Fed-created inflation and government-created shortages...It doesn't have to be this way. Many of our American ancestors lived under much more favorable monetary conditions. For almost an entire century, the dollar would consistently purchase more goods and services, not less! Standards of living rose as a result of sound money. We can return to such circumstances once again. All that is needed is the will.
By Ron Paul
President Biden’s “townhall” meeting this past week was a disaster. From his bizarre poses to the incoherent answers, it seemed to confirm America’s worst fears about a president we are told was elected by the most voters ever. Though he didn’t bother campaigning, we are to believe he somehow motivated the most voters in history to pull the lever in his favor. Or mail in a ballot in his favor. Or something. After the townhall, the Wall Street Journal was early among mainstream media publications to observe that the emperor has no clothes. In an editorial titled “The Confusing Mr. Biden,” the paper wrote, “Even with a friendly audience and softball questions, Mr. Biden’s performance revealed why so many Americans are losing confidence in his Presidency.” The Journal focused on one of the most shocking and disturbing revelations from the carefully crafted event: asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if the United States would come to the defense of Taiwan should it come under attack by the Chinese mainland, he replied, “Yes, we have a commitment to do that.” Anderson threw him another softball in hopes he might correct this dangerous misstatement, but Biden was not nimble enough to see his gaffe. He doubled down. It was left to the “Chemical Ali” of this Administration, White House Spokesman Jen Psaki, to “clarify” that when the President signaled a major shift in US policy – a shift that could well lead to nuclear war with China – he was just kidding. Or something. Said Psaki the next day: “Well, there has been no shift. The President was not announcing any change in our policy nor has he made a decision to change our policy. There is no change in our policy.” In other words: “Pay no attention to the man who pretends to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.” But this is not George W. Bush, who was elected in 2000 with zero experience in foreign policy. This is not Trump, who campaigned on a policy of peace then hired John Bolton to carry out that policy. No, Biden has twice been Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Foreign policy has always been considered his one area of competence. Surely the Biden of even the Obama Administration would have understood the potentially catastrophic implications of his statement. Strategic ambiguity has been US policy toward Taiwan/China for decades, but the new Biden China policy could be re-named “strategic incoherence.” The policy of “strategic ambiguity” is foolish enough – who cares who rules Taiwan? – but advancing the idea that the United States is willing to launch a nuclear war with China over who governs Taiwan is a whole other level of America-last foolishness. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Miley was heralded as a hero for betraying his Commander in Chief Trump by seeking to restrict Trump’s access to the US nuclear arsenal. Milley claimed that Trump was so unsound of mind that he could not be trusted with the nuclear football. Yet when actual unsoundness is there for everyone to see, Milley and the other “woke” generals are silent as the grave. These are dangerous times.
Why do so many members of the FDA Panel that just approved the covid shot for young children seem to have ongoing ties to Pfizer? Is the panel's objectivity compromised? Also today: Danish authorities threaten more lockdowns, Ireland's most-jabbed are also most new cases, and Biden threatens vax refusers with "re-education."
Shocking...but at the same time, not shocking. An FDA panel has voted in favor of giving Covid shots to children aged 5-11. Daniel McAdams & Chris Rossini discuss this story, along with the latest on Assange, Jan. 6, and "Good Information, Inc."
Conventional wisdom - particularly as pushed by the mainstream media - is that our current economic bottle-necking, inflation, and labor shortages are all caused by the "pandemic" that emerged early last year. If it's anyone's fault, it's the fault of the virus, not the noble politicians who spent the past year fighting the virus. Is that true? Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today's Liberty Report to smash conventional wisdom and lay the blame where it belongs.
Revelations over the weekend of horrific dog torture experiments funded by Fauci have unleashed a massive wave of demands that Biden's top Covid advisor be not only fired, but arrested. Will he survive another scandal? Also today: Sweden permanently suspends Moderna jab, Austria looking at lockdown again, CDC considering re-defining "fully vaccinated," and more...
By creating many trillions of new dollars out-of-thin-air, the Federal Reserve set in motion an economic disaster. The warnings are over. Inflation is now here. Every excuse imaginable will be offered up as "reasons" for the economic pain. Don't be deceived. The unconstitutional Federal Reserve is the problem.
In a letter to a Member of Congress yesterday the Principle Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health admitted that his agency - contrary to Fauci's claims - did fund gain-of-function research on bats and viruses. Over to you, Fauci... Also today: "Boosters! Get yer boosters here! All ages, all sizes!" And...DeSantis stands up to the tyrant heading the DoJ (sic).
By Liberty Report Staff
It’s a fallacy to keep gold prices low to show the economy is doing alright, says Dr. Ron Paul, former U.S. Congressman and Host of The Ron Paul Liberty Report. He surveys the U.S. economic landscape and asserts that, "the depreciation of money [U.S. dollars] is ongoing, and it's not going to stop." Dr. Paul tells our Daniela Cambone that transitory price inflation is playing havoc with the economy, where some Americans are feeling the effects of this much more than others. "The transfer of wealth from one group to another we are witnessing," stems from the Federal Reserve, where he says it's time to, "get rid of the Fed." Dr. Paul encourages the flourishment within the crypto and gold communities concluding that, "liberty is the most valuable asset that we can strive for."
Nuclear scientists dismissed. First responders booted. Doctors and nurses axed. Pilots put on leave. And Biden's "mandate" has not even been promulgated by OSHA. The country is being ripped apart...and that may be just what they want. Meanwhile, Biden's numbers continue an express elevator downward. What's the end game?
September 2024