Over the weekend the Centers for Disease Control dropped a bombshell report on coronavirus/Covid deaths: of the approximately 165,000 "Covid deaths" less than ten thousand died from Covid. The rest - a vast majority - had on average 2.6 serious additional diseases, with the addition in most cases of extreme advanced age. Is it time to begin litigating the damage done to the US and the world from the lockdown policies? Also today: the "largest protest in German history" over the weekend, as estimated millions turned out to oppose mandatory masks and lockdowns. Similar protests took place in London and in Spain. In the US...mostly silence.
With tens of millions unemployed, and countless businesses gone for good, the heavy hand of government continues to pile on. State and local governments are looking to raise taxes in this environment, and the Federal Reserve, the enabler of big government, intends to escalate the counterfeiting of dollars on top of the trillions already created out-of-thin-air. More taxes and higher prices ahead, which makes for more economic heartache for the American people.
The US continues to illegally occupy Syrian territory and to illegally confiscate Syrian oil, but it is also playing very dangerous military games with the Russians, who are in Syria legally at the request of their ally. This week a US military vehicle attempting to block Russian passage along a Syrian road rammed the Russian military vehicle. Several American soldiers were reported injured. What is the purpose of this risky adventurism? Also today, Department of Justice looks into forced relocation of Covid patients into nursing homes; Hillary tells Joe to start a "color revolution" in the US if he loses the election.
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By Liberty Report Staff
Dr. Ron Paul sits down with Matt Kibbe deep in the heart of Texas to discuss his intellectual influences and his political history. He talks about his education in Austrian economics, which explains why government intervention in the economy, particularly through the Federal Reserve, makes us all poorer and less free. He also turns his attention to current events, explaining why the U.S. can’t seem to get out of any wars and why the government’s coronavirus response has been worse than useless.
It was one of the most notorious cases of 'cancel culture' gone crazy. A young high school student was relentlessly bullied and character-assassinated by the mainstream media because he wore a MAGA hat while a bully screamed in his face. Nicholas Sandmann turned the tables and walked away with millions of dollars after suing the media outlets that slandered him. But is "cancel culture" going away? Or is it getting more violent?
By Chris Rossini
Do you see the pattern yet? Can you detect how, every few years, some fear is blown out of proportion, and at the end of it you're left with a lower standard of living and less ability to navigate through your life? New mandates, restrictions, dictates, "guidelines," bureaucrats, and red tape stand in your way. These barriers are only added. They are never taken away! Whether it's a Wall Street bailout because the world will end without it, or another stupid and endless war that has nothing to do America and is based completely on lies; or maybe even a virus. Even a virus can be used to close in the walls of tyranny! The fear may be different each time, but the pattern and the results are exactly the same. Your life is flipped upside down, and once enough money and liberty has been shaken out of you, you're turned right-side-up (for a little while), only to wonder what the heck just happened! Put yourself on the other end of this deal. Put yourself in the shoes of those who shake the money and freedom out of you. From this perspective, you have the mistaken view that your job is boss everyone else around. You have an insatiable and greedy desire for money; but not just money....easy money. That is, money that you don't have to actually work for, or earn. It just flows into your pockets. You start to believe that you're entitled to this easy money. It's your birthright. Do you know how tempting that can be? All you have to do is suppress any moral or ethical teachings that may have been taught to you. You just bury it. You simply convince yourself that you're some kind of superior being; that the rest of humanity is a bunch of dolts that need your wise and guiding hand to mold them. The primary vein that you need to tap into is fear. Generate enough fear and you can soon be sailing off into the Caribbean sunset. Scare people enough and they'll hand over their money, and even worse, sacrifice their liberty. You can shake trillions of dollars out of a population the size of the United States if you scare them efficiently enough. Once they're sufficiently scared, you move to next tactic. Start using the word "We." "We need to do this....and We need to do that..." Now, of course, there is no living, breathing, and thinking "We." It's an abstraction. There are only "I's" in this world. Unique, personal, individual, and one-of-a-kind "I's." Of course, you're the "I" that's going to make out like a bandit, and you're going to do it by using the abstraction known as "We." One-size-fits-all is the game. That's the cookie cutter that you're going to press down onto the population. You're not interested in catching some fish in your net. You're interested in catching all the fish. One-size-fits-all. The people have only one job....obey. You will tell them what the "science" is, and they are to obey. You will tell them who their enemy is, and they are to obey. Impose the one-size-fits-all with force (or merely just the threat of force) and the money and power will pour in like a deluge that you've never imagined before. Very, very, very, few are on the receiving end that you are on. With that being the case, your competitors will viciously attempt to unseat you. They don't care about morals or ethics anymore than you do. They will say and do whatever it takes to seat themselves on the throne of power known as "We" that imposes one-size-fits-all commands. Now let's get back to normal reality. There's a silver lining to this nightmare of power: We're all individually born free, and meant to stay that way. But we have to choose it. We have to choose to not be afraid, and to embrace our Liberty. We have to individually choose to say "No." Many already do, and they are able to position themselves well in order to weather these political heists and rampages. But most do not. Most get caught in the net. Liberty should always be guarded with your life. Why? Because, in essence, it is your life. You are not a blade of grass...without choice, without desires, without dreams or ambitions, and without the ability to act. You are a human being with the freedom to think and the freedom to act with purpose! Why not say "No"? There is only upside to not being perpetually abused by the political class. Why not accept that there is no free lunch, and even if there was, politicians would be the last people on earth to provide it. Why not say "No" to the persistent imposition of tyranny? There is no one-size-fits-all. Never sacrifice Liberty!
From mainstream publications like the Wall Street Journal to top government health advisors in the UK, a consensus is building that the sledgehammer of Covid lockdowns has been an unmitigated disaster. It's good news that more mainstream sources are coming our way, but the dark forces of authoritarianism are not about to release their grasp so easily. Also today - Plasma treatment is getting the HCQ treatment in the MSM and New York sees introduction of mandatory detention and vaccine bill.
By Ron Paul
The US foreign policy establishment has for decades been dominated by neoconservative interventionists and falsely-named “humanitarian” interventionists. These people believe that because the United States is the one “exceptional nation,” no conflict anywhere in the world could possibly be solved without our butting our noses into it. One of President Obama’s few foreign policy successes was to work with European countries on a deal that would see a reduction of sanctions on Iran in exchange for a series of Iranian moves demonstrating its abandonment of a nuclear weapon. The American neocons as well as the hardliners in Saudi Arabia and Israel were furious at the compromise, but for a couple of years it showed real promise. Trade between Europe and Iran was increasing and there was no evidence that Iran was reneging on its obligations. Even American companies were looking to Iran for business opportunities. Whenever goods flow between nations, war becomes less likely. President Trump has had problems with policy consistency throughout his first term in office. But, unfortunately, his few policy consistencies have been the most ill-advised ones. On the campaign trail Trump relentlessly attacked Obama’s Iran policy and promised to pull the US out of the JCPOA Iran agreement. Unfortunately for America, he followed through with this policy in 2018. Though he promised that by pulling out of the deal the US would get a far better deal in its place, the truth is Trump’s Iran policy has produced nothing but negative results. The Iranians have not knuckled down under the weight of Pompeo’s pressure, and putting regime change specialists like Elliot Abrams in charge of Iran policy has just moved us closer to an unnecessary war. Iran is not a threat to the United States, no matter what lies the neocons put forth. These past two weeks the weakness in the US “maximum pressure” policy toward Iran has been exposed for the world to see. First, Pompeo spent the summer lobbying European nations to support a US motion in the UN Security Council to extend an arms embargo against Iran. As Iran has been judged in compliance with the Iran deal, the arms embargo is scheduled to be lifted in October. Pompeo’s diplomatic skills did not produce the desired results: not a single party to the Iran nuclear deal voted with the US to extend the embargo. Undeterred, the Trump Administration is now determined to trigger the “snap-back” sanctions on Iran, which means if Iran is judged to be in violation of the Iran nuclear agreement all the previous sanctions would snap back into place. But there’s a problem with this: because the US has formally withdrawn from the Iran agreement it has no legal standing to trigger the “snap-back” of UN sanctions on Iran. If you take your marbles and go home, you don’t get to still dictate the rules of the game. Last week Pompeo attempted to trigger the “snap-back” and was laughed out of the room by the countries who have remained in the deal. US policy toward Iran is an unwise consistency and the Trump Administration is hopelessly floundering on the bad advice of the neocons. They want nothing more than war on Iran. But the American people do not. It's time to end this failed policy of confrontation with Iran.
Why, with just a few exceptions, have all political leaders pursed virtually the same response to the coronavirus outbreak? Lockdown, "social-distancing," masks? Even the same empty slogans: "Alone together." Is it a worldwide conspiracy? As Jeff Tucker writes in a recent article, the truth is likely more banal. Ignorance and laziness. Plus in today's Liberty Report: more on cooking the Covid books, teen depression thanks to the lockdowns, and more...
January 2025