pension Accounts Act”. I just tasted vomit in my mouth. In short, SAVE UP mandates certain employers and businesses in the United States, including many small businesses, to start contributing a fixed amount of money per employee into a brand new national retirement fund. Based on the contribution requirements and the average wage in the United States (about $50,000 annually), the bill is slapping a 2% wage tax on employers. Funny thing, employers are already paying 6.2% to Social Security. So an additional 2% tax effectively constitutes a 32% proportional increase. This idea is such a classic example of government thinking. Social Security is failing and will be unable to keep its promises to taxpayers in the next decade. So there’s a pretty convincing track record suggesting that government-managed retirement funds are a very bad idea. And yet the best solution these people can come up with is to raise your taxes, steal more money, and establish a brand new government-run retirement fund. Their logic is unbelievable: “If at first you don’t succeed, keep trying the same loser tactics.” Sadly, SAVE UP is not isolated. A similar bill was introduced in the US Senate a few months ago. The Senate version aims to create an “American Savings Account”, i.e. another national retirement fund to be managed by the government. Then, of course, there’s President Obama’s “MyRA” program, where workers contribute a portion of their paychecks to a retirement account managed by the federal government. And MyRA has already been launched. (The SAVE UP bill, by the way, could also make it mandatory for a business to sign up all of its employees for a government MyRA account.) The trend here is pretty clear. Social Security is rapidly running out of cash, and they’re solving the problem by having American citizens and businesses essentially “bail in” the program with higher taxes and more contributions to government retirement funds. And this is just what’s happening right now, at a time when very few people are paying attention to the problem. Just imagine how much more they’re going to steal once the looming Social Security bankruptcy becomes front-page news in a few years. Read the rest By Ron Paul The problem with foreign policy is not one of management. I sat down for talk about NATO and the foolishness of American interventionism overseas. Different ideas are necessary to change paths. Non-interventionism must succeed. Check out the interview below: |
January 2025