Today we are joined by Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, a biomedical researcher, ethicist and author of a new book called Death by Regulation -- How We Were Robbed of a Golden Age of Health and How We Can Reclaim It.
By Liberty Report Staff
Whenever you hear the president (or anyone) talk about federal infrastructure spending -- RUN! Ron Paul Institute Board Member, David Stockman, explained earlier today on Fox Business: “Infrastructure will take care of itself. 90% of infrastructure is state and local. 90% of infrastructure can be funded with user fees. We don’t need to be hitting the federal budget, which is bleeding red ink…Sewer and water is local. Streets and highways are local. Buses and subways are local. If the local people are unwilling to put in the fare box or tax themselves, that’s their choice. Let them live with the consequences. When we take it to Washington, it becomes one giant pork barrel. We’re already spending more on highways than ever before…” Watch Stockman's entire interview below:
(h/t -
Future of Freedom Foundation's Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling join today's Liberty Report to discuss what we can do to return US foreign policy to one of non-intervention in the affairs of others. Next month the Ron Paul Institute and Future of Freedom Foundation will team up in Charleston, SC to hold a conference on this very topic. Join us! Get your tickets while they last - only $5.00!
The ongoing fiasco with the hugely cost over-run and under-performing F-35 demonstrates precisely why President Trump's massive increase in military spending will not bring more security to the US. It is a "get rich" program for the political elite and the military-industrial complex.
Are you worried about government schools brainwashing your kids? Are you worried about them being manipulated into political protests that undermine liberty and morality? Most importantly, do you want them to actually become educated people? Tom Woods joins today's Liberty Report to tell us why more Americans should consider homeschooling...
By Ron Paul
On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush. The image of leading Congressional Democrats Pelosi and Schumer grinning and gloating over getting everything they wanted -- and then some -- will likely come back to haunt Republicans at the midterm elections. If so, they will deserve it. Even President Trump admitted the bill was horrible. As he said in the signing ceremony, “there are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill, but we were, in a sense, forced — if we want to build our military…” This is why I often say: forget about needing a third political party – we need a second political party! Trump is admitting that to fuel the warfare state and enrich the military-industrial complex, it was necessary to dump endless tax dollars into the welfare state. But no one “forced” President Trump to sign the bill. His party controls both houses of Congress. He knows that no one in Washington cares about deficits so he was more than willing to spread some Fed-created money at home to get his massive war spending boost. And about the militarism funded by the bill? Defense Secretary James Mattis said at the same press conference that, “As the President noted, today we received the largest military budget in history, reversing many years of decline and unpredictable funding.” He’s right and wrong at the same time. Yes it is another big increase in military spending. In fact the US continues to spend more than at least the next seven or so largest countries combined. But his statement is misleading. Where are these several years of decline? Did we somehow miss a massive reduction in military spending under President Obama? Did the last Administration close the thousands of military bases in more than 150 countries while we weren’t looking? Of course not. On militarism, the Obama Administration was just an extension of the Bush Administration, which was an extension of the militarism of the Clinton Administration. And so on. The military-industrial complex continues to generate record profits from fictitious enemies. The mainstream media continues to play the game, amplifying the war propaganda produced by the think tanks, which are funded by the big defense contractors. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact. Enemies must be created to keep Washington rich, even as the rest of the country suffers from the destruction of the dollar. That is why the neocons continue to do very well in this Administration. While Trump and Mattis were celebrating big military spending increases, the president announced that John Bolton, one of the chief architects of the Iraq war debacle, would become his national security advisor. As former CIA analyst Paul Pillar has written, this is a man who, while at the State Department, demanded that intelligence analysts reach pre-determined conclusions about Iraq and WMDs. He cooked the books for war. Bolton is on the record calling for war with Iran, North Korea, even Cuba! His return to a senior position in government is a return to the unconstitutional, immoral, and failed policies of pre-emptive war. Make no mistake: the neocons are back and looking for another war. They’ve got the president’s ear. Iran? North Korea? Russia? China? Who’s next for the warmongers?
Before any investigation into the alleged nerve agent attack in the UK has been completed, the Trump Administration announced this morning that some 60 Russian diplomats would be expelled from the US in retaliation for what it claimed was Russian government responsibility. Did the Russians use nerve agents in the UK? Should we at least ask for proof? Is this escalation a smoke-screen for economic events such as the Petro-Yuan?
John Bolton, a central figure in peddling the lies of the 2003 Iraq invasion has been chosen by President Trump to be a National Security Advisor. This is a very bad sign. We break down why it's a terrible and dangerous choice in a special extra edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report.
The market is a ruthless regulator. Big corporations prefer government regulation because they to protect big corporations from the market, consumer choice, and upstart competitors. As the market ravages Facebook for its misdeeds, CEO Mark Zuckerberg thinks maybe "government regulations" would be a good idea. Of course he does!
February 2025