By Chris Rossini
The "snowflake" moniker is often used to refer to people who are easily offended by just about everything. Unable to accept or acknowledge free will, these "snowflakes" attempt to use bully tactics and even government legislation to try to force people to think and act in a certain way. It's more of an annoyance than anything else. Free will still reigns supreme. No amount of legislation can change that. We're all still naturally free to form our own opinions and act on them. While the "snowflake" designation has usually been reserved for people on the left-side of the political spectrum, we may be seeing the emergence of "snowflakes" on the right as well. Apparently, many people on the right are offended by athletes (or anyone else) not standing up in front of the American flag while the national anthem is playing. Unable to acknowledge free will, they attempt to use bully tactics to try to force people to act a certain way. Are there right-wing "snowflakes" now?
Notice that both sides are primarily concerned about the thoughts and opinions of others. They can't mind their own business.
Snowflakes see themselves as definers. They'll tell you what things mean. On the Left, they'll define what is "beautiful," and you have to make your opinion match it. If your opinion doesn't match it, they'll call you some derogatory name. (They have a million of them). On the Right, they are to define what the flag means, and you have to make your opinion match it. If they say that the flag stands for "freedom," you don't have the freedom to think otherwise. Those of us who advocate liberty and peace have no use for bully tactics and legislation. Everyone is free to form their own opinions without punishment. If you think that something or someone is beautiful, then it's obviously beautiful to you. No one has a right to tell you otherwise, or force you to think otherwise. If you love the American flag, hate the flag, or couldn't care less one way or another, that opinion is your own. You're not a robot that needs to be programmed to love it, to hate it, or even care. For advocates of liberty, one idea reigns supreme: Don't use aggressive force against anyone. Force is only justified and moral when used in self-defense to repel an aggressor. Advocates of liberty are not "snowflakes" in any sense of word.
By Liberty Report Staff
For centuries Puerto Rico has been under the thumb of Empires. First the Spanish, and then it was seized by the new American Empire in 1898. Policies of Socialism and Corporate Cronyism have dominated and ultimately drove the island into bankruptcy earlier this year. The philosophy of government dependency swallowed yet another state. It becomes so difficult then to handle a situation like a natural disaster when a country has been undermined (for so long) by Socialism, welfarism and unsustainable debt. Ron Paul discusses below:
By Liberty Report Staff
Almost a year after the election, the witch-hunt continues in an attempt to find something to implicate Russian meddling. This despite the fact that Trump's policies are nearly identical to what would have been expected of Hillary, had she won. The U.S. has covertly and overtly staged coups and regime changes for many decades. The latest blatant interference and subsequent coup being in Ukraine. Shouldn't that be a topic of conversation? Instead we're talking about Twitter and Facebook accounts? Ron Paul discusses the hypocrisy below:
Natural disasters are, and will always be, difficult to prepare for and bounce back from. Unfortunately, a mistaken belief and faith in government makes both preparing and bouncing back much worse than it has to be. Ron Paul helps to dispel the fantasy of government "help."
By Liberty Report Staff
One of the worst ideas that Donald Trump ran on for President were the ideas of mercantilism and protectionism. America is overloaded with politically-connected corporations getting laws passed that tilt the tables to their advantage. The last thing we need are more of these crony laws. But protectionist measures, even though they're a bad idea, sell very well. They're like the idea of "FREE" Healthcare. Yeah, it's a deadly idea, but it sells extremely well. Wouldn't you know ... Irony has struck again. Because the protectionist Jones Act was so horrendous by blocking aid to Puerto Rico, the protectionist President Trump was forced to "temporarily" repeal it. Don't toy with us Mr. President. We don't need a "temporary" breather from a bad idea. Get rid of the Jones Act for good! We need to be freed from every protectionist measure that is put into place by politically-connected and crony corporations.
For those who have never heard of "protectionist" laws, they are laws that restrict trade in order to protect American industry from foreign competitors. They are the anti-thesis of free and voluntary trade.
The measures stem from the false idea that trade is a zero-sum game, where someone "wins" at someone else's expense. Trump campaigned by saying "We don't win anymore." Besides being a soundbite that sells well, it just displays his big understanding about how trade works. "We don't win anymore" makes no sense. Whenever two people voluntarily make an exchange, it's always a "win-win" situation. There are no losers in voluntary exchanges. If two people voluntarily exchange, it means that both believe they will be better off by doing it. If one of the people thought that they would be worse off, they could simply say "no" and refuse to make the exchange. Protectionists live under the false idea of zero-sum. As a result, they want government to violently intrude into an exchange, and tilt the tables in one direction. The corporations that get the government to act on their behalf do so to protect themselves from competitors. Protectionism stifles the marketplace. Once this practice gets going, everyone wants in on the action. If your competitor is greasing the government, you feel like you have to do the same. Politicians love it because it gives them a false sense of power, and inflates their importance. Everyone is lobbying for their favors. Protectionism is economic poison. We should always call for its abolishment.
You know it's coming. US and global debt skyrockets. The financial system on life support. Investment adviser Michael Pento has seen it coming for years and he joins today's Liberty Report to tell us what to expect and what we can do about it...
By Liberty Report Staff
Have you ever been in a town or city when the president arrives? It's terrible! Everyone's life is put on hold. Lew Rockwell once described what it's like: “The president moves about like Caesar Augustus, with a vast, graded court of civil and military aides, doctors, secretaries, valets, hairdressers, makeup artists, bodyguards, drivers, baggage handlers, cooks, food tasters, Praetorian guards, snipers, centurions, bulletproof limos, a portable hospital, and an armored rostrum. And that’s when he travels in the United States.”
Is this what Puerto Rico needs right now?
It's not like the president is going to rebuild anything himself. He'll snap a few photos, talk about how great everything is going, and head back. Meanwhile, people who are literally trying to put their lives back together must come to a standstill for this.
The Free Thought Project gives us a rough tally on what this trip will cost.
As a result, it easy to see how the bill can skyrocket very quickly. According to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Judicial Watch, the VC-25A cost a whopping $206,000 an hour to operate. The flight time from Washington D.C. to Puerto Rico is about 4 hours. The plane flight alone will cost taxpayers upwards of 2 million—only if he goes directly there and back.
We were told that this was a businessman President.
$5-$6 million for a photo-op?
By Chris Rossini
Take all the wasteful, inefficient, unconstitutional, unethical and immoral things that government does, and none are as reprehensible as war. War is easily the worst thing that governments undertake, and they're the only group of people that can pull it off. Private individuals and private groups or gangs could never get away with mass murder in the way that governments can, because they'd never be able to get the funds. Private individuals and groups can't tax. Government forcefully takes whatever funds that it wants from its citizens, and there's no way out. Even if Americans hate the wars, and don't want their money used to kill people, it's tough luck. Get back to work.
Ironically, people erroneously look to this very dangerous institution, called government, to perform acts of kindness.
They believe that government should be there to help in times of need. When you're down and out, government is there to pick you up. It's a very peculiar belief, but it's widely accepted nevertheless. America's government was never meant to play such a role. Taking money from one person and giving it to another is not in the U.S. Constitution. However, breaking the "law of the land" is apparently OK if no one makes a big deal about it. No need to amend the law of the land, which is what the Constitution says must be done. Just break the law. Who cares? So it's accepted that government is there in times of need, but everyone knows that they're terrible at it! When hurricanes hit, we see just how inefficient, bureaucratic and terrible government is at "helping." The people who are in the disaster zones get to see it first hand. Take Puerto Rico, as the latest example. Do you know the excuse that President Trump used to explain away the reason why one should not rely on government for "help"? It's a good one. Here it goes: “It’s very tough, because it’s an island,” Trump said during a meeting with members of the House.
It's a big ocean!!!!!
How interesting.
It's never "a big ocean" when they have to wage war in Iraq (7,000 miles away) or Vietnam (8,500 miles away) or North Korea (6,000 miles away). They'll mobilize millions of men if they have to! And this is all done against people that have done nothing to us. It's not even for any type of defense! But getting food and water to Puerto Rico, off the coast of Florida? ---- Oh, well, it's a big ocean. Americans really need to rethink a few major things. This obviously can't last forever. The financial clock is ticking. Perhaps America's founders were right. Actually, not "perhaps." They were right! Government should definitely not go abroad looking for monsters to destroy, and government is definitely not there to steal from one to give to another. At most, government should be there to protect our liberty. Unfortunately, Americans are re-learning these lessons the hard way.
Despite the State Department's official position of neutrality, President Trump could not help himself. After meeting with the Spanish prime minister he declared himself opposed to an independence referendum in Catalonia. Is it really his business?
By Liberty Report Staff
The idea that America should militarily run and police the entire world is wrong and doesn't work. Millions of people have died as a result of this idea. Ron Paul discusses the latest provocations with North Korea. |
February 2025