By Tom Woods Ron Paul returns to the show to discuss the foundations of libertarianism — along with Connor Boyack, author of a new children’s book that features a character based on Dr. Paul. We also get a glimpse into the Paul household. Lots of fun! EU President Jean-Claude Juncker issued a threat to President Trump. He said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if Trump didn't change his tune and become more supportive of the EU. Libertarians have two words for Junker: "Yes, please!" Ron Paul talks the decentralization of power versus globalist tyranny on today's Myth-Busters!
By Tyler Durden
Drudge Report founder Matt Drudge does not personally tweet too often, so when he does, it is either when something has infuriated him or, more rarely, when he has words of affirmation. Today it was the latter, when Drudge praised Senator Rand Paul, tweeting that he had an "Intriguing lunch in hill office of America's best senator, Rand Paul. He's bold, brave and has somehow kept his heart in such a corrupt city."
While according to many, Drudge was a driving force behind the Trump election, Drudge has been very outspoken recently about his displeasure with the GOP.
In early February, Drudge tweeted that the "Republican party should be sued for fraud. NO discussion of tax cuts now. Just lots of crazy. Back to basics, guys!" and "No Obamacare repeal, tax cuts! But Republicans vote to shut Warren? Only know how to be opposition not lead! DANGER " One month later, Drudge was even more direct, saying "Republicans lied about wanting tax cuts. Can we get our votes back?" Then, last Thursday, amid the struggle to rally enough Republican votes to pass an ObamaCare repeal-and-replace plan, he tweeted, "The swamp drains you," which many saw as a jab at President Trump's campaign pledge to "drain the swamp." As The Hill notes, this was not the first time he's singled Paul in a favorable light: earlier this month the Drudge Report featured a headline touting, "The return of Rand Paul," which was viewed as a warning to moderate Republicans. The headline linked to a Washington Examiner story that outlined Paul's problems with the GOP's healthcare bill. Rand Paul has consistently called for repealing Obamacare first, and worrying how to replace it later. So far this strategy has proven unsuccessful.
This article was originally published at Zero Hedge.
We are back with another edition of "Ask Ron Paul." Ron answers your toughest questions!
By Adam Dick
Interviewed Wednesday at Fox Business by host Kennedy, libertarian communicator and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul praised former President Barack Obama for placing some restraints on the United States government transferring military weapons to local police and criticized the potential action by President Donald Trump to resume the full flow of military weapons. Says Paul, “this combination of the federal government and the military providing the weapons for local police, that’s a long way from what the Founders intended or the Constitution says; they’re not supposed to be involved in this.” Watch Paul’s complete interview here:
This article was originally published at The Ron Paul Institute.
By John McCardell
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's markup of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) on Tuesday, March 29. Ron Paul, former Congressman and Chairman of Campaign for Liberty: "America's experiment with a monetary policy based on a fiat currency controlled by a secretive central bank will soon come to an end.
Norm Singleton, President, Campaign for Liberty:
"Now that House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has acted, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy have no excuse to not schedule a vote on Audit the Fed on the House floor as soon as possible. It's time for Congress to pass the bill, and President Trump to sign it as promised. Then the American people can finally learn the truth about the Fed's conduct of monetary policy, including their dealings with foreign central banks, foreign governments, big banks, Wall Street firms, and other crony capitalists." By Tyler Durden "What worries you?" asks a Bloomberg TV anchor of billionaire investor Jim Rogers. Rogers was not shy in his response: "The Federal Reserve... has no clue what they are doing. They are going to ruin us all." Having driven rates to record lows and with debt sky-rocketing, Rogers warns "this is all going to end very, very, very badly." Rogers slams the 'counterfactual' arguments that things would have been a lot worse if The Fed had not done all this, "propping up zombie banks and dead companies is not the way the world is supposed to work." "It's been nine years and we have nothing to show for it [economically] except staggering amounts of debt." We have missed Mr. Rogers plain, if often painful, truthiness. (Editors Note: Jim starts hammering the Fed at the 1m 21sec mark) This article was originally published at Zero Hedge.
There is not a single crisis or potential crisis across the globe where the Trump foreign policy team has not escalated toward military conflict. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, and more. Will this massive escalation bring victory? Or yet more perpetual war until bankruptcy?
By Chris Rossini
President Trump took to his Twitter account this morning to rip into The House Freedom Caucus. What's the Freedom Caucus? Robert Wenzel describes them as such: The House Freedom Caucus is a congressional caucus consisting of conservative Republican members of the United States House of Representatives. The caucus should not be mistaken with free market advocacy or libertarianism. They are low-level interventionists. That said, they are much better than congressional non-caucus members… These individuals in the House "smelt a rat" with Trumpcare and refused to vote for it. After all, while President Trump was campaigning for office, he told everyone that he was going to get rid of Obamacare, not make it worse! So the Freedom Caucus (thankfully) stuck to their guns. Afterwards, the President had the option of accepting defeat graciously. However, instead of learning from Hillary Clinton's mistakes for not taking responsibility for her electoral loss, Trump went to work on pointing fingers for his legislative loss: Trump tweeted: The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After so many bad years they were ready for a win! Now what's wrong with this picture, along with not taking responsibility for it himself? Michael Boldin of The Tenth Amendment Center spotted it right away. He said that President Trump: "could attack those wanting more government or those wanting less. He chose to attack the ones wanting less." Those who don't want Obamacare 2.0, and don't want government healthcare tyranny, must be on the receiving end of Trump's attacks. How sad. |
February 2025