We live in unprecedented times of governmental, bureaucratic and authoritarian overreach. It is no surprise that The Federal Reserve, with its extreme counterfeiting of money and credit has also extended itself way beyond what anyone could have imagined. The Fed has sown the wind, and will reap a whirlwind of inflation. Central planning always fails. This time will be no different.
Astonishingly, the UK public health authority has announced that this flu season has not seen a single case of influenza. The US and elsewhere are showing similar numbers. Has the flu disappeared? If so, why? The "experts" are claiming that hand-washing, masks, and social distancing have defeated the flu virus. So why didn't those measures work against the Covid virus? Also today, social media morphs into NATO cheerleaders...
While the mainstream media concentrates on different milestones of Covid deaths, thousands and thousands of others die and suffer needlessly due to the unprecedented practice of locking societies down. Today's Liberty Report takes a look at these victims and asks why and was it necessary.
By Chris Rossini
A mental error was embraced by the American people and the American federal government a century ago. No longer would individual liberty and limited government be the guiding principles in the land of the free. Instead hyper-interventionism by the federal government would be unleashed, both domestically and internationally. The false idea that government is a tool (not to protect individual liberty) but to re-make and perfect the citizens, took hold. But American citizens wouldn't be the only ones to be re-made, All the people of the world would fall under this purification project. President Woodrow Wilson explained this new philosophy in saying: “We are participants, whether we would or not, in the life of the world. The interests of all nations are our own also.” The interests of "all nations" would now be the interest of the American government. One cannot concoct a more un-American idea, no matter how hard one tries. Not only was government converted from servant to master, it was converted to master of the world! We are now 100 years into this 'new' philosophy, and look at what it has done. Internationally, the U.S. has around 1,000 military bases peppered all over the earth, and has (predictably) fought in never-ending wars. Domestically, the federal government is involved in virtually every aspect of the American citizen's life. Prior to about 1913, the only real interaction that Americans had with the federal government was through the U.S. Post Office. Today, an American cannot even imagine the federal government being so detached from our everyday lives. Since the federal government is involved in everything, it's only logical that everything has become political. Every detail of life is a political issue, and since politics is the use of force, Americans fight with one another over everything. Divide-and-Rule rules the day. Americans are sliced-and-diced into "groups" and then encouraged to fight with one another over every piece of minutia. Government then swoops in and expands its powers in order to provide the "solution." Every government "solution" creates a whole new set of problems and the process repeats...over and over. Problems multiply ... the fighting multiplies ... and government power multiplies exponentially. No longer do Americans see themselves as the sacred individuals that they are, but instead see themselves as members of some group or team that must destroy the other group or team. Alas, after a century of this ridiculous nonsense, the former limited government of the United States has swelled into the biggest government to ever exist in mankind's history. Just as good ideas produce good consequences, so do bad ideas produce bad consequences. Everything in our physical lives is a mirror reflection and manifestation of ideas. There have now been two Americas, one a result of the ideas of liberty, and the current America that is driven by the ideas of authoritarianism. Bad ideas only get worse with time. Even this writer's grandparents, who only passed away a few decades ago, would not believe what has happened to their country; a country that they once escaped to in order to flee the horrors of European totalitarianism. During the 1900's, communist and fascist governments gave shocking examples of just how bad it can get. Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto: “communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality.” Leon Trotsky summed up the relationship between bureaucrat and citizen when he said: “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” "Who does not obey, shall not..." Those are the key words. Can you see and feel them today? He who does not obey in wearing a mask over his face, shall not... He who does not obey, and chooses to open his business in order to financially survive, shall not... He who does not obey in speaking only approved ideas...shall not... He who does not obey, and who questions "the science"...shall not... He who does not obey and does not get a vaccine...shall not... Can you see and feel the downward slide? Can it ever reach the point of "He who does not obey shall not eat?" You only have one guess. Life is Liberty. Americans better re-discover that eternal truth, and they better re-discover it fast!
Congressional leaders will convene a joint session to look into the events surrounding the January 6th Capitol melee. Will they ask the questions that really need to be answered, or will both sides continue political grandstanding? Also today, US Representatives try to cancel the First Amendment, demanding the end of Fox and other conservative media. Fauci backs off. DeSantis is the rising political star - why?
By Ron Paul
Last week Texas experienced a cold snap that resulted in serious statewide damage, death, and destruction. The collapse of the state’s energy grid left millions of Texans in the dark and freezing for days at a time. Tragically, at least 30 people died. There are many reasons why Texas became like a Third World country, and we should be careful not to pin all the blame on just one factor. But it seems clear that the disaster was to a large degree caused by political decisions to shift toward “green” energy generated from solar and wind and by Governor Abbott’s authoritarian Covid restrictions. Abbott, who won a “wind leadership” award just this month, oversaw the near-collapse of wind energy generation last week. Yet the politicization of energy generation in favor of “green” alternatives over natural gas and other fossil fuels has led to the unintended consequences of freezing Texans facing multiple millions of dollars in property damage and worse. Additionally, federal emissions and other restrictions forced Texas to beg Washington for permission to generate power at higher levels in anticipation of unprecedented demand. Governor Abbott finally received permission from the Department of Energy on February 14th, but by then many facilities found themselves off-line due to freezing conditions. Why should the Federal government be allowed to freeze Texans to death in the name of controlling emissions from energy generation plants? It’s a classic example of politics over people. I guess if you want to make a “Green New Deal” omelet, you have to break a few eggs. While Governor Abbott was quick to blame energy generators and even the state Electric Reliability Council of Texas, NBC News in Dallas reported that ERCOT “did not conduct any on-site inspections of the state's power plants to see if they were ready for this winter season. Due to COVID-19 they conducted virtual tabletop exercises instead - but only with 16 percent of the state's power generating facilities.” Governor Abbott’s authoritarian Covid executive orders at least indirectly led to lax inspection, maintenance, and winterization of wind and other energy generation plants. But Texas did not only freeze because of Abbott’s Covid restrictions. For the better part of a year thousands of businesses have been destroyed. Recovering drug addicts and alcoholics have relapsed. Depression and suicides have skyrocketed. Children have been deprived of education. And for what? Texas with Abbott’s restrictions fared no better than Florida with no restrictions when it comes to Covid cases and deaths. The Texas governor knew that months ago when the data from Florida proved that lockdowns, masks, and other restrictions had no effect. But he refused to change course. He refused to follow the brave lead of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and open Texas completely. Politicians too stubborn or fearful to change course when facts dictate otherwise do not deserve to remain in office. Governors Gavin Newsom in California and Andrew Cuomo in New York are finally facing consequences for their Covid authoritarianism. When the smoke clears – and it is rapidly clearing – many more of these petty tyrants will fall. That list of deposed Covid tyrants may well include Texas Governor Greg Abbott – and the slumbering Texas state legislature – as well. Let’s hope Texans – and all Americans – will learn from this and more forcefully demand their God-given liberty!
Mainstream media is reporting the "grim milestone" of 500,000 Covid deaths. Is the number accurate? Are such headlines meant to keep the fear turned up to 10, or to inform the audience? A Wall Street Journal op-ed over the weekend predicts "herd immunity" soon. Is it wrong? Fauci says maybe mask up till 2022. Is he wrong?
Americans have clearly lost their way. The same failed ideas are being played out in all the various aspects of our lives. Fortunately, the way back is not complex, but actually very easy. Americans must (once again) discard the disastrous belief in top-down government central planning and one-size-fits-all policies. They produce nothing but suffering. We must rediscover the virtues of individual liberty and voluntary interactions with one another.
The Israeli government is serious about rolling out its "Green Badge" Covid passport as a part of its plan to end months-old Covid lockdowns. If you cannot prove you've had a Covid jab or that you have already recovered from the virus, you essentially cannot participate in any form of public life. Good idea? Is this the future for the rest of the world? Also today: Canada's worsening Covid Crackdown, Bill Gates attacks skeptics, Cuomo's feeling the hot water.
By Ron Paul
Last week’s second impeachment trial of former President Trump should serve as a warning that something is very wrong in US politics. Far from a measured, well-investigated, rock-solid case against the former president, America was again abused with day after day of character assassination, innuendo, false claims, and even falsified “evidence.” The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial. It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead. As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried. Why did they not call witnesses? Were there no rioters who could be called to explain under oath how Trump’s speech had inspired them to enter the Capitol building to overturn the election? Were they afraid that under cross-examination we might have found out more about Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows’ claim that Trump offered to deploy 10,000 National Guard troops in Washington before January 6th but that his offer was rebuked? What about reports that Capitol Hill Police were left without back-up and unprepared for what happened? House and Senate leadership is responsible for security at the Capitol and they obviously failed. Why? The House and Senate Democrats (and a few Republicans) did not succeed in their ultimate goal: preventing Trump from ever running again for political office. But that doesn’t mean they are giving up. They are not about to give citizen Trump a moment of peace. They are intent on continuing their witch hunt but it looks less and less like any desire for justice. It looks like fear. They are afraid if he is allowed to run again he may be elected. So they cannot allow that vote to happen. And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy. There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations. Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous. |
February 2025