Politicians want the Fed to counterfeit more money. The Fed wants politicians to spend the counterfeit money even faster. All are trying to "stimulate" a broken economy that rests on a foundation of sand: central economic planning. Human civilization, society, and the economy cannot be controlled by Fed price-fixers, counterfeiters and bureaucrats. Freedom and sound money are the only things that can fix what they have broken.
When city authorities in Waynesville, NC, announced that they were considering a city mask mandate they had not idea what was about to hit them. At the city council meeting at which the discussion was to take place, a massive show of citizen opposition and participation stole the show from the mandate promoters. Also today, why is flu disappearing in the US and elsewhere as Covid "cases" continue to rise?
With the exception of a few in the mainstream media - such as Tucker Carlson - there has been a total blackout on what appear to be a credible and very damning tidal wave of information on corrupt Biden business deals. Last night Tucker Carlson interviewed one individual in the center of the scandals with first-hand information. So why won't the media do its job and look into the story - whether to confirm or debunk it? Instead, Democrat operatives and deep staters have been brought back to scream "Russia Russia Russia!" Also today, coronavirus tyranny hits churches here and abroad.
Billionaire software developer Bill Gates is furious that President Trump is now listening to the moderate approach to Covid presented by Dr. Scott Atlas and is increasingly at odds with Anthony "mandatory mask" Fauci. In an interview yesterday Gates slammed the Stanford University professor and University of Chicago Medical School graduate as a "pseudo-expert." Is this actually good news? Also today, what is the contextual meaning of the 2.1 million Covid deaths?
By Ron Paul
The purpose of journalism is to uncover truth – especially uncomfortable truth – and to publish it for the benefit of society. In a free society, we must be informed of the criminal acts carried out by governments in the name of the people. Throughout history, journalists have uncovered the many ways governments lie, cheat, and steal – and the great lengths they will go to keep the people from finding out. Great journalists like Seymour Hersh, who reported to us the tragedy of the Mai Lai Massacre and the horrors that took place at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, are essential. Ten years ago last week, Julian Assange’s Wikileaks organization published an exposé of US government wrongdoing on par with the above Hersh bombshell stories. Publication of the "Iraq War Diaries" showed us all the brutality of the US attack on Iraq. It told us the truth about the US invasion and occupation of that country. This was no war of defense against a nation threatening us with weapons of mass destruction. This was no liberation of the country. We were not “bringing democracy” to Iraq. No, the release of nearly 400,000 classified US Army field reports showed us in dirty detail that the US attack was a war of aggression, based on lies, where hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed and injured. We learned that the US military classified anyone they killed in Iraq as “enemy combatants.” We learned that more than 700 Iraqi civilians were killed for “driving too close” to one of the hundreds of US military checkpoints – including pregnant mothers-to-be rushing to the hospital. We learned that US military personnel routinely handed “detainees” over to Iraqi security forces where they would be tortured and often killed. Ten years after Assange’s brave act of journalism changed the world and exposed one of the crimes of the century, he sits alone in solitary confinement in a UK prison. He sits literally fighting for his life, as if he is successfully extradited to the United States he faces 175 years in a “supermax” prison for committing “espionage” against a country of which he is not a citizen. On the Iraq war we have punished the truth-tellers and rewarded the criminals. People who knowingly lied us into the war like Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, the Beltway neocon “experts,” and most of the media, faced neither punishment nor professional shaming for their acts. In fact, they got off scot free and many even prospered. Julian Assange explained that he published the Iraq War Diaries because he “hoped to correct some of the attack on truth that occurred before the war, and that continued on since that war officially ended.” We used to praise brave journalists not afraid to take on the “bad guys.” Now we torture and imprison them. President Trump has made a point of singling out the US attack on Iraq as one of the “stupid wars” that he was committed to ending. But we wouldn’t know half of just how stupid – and evil – it was were it not for the brave actions of Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Journalism should not be a crime and President Trump should pardon Assange immediately.
The fear and panic is being stoked heavily, once again, about surges in cases and surges in hospitalizations. Former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb (who is on the board of at least seven big pharma and medical policy companies) is calling for a "mandatory nationwide mask mandate"! Are we really returning to April levels of Covid, or is this a last-minute political ploy just a week from election day?
By Chris Rossini
Plant an acorn into the soil and you will end up with a mighty oak tree. You plant, and the soil responds. Plant an apple seed, and the soil will produce an apple tree. A lilac seed will produce a lilac bush. The soil will not produce until you plant the seed. You initiate the process. There is no such thing as 'something for nothing' when it comes to the soil. The soil doesn't care which seed is planted, or who does the planting. It can be an Iowan planting corn, or a Floridian planting oranges. The soil doesn't care. Pretty standard stuff right? Nature...Science...It couldn't be more perfect. Well, there are always some human beings who take this process and let their imaginations run wild. They visualize themselves treating other human beings the same way that they treat the acorn. These busybody micromanagers imagine that they can turn humans into the equivalent of the acorn. They imagine that if they do X to the human, that the human will respond exactly as expected. Do XY, and the human will respond as anticipated. Do XYZ to the human, and once again, like an acorn sprouting into a mighty oak, the human will sprout into what the busybody micromanager wants. The micromanager could not be more mistaken. A human being is not an acorn. Yes, in terms of matter, both are composed of atoms, and yes, both are made up of the elements from the periodic table. But the human has free will and the ability (and responsibility) to choose. The acorn does not. The human being is conscious. It thinks. It values. It has goals and purposes. The human being acts, and acts with a purpose. Every action is taken to achieve a subjectively valued end; an end chosen by that individual in his or her own conscious mind. The human can imagine anything, but everything imagined cannot necessarily be made into a physical reality. Some human beings have imagined utopias, perhaps since the very beginning; at least since the beginning of our historical records. Today's busybody micromanagers have joined the club. By using the word "science" as a smokescreen, they've fooled (not only themselves) but a good number of other people into believing that human life can be micromanaged in the same way that a farm can be managed. The human is just one more variable, like an acorn. Just do this, and you'll always get that. And since the beginning, reality has always rebuffed the micromanager utopians with one simple word: "No." This "No" delivered back by reality is accompanied by mass pain and suffering; perhaps so humans could learn from their mistakes to never trust or believe the utopians. But human beings seem to have short memories, and the utopians always return: "No, no, you don't understand. We have amazing technology. We have data, and more data, and even more than that. This time we can turn the human into the equivalent of the acorn. We can turn human life into one giant Pavlovian paradise, that we run." And yet, the answer that can be tossed back never changes: No, no, it is you who doesn't understand, and your monumental error can do nothing but produce mass pain and suffering yet again. It doesn't matter what technology you have. It doesn't matter how much data you collect. You can place cameras and microphones on every square inch of the earth and it will not make one iota of difference. You did not make the human. You will not 'remake' him either. You are not the Creator, but a creation that combines that which already exists. You combine thoughts to make ideas. You combine elements to make tools, products, goods, and technologies. You heard the Beatles song, right? "There's nothing you can do that can't be done." You combine. You don't create. So it is you who misunderstands your place in the world, and if you're attempting to turn a human into an acorn, you're going to combine things in a way that brings mass suffering to humans, irrespective of what you think are good intentions. Technology does, and should, serve individuals and the ends that they each individually choose. A monumental error is made when technology is viewed as a means for you to try to control the uncontrollable. Your means are insufficient. Your end is imaginary. You really should stop. Go plant some acorns. Human beings are created free to choose, and free they shall remain.
"We can't do it, unless we raise taxes." These are words that one hardly ever hears from Washington. How can this be? How can they run a military empire, a humongous welfare state, bailout everyone, and make promises that can never be kept? Well, it's the unconstitutional Federal Reserve that created this fantasy, and all fantasies ultimately crash on the shores of reality. The great economist Ludwig von Mises spoke of the "crack-up boom." You should know what it is, and how to protect yourself before it arrives.
Tonight the two US presidential candidates are set to square off again in a debate. The former vice president has cancelled campaign appearances this week to "prepare" for the event. The debate commission said no foreign policy among the topics. Also today: the Biden scandal worsens. And...are Russia AND Iran trying to fix our elections? Plus: suicides on the increase.
NPR is reporting on several new studies concluding that schools are not nearly as dangerous for either students or teachers regarding coronavirus and also that the death rate from the virus is plunging. This is NPR - the mainstream media. So why does the war on children continue? Also in today's program: "excess deaths" - who are they? A return to lockdown in the US. And more Republican saber rattling toward China.
January 2025