Libertarian artist, educator, and philosopher Pho Chan joins today's Liberty Report to explain how the statists can best be challenged with music and humor. How to connect with a younger generation now seemingly attracted to socialism and authoritarianism? Chan has a few ideas...
The CDC announced this week that people who have been fully vaccinated can now go outside without masks on. Meanwhile in many of the open states people have been outside all along without masks. The Texas Rangers baseball team played its opener to a full station of mostly unmasked people. Meanwhile the mainstream media continues to obfuscate and propagandize over the "embarrassing" successes of "free" states like Texas and Florida, still quoting "experts" who have been wrong over and over.
By Ron Paul
Many Americans saw former policeman Derek Chauvin’s conviction on all counts last week as affirming the principle that no one is above the law. Many others were concerned that the jury was scared that anything less than a full conviction would result in riots, and even violence against themselves and their families. Was the jury’s verdict influenced by politicians and media figures who were calling for the jury to deliver the “right” verdict? Attempts to intimidate juries are just as offensive to the rule of law as suggestions that George Floyd's criminal record somehow meant his rights were not important. The video of then-policeman Chauvin restraining Floyd led people across the political and ideological spectrums to consider police reform. Sadly, there have also been riots across the country orchestrated by left-wing activists and organizations seeking to exploit concern about police misconduct to advance their agendas. It is ironic to see self-described Marxists, progressives, and other leftists protesting violence by government agents. After all, their ideology rests on the use of force to compel people to obey politicians and bureaucrats. It is also ironic to see those who claim to want to protect and improve “black lives” support big government. Black people, along with other Americans, have had their family structure weakened by welfare policies encouraging single parenthood. This results in children being raised without fathers as a regular presence in their lives, increasing the likelihood the children will grow up to become adults with emotional and other problems. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder are restrained in improving their situation because of minimum wage laws, occupational licensing regulations, and other government interference in the marketplace. They are also victims of the Federal Reserve’s inflation tax. Many progressives who claim to believe that “black lives matter” do not care that there is a relatively high abortion rate of black babies. These so-called pro-choice progressives are the heirs of the racists who founded the movement to legalize and normalize abortion. The drug war is a major reason police have increasingly looked and acted like an occupying army. Police militarization threatens everyone’s liberty. Black people have been subjected to drug war arrests and imprisonment at relatively high rates. Those interested in protecting and enhancing black people’s (and all people’s) lives should embrace liberty. Libertarians reject the use of force to achieve political, economic, or social goals, Therefore, in a libertarian society, police would only enforce laws prohibiting the initiation of force against persons or property. A libertarian society would leave the provision of aid to the needy to local communities, private charities, and religious organizations. Unlike the federal welfare state, private charities can provide effective and compassionate aid without damaging family structure or making dependency a way of life. In a libertarian society, individuals could pursue economic opportunity free of the burdens of government regulations and taxes, as well as free of the Federal Reserve’s fiat currency. Free markets, individual liberty, limited government, sound money, and peace are key to achieving prosperity and social cohesion. Those sincerely concerned about improving all human lives should turn away from the teaching of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes, who advocated expansive government power, and, instead, embrace the ideas of pro-liberty writers such as Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard.
By Chris Rossini
Predictions, projections, prognostications, opinions...All of these are a dime a dozen. They're very cheap to create. It's not expensive to blurt out a prediction about the unknown future. Anyone can do it, and just about everyone does. Here's the key -- The future is always uncertain. No human being (or human-created tool) can know all of the variables involved in our Universe. It doesn't matter how much data is collected. You can fill entire mountains with servers that are bursting with data. The data can never give a complete picture, especially about the future, because the future is always unknown. This applies to natural phenomena, as well as to what 7+ billion free-thinking individuals will happen to value and choose at any single moment in time. What the soothsayers tend to do when they make their grand prognostications is they take a current trend and project it outwards. Their imaginations completely ignore the infinite variables at play and changes that can suddenly reverse the trend. Authoritarians have been doing this perhaps since the beginning of time. Their man-made utopian predictions are littered throughout history, and they continue to pollute people's minds today: - 5 Year Plans followed by more 5 Year Plans - Agenda 2030 - Net Zero Carbon - The world is freezing...or maybe it's burning up...or maybe it's changing. In any case, just call it an "emergency." - New World Order - One World Government - Great Reset Notice that all of the man-made utopias are always about the future. They have to be, because they can never be realized in the present. It's extremely easy to talk about the future. Furthermore, when you own the media, it's also extremely easy to advertise it to the masses of people. But regardless of the FUTURE, the short-term goal is always the same: More power and money to the government and its crony friends RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW, you must sacrifice your freedom. RIGHT NOW, you must pay more in taxes. RIGHT NOW, you must suffer a lower standard of living, while the utopians live like Pharaohs. It's very important to keep the truth in mind. Without it, one is lost and easy prey. First, a state of perfection in human affairs is truly impossible. Human life is about perpetual and never-ending change. Perfection, by definition, means an absence of change. For if a change were to happen to a state perfection, it would make it less-perfect. You can't change perfection to be something more-perfect; it's already perfect! So change would have to make the perfect into something less perfect. Hence, perfection in human affairs is out! Human life is about change...never-ending change. So the ultimate goals that the totalitarians are after are always impossible and something that should never be worried about. They can't become reality. Only that which is true, is possible. Only that which is possible can happen in human affairs. Now, that doesn't mean there is nothing to worry about, at all. No way. While the goal of perfecting humanity and micromanaging every single change is impossible, it doesn't stop authoritarians from constantly trying to do it. They're always trying, and they always seem to have masses of supporters to cheer them on. This certainly is something to worry about -- Not that they will ever succeed, since they can't, but because of the damage that they do to human life in trying. Authoritarians and totalitarians have one thing in common (throughout all of history) in attempting to bring about their utopias --- Creating mass suffering and mass death. That's a big problem. But it can't be any other way. If humanity chases after truth, humanity prospers and experiences ever-increasing fulfillments of LIFE. But if humanity chases after that which is false, how can there be any other result than suffering and death? The only way to combat this repetitive problem is through the persistent spreading of good ideas. If authoritarians and their many followers are animated by bad ideas that are false, the antidote is always good ideas that are true. The ideas of individual liberty are the antidote. Liberty cannot (and will not) bring perfection in human affairs. Nothing can! There is pain. There is error. There is ignorance. There are mistakes. These are permanent fixtures of what it means to be a human being. Nothing can eradicate these things. But mass suffering, and mass death at the hands of other men, can be minimized. These mistakes can be kept at bay. These are choices. Power must be granted. Power must be tolerated and accepted. People always have a choice as to whether they will grant power to others, and then tolerate it. Perhaps the most powerful word in the human language (behind the word "Love") is the word "NO." The word "NO" is the word of liberation. Liberation is Liberty. Liberty solves the repetitive human problem of chasing after totalitarian utopias.
From media to government to military to the "non-profit" sector, corruption seems to be tearing the United States apart. The media lies, the "watchers" are not being watched, billions of dollars are being transferred to the wealthy elites. Is the system falling apart at the seams?
After warning repeatedly of new waves and dark days, President Biden's chief Covid advisor Dr. Fauci has again flip-flopped. No longer is it "science" to wear masks outside, he says, after urging outdoor mask-wearing just months ago. Why Fauci's change of heart?
Dr. Paul's two co-hosts, Daniel McAdams & Chris Rossini answer viewer questions on today's Ron Paul Liberty Report!
By Jeff Harris
One of the oldest stories in human history is encapsulated in the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale made famous when it was included by two German brothers named Grimm in their “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” children’s book first published in 1812. The original story is thought to be over 4,000 years old and remains relevant today because it fascinates the human brain to imagine it’s actually possible to create enormous wealth without the bother of hard work, sacrifice and self-discipline. As you’ll recall the gist of the Rumpelstiltskin story has to do with a mysterious little man who comes to the aid of a beautiful grain miller’s daughter by spinning straw into Gold at the Kings command. The age old “something for nothing” meme never loses its appeal for greedy humans. But the Rumpelstiltskin story is not alone in man’s eternal quest for “something for nothing”. The earliest known mention of the Philosopher’s Stone was in an ancient book known as the Cheirokmeta circa 300 AD. You may recall from your high school history that the Philosophers Stone was a mystical potion that supposedly enabled Wizards and Mystics to transmute base metals like lead and mercury into pure gold! These ancient Con Artists understood human nature. They knew greedy men wanted to believe in their alleged powers. The “Wizards” used sleight of hand tricks to “prove” to their gullible audience that with their magic Philosopher Stone they had the power to turn lead or mercury into Gold! They would offer to sell their secret knowledge for large sums to greedy men who desperately wanted to believe. Once the Wizards had been paid they slipped away quietly leaving their marks with vials of mercury, small boxes of lead, and worthless “Philosophers Stones”. Ironically, they had indeed acquired wealth from practically nothing using lies, deceit and their victim’s greed for “something for nothing.” Evil men have long known that the human desire for “something for nothing” is a powerful tool that when properly harnessed can make them indescribably rich! Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve is our modern day Rumpelstiltskin. Jerry and his minions are busy beavers working hard to maintain the aura of their alleged magic power to thwart economic law. They claim they have the ability, like the Wizards of old, to create massive wealth from nothing. And for a while it may appear they are indeed Wizards because their conjuring seems to work. Their modern day Philosophers Stone is debt. With enough debt financing you don’t need to produce anything to enjoy a wealthy lifestyle. But sooner or later the house of cards they’ve created with virtually unlimited money printing, money for nothing, will prove disastrous. And from a variety of indicators the collapse may be coming sooner rather than later. And that’s why they strenuously resist an audit that would expose them for what they are, Con Artists just like the ancient wizards of old.
Yesterday the Senate Foreign Relations approved a massive $300 million per year in military aid to Ukraine, even as the conflict in eastern Ukraine looks set to blow apart. The Biden Administration is packed with anti-Russia fanatical hawks. This week an apparent US-backed coup attempt on Russia's ally Belarus was broken up. Does Washington believe Russia will bend to its will? What's the next step? Former CIA officer Phil Giraldi joins today's Liberty Report with his analysis.
Things are moving fast. Great reset. Build back better. Cancel culture. Media power. Big tech. How can we search for truth in what appears to be a time of deception? RPI Board Member, filmmaker, and philanthropist Gary Heavin joins today's program.
February 2025