Last night's presidential debate was more like a food fight than a serious discussion of policies. Moderator Chris Wallace lost control early on and seemed to bring his biases with him to the event. Underneath all the rudeness and screaming, however, a few important points and distinctions can be made. In today's Liberty Report we will do our best to bring those distinctions to light.
By Chris Rossini
Human life, which consists of 7+ billion individually conscious 'I's,' can be described with the words 'radical decentralization.' Human life is radically decentralized. First, there are no carbon copies of the 7+ billion of us. No copies with anyone who lives now, who has lived in the past, or who will show up after us in the future. Even identical twins are one-of-a-kind individuals. We each perceive, interpret, and uniquely explain the world to ourselves. We each choose what to believe, what we desire, and how to act to achieve those desires. Radical decentralization. We're also equipped with boundless imaginations. We can imagine whatever we want. It can be fact or fiction, true or false, practical or impossible, logical or illogical. But while we have this liberty of thought, there is only one universal government that the whole world lives under. This government cannot be "regime changed." There can be no coup, overthrow, or abdication. It has the characteristics that man-made governments want, but can never have. This universal government is simply known as the truth. We can imagine that which is not true. We can even believe that which is not true. But we cannot create, bring about, or turn into reality that which is not true. So if a person (or group of people) imagine that they can take the radical decentralization of human life, and centralize it under their own command, they are imagining something that isn't true or achievable. They can act on their imagination. They can plan and build "structures." They can add to the "structures" of those who went before them. They can take 100 years, 1,000 years, or even 1,000,000 years to try to erect their centralized control, but it still wouldn't be true or achievable. Human life is radically decentralized. Centralizers can create the deadliest weapons that can blow the planet to smithereens, and human life is still radically decentralized. They can stick a camera and microphone on every square inch of the Earth, and human life is still radically decentralized. They can censor, and censor, and censor, and the truth still stands and is communicated between us. We're unique individuals, responsible for ourselves. That's a huge job and it lasts a lifetime. In your private home, you're responsible for the affairs of yourself and your family. It would be quite odd, if someone told you, that in addition to that, you're now responsible for what goes on in your neighbor's house, as well as the house two doors away, and three doors away....and so on. That's an impossible task. You cannot assume such a responsibility and succeed. You've got your own stream of problems and challenges to face and deal with. When an event occurs at your neighbor's house, it is for the people who live there, and who are directly experiencing the event, to deal with it. Sure, you can voluntarily offer assistance, and your neighbor can either accept or reject your assistance. But it's impossible for you to be responsible for the affairs that take place there. This is so easy for most people to understand. However... Bring in politics, and the opening to be a busybody in the lives of others, and this understanding of reality is thrown directly out the window. The illusion and fantasy of centralized power captivates even the most brilliant, rational and logical individuals. It seduces those who are otherwise geniuses in their own fields of specialization. This mentality snowballs into the dumpster fire that we call American politics today. Yet, it wasn't always this way. Those who formed the original American colonies and United States started off really well. Not perfect, of course, but really well. They acknowledge the radical decentralization of human life. They acknowledged the right to one's own life, to one's individual liberty, to one's own property, to the pursuit of one's own happiness, and to the fruits of one's own labor. The federal government was a weak sideshow. Local affairs were to be solved locally. The federal government wasn't there to abridge our liberty (see the Bill of Rights). It wasn't there to centralize all power to itself. Even America's foreign policy was something to be greatly admired. George Washington said to “steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world." Thomas Jefferson said the foreign policy of America was "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none." Boy, was the wrong road taken after this, or what? Everything changed at the start of the 1900's. In 1898, the U.S. conquered foreign nations and inherited 11 million new inhabitants. The taste of empire, and being a global busybody was now in its early stages. The next major thrust would come with Woodrow Wilson's foolish entry into the European War (World War I). The American empire would expand again after World War II. It would expand again during, and especially after, the Cold War. And today, in 2020, the United States claims that the entire Earth is its sphere of influence. The entire Earth!!! Anyone who watched the Presidential debate last night saw that the chaos is not only the foreign policy of empire that has bankrupted the country, but local centralization of power as well. Nothing is off limits to the federal government. It touches every aspect of the lives of 300+ million American people. The president is supposed to have a position on a virus, on the weather, on healthcare, on the economy, on education, on every U.S. state's affairs, on medicine, on vaccines, on the stock market, on riots, on policing ... The centralization now encompasses every square inch, and the chaos of this centralized power couldn't be more obvious. No one is happy, yet everyone seems to be looking to centralized power as the fix! No! Centralized power is the problem! The rejection of individual liberty is the problem! This is a world of radical decentralization. Centralized power can do nothing but turn every aspect of life upside-down. Yet no one wants to admit that the jig is up. It's as if everyone is curious and wants to see what the next level down into the abyss looks like. Why? It's going to be worse than even this! The first step in fixing this problem is admitting it. May Americans get there sooner rather than later. But there's no time to wait around for everyone else. Let us each individually accept the radical decentralization of human life and live by it. Let's each refuse to be a busybody that sticks his or her nose into everyone else's business. Let's each keep our own houses in order to the best of our abilities. Our own unique life is sufficient enough.
Thrilla in Manila? Hardly. Tonight's presidential debate has many hanging at the edge of their seats, but it's not because they are interested in a serious philosophical discussion about the direction of the United States, a country clearly in crisis. Will Biden show up? Will Trump bring his bombast? How many punches will fly? But the debate will be marked more by what is NOT said by the candidates. Also today, Fauci and CDC Director Redfield declare war on Dr. Scott Atlas.
By Ron Paul
In the Soviet Union it was forbidden to dispute the wisdom of the “party line.” That’s because Marxian communism was viewed as the scientifically inevitable progression of mankind. For Marx and Lenin, the “science was settled.” Therefore anyone speaking out against “the science” of the Soviet system must be acting with malice; must actually want destruction; must want people to die. Anyone voicing opposition to the “settled science” of Marxism-Leninism soon found their voice silenced. Oftentimes permanently. Ironically, just 30 years after the “science” of Marxism-Leninism imploded for all the world to see, we are witnessing a resurgence here in the US of the idea that to question “the science” is not to seek truth or refine understanding of what appears to be conflicting evidence. No, it is to actually wish harm on one’s fellow Americans. And while we who question “the science” are not being physically carried off to the gulags for disputing the wisdom of our “betters” in the CDC or the World Health Organization, for example, we are finding that the outcome is the same. We are being silenced and accused of malicious intent. The Soviet Communists called dissidents like us “wreckers.” Last week on my daily news broadcast, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, we reported on two whistleblowers from inside the CDC and Big Pharma who raised serious and legitimate questions about the prevailing coronavirus narrative. The former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has stated that from his experience he believes that nearly 90 percent of the current tests for Covid produce false positives. That means that this massive expansion in “cases,” used to justify continued attacks on our civil liberties, is simply phony. As Dr. Yeadon said in a recent interview about the Orwellian UK coronavirus lockdown, “we are basing a government policy, an economic policy, a civil liberties policy, in terms of limiting people to six people in a meeting...all based on, what may well be, completely fake data on this coronavirus?” Is Dr. Yeadon correct in claiming that based on his scientific observation there is no “second wave”? We don’t know. But we do know that his claims that the massive increase in “cases” in Europe used to justify new lockdowns are not in any way being matched with a similar increase in deaths. The EU’s own charts prove this. Deaths remain a flat line near zero while “cases” skyrocket to match the massive increase in testing. Yet when we reported on Dr. Yeadon’s findings on the Liberty Report last week we found that for the first time ever, our program was removed by YouTube. YouTube, owned by Google, which is firmly embedded into the deep state, was vague in explaining just where we violated their “community standards” by simply reporting on qualified scientists who happen to disagree with the mainstream coronavirus narrative. But they did offer this shocking explanation in an email sent to us at the Ron Paul Liberty Report: “YouTube does not allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of the World Health Organization.” Incredible! It’s not the science that is settled. What appears to be “settled is the impulse to silence anyone who asks “why”? The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said "enough is enough" and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this still about a disease...or is it politics?
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In a recent interview Dr. Fauci revealed that he takes multiple vitamin supplements to help boost his immune system and fend off disease. Dr. Joseph Mercola joins today's Liberty Report to explain how we might be able to also provide our bodies with additional protections against diseases with such vitamins and natural immune boosters.
Two insiders have recently emerged to give a shocking view behind the scenes of the ongoing Covid narrative. A former chief science officer at pharma giant Pfizer and a former official at the CDC have both come forward with shocking tales of fraud and falsification. Also today, US support for a Covid vaccine continues to plummet based on recent polls. More good news out of Pennsylvania. Dementia deaths. And more...
Update -- For now, you can view today's ***YouTube CENSORED*** Ron Paul Liberty Report on Parler if you have an account: Obviously we're looking at other ways to bring you the Ron Paul Liberty Report.
By Chris Rossini
Individual liberty has fallen quite far in the 'land of the free.' It has fallen far, fallen hard, and fallen quite fast. Two-hundred and forty-four years is not a long time. The erosion occurred gradually at first. Today it is rapid. This change is strictly a result of ideas. Good ideas (individual liberty & decentralized power) have been replaced by bad ideas (collectivism & concentrated power). That's it. It wasn't the American people, per se, who were the determining factor in the stunning success of the 'land of the free'. People are people, no matter where they are. The same life force beats the heart and blinks the eyes of the American, as it does the person who lives 6,000 miles away in another nation. The difference for the people in America was the ideas that they espoused: individual liberty & decentralized power. The erosion of individual liberty begins when a person is no longer satisfied with living his own life (the only life that he has been given the power to live). He's no longer satisfied with solving the endless series of problems and challenges that come his way. This is no longer good enough. Instead, this person decides to embark on foreign adventures. He decides that he's going to 'go-out' and re-make other people. He's not going to voluntarily advise others, mind you. He doesn't get a rush from merely speaking good ideas, by putting them in writing, or in a video, or a podcast. He's not going to let others decide for themselves. busybody is going to force others to live as he says. In his image, he shall re-make these human piles of clay. Now, keep in mind that the busybody didn't 'make' others (or himself for that matter). Even he will most likely admit to this. But in the busybody's view, that which made all individuals made a mistake, and he will re-make others in order to correct that mistake. Naturally, the busybody is shunned by others for his bluntness and oversized ego. No one likes to be told what to do. This really bothers the busybody. He does not like that people just won't obey him. If only he had some leverage...If only he could somehow get away with forcing others to do what he says. If only he could do it legally... Surprise...Surprise...the institution of government attracts the busybody like a moth to a flame. This is the busybody's Mount Olympus. This is where he shall climb, and as ruthlessly and unethically as is necessary. The ends justify the means to the busybody. Ruthlessly climbing to the top of the political ladder is worth it, because once he is there, everyone else will be blessed by their ability to obey his commands. The busybody is what the American colonists broke away from in 1776. They would be forced to obey no more. They would stake their claim to their rights of Life, Liberty, their own Private Property, and The Pursuit of their own Happiness. Live and Let Live. You do your thing. I'll do mine. We can voluntarily trade, exchange, give, and contract. Don't be a busybody. Your own life is sufficient for you. My own life is sufficient for me. Let's handle our own business. Power was originally dispersed. When a general government was formed, it was to be limited. The general government could do this..this..and this. Everything else was to be left to state and local governments. No one wants a far-away government dictating what should happen in local affairs. Early Americans knew that the enemy of liberty was the busybody with centralized power. England was a far-away centralized power that was getting much too involved with local affairs. Early Americans knew that the busybody is never satisfied. The busybody descends from his only legitimate power of controlling himself, to wanting to control his neighbor, then his town, then his state, then the country, then the continent, then the world, then the galaxy, then the universe! The lust for power is the worst of them all. Now let's look at what has become of the 'land of the free.' Millions of Americans are losing their minds over a presidential election. Millions of people sit on the edge of their seats, waiting for central planners at the Fed to decide on price fixing interest rates and counterfeiting dollars. Millions of people hang on the words of Supreme Court judges, that unconstitutionally write laws! They're not Congress. They're not supposed to write laws. But, over time, they've wriggled their way into doing just that. Now 9 judges can legislate for over 300 million Americans! Is it any wonder that everyone is so ruthless in trying to control who those 9 people are? The U.S. has 1,000 military bases sprawled all over the world. It is engaged in endless wars. Ever since it left America's shores to re-make other nations, starting in 1898, it has been at almost continuous war ever since. An almost solid century of war, some of which are now considered "endless." The busybody mentality went global! The USA morphed into Busybody USA. This extreme concentration of power is ripping American civilization apart. The good ideas of individual liberty & decentralized power have been replaced by the bad ideas of collectivism & concentrated power. That's how powerful ideas are. They can lead to civilizational greatness, or civilizational despair. Ideas can always be changed back. They are never permanent in either direction. Good ideas can always replace the bad. This must be done one individual at a time. The ideas of individual liberty and decentralized power spread gradually at first ... and then rapidly. Liberty especially spreads rapidly because it is a part of our individual nature. It's always there. It just needs to be uncovered. George Washington said that "Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth." That's good news. But how far down must we descend before Americans want to live by the ideas of individual liberty again? Do they have to literally be hungry...for food? Let's hope not. In fact, let's speak the ideas of Liberty as best as we individually can, to try to head that off. What better place is there to speak the ideas of Liberty than in America?
In a rare - perhaps even unprecedented - move, the Executive Committee of the Texas Republican party has passed a resolution condemning Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott for continuing to keep Texas partially closed down while picking and choosing which businesses can open and which cannot. Governor Abbott is facing an increasing rebellion in his own party, especially as the coronavirus numbers in Texas continue to plummet. Also in today's program, the CDC flip-flops again, this time on whether coronavirus is airborne. Can we trust a single thing they say?
By Ron Paul
It is dangerous to reveal the truth about the illegal and immoral things our government does with our money and in our name, and the war on journalists who dare reveal such truths is very much a bipartisan affair. Just ask Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who was relentlessly pursued first by the Obama Administration and now by the Trump Administration for the “crime” of reporting on the crimes perpetrated by the United States government. Assange is now literally fighting for his life, as he tries to avoid being extradited to the United States where he faces 175 years in prison for violating the “Espionage Act.” While it makes no sense to be prosecuted as a traitor to a country of which you are not a citizen, the idea that journalists who do their job and expose criminality in high places are treated like traitors is deeply dangerous in a free society. To get around the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of the press, Assange’s tormentors simply claim that he is not a journalist. Then-CIA director Mike Pompeo declared that Wikileaks was a “hostile intelligence service” aided by Russia. Ironically, that’s pretty much what the Democrats say about Assange. Earlier this month, a US Federal appeals court judge ruled that the NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records was illegal. That bulk collection program, born out of the anti-American PATRIOT Act, was first revealed to us by whistleblower Edward Snowden just over seven years ago. That is why whistleblowers and those who publish their information are so important. Were it not for Snowden and Assange, we would never know about this government criminality. And if we never know about government malfeasance it can never be found to be criminal in the first place. That is convenient for governments, but it is also a recipe for tyranny. While we might expect the US media to aggressively come to the aid of a fellow journalist being persecuted by the government for doing his job, the opposite is happening. As journalist Glen Greenwald wrote last week, the US mainstream media is completely ignoring the Assange extradition trial. Why would they do such a thing? Partisan politics. Journalists – with a few important exceptions like Greenwald himself – are no longer interested in digging and reporting the truth. These days they believe they have a “higher calling.” As Greenwald puts it, “If you start from the premise that Trump is a fascist dictator who has brought Nazi tyranny to the US, then it isn’t that irrational to believe that anyone who helped empower Trump (which is how they see Assange) deserves to be imprisoned, hence the lack of concern about it.” That may seem like a good idea to these journalists in the short term, but for journalism itself to become an extension of government power rather than a check on that power would be deeply harmful. We cannot have a self-governing society as was intended for our Republic if the government, with the complicity of the mainstream media, decides that there are things we are not allowed to know about it. President Trump should end the US government’s war on Assange…and on all whistleblowers and their publishers. |
February 2025