The Biden Administration seems intent on breaking the agreement signed under the Trump Administration for US troops to finally leave Afghanistan, the longest and perhaps most pointless war in US history. Rather than follow through with the withdrawal, the White House is attempting to negotiate with the Taliban for six more months. How many more Americans (and Afghanis) will have to die for this failed policy? Also today, Biden ratchets up war tensions in Ukraine, shipping more than 300 tons of new weapons. War drums getting louder.
By Chris Rossini
Government constantly looks for openings to expand its power. Because government consists of people, these people will tend to follow the path of least resistance. When looking to expand their powers, politicians will act when they believe they can get away with it. If they see strong enough resistance, they will back off. Government power is wielded by the tiniest minority of people against the vast majority. The victims of government power far outnumber those who capitalize on it. So politicians (and their special interest cronies) constantly keep their fingers in the wind to see where the opportunity to expand power exists. The tyrannical idea of a national vaccine passport has been floated recently, perhaps in order to see if there is enough resistance to it. This article is not intended to list the countless ways in which vaccine passports are an atrocious idea. It should be obvious to anyone who wasn't born yesterday. Plus, to the delight of this writer, there are many people who are speaking out against this idea already; and they have logically explained the horrors of what lie ahead should this anti-American, anti-freedom idea be implemented. The goal of this article is to encourage those who have remained silent to boldly speak out. This is not an issue that deserves silence, apathy or laziness. This isn't like the ridiculous push to force people to use paper straws that fall apart in your drink instead of the (far superior) plastic straws. One can see why people, who already have enough to worry about, will just let the paper straws go and get on with their lives. They're not going to get out their bullhorns over such things. And as much as Americans are taxed into oblivion, this isn't even like another tax increase. You can always make more money. Money is replaceable. But your body and your life is not replaceable. This is it. There are no dress rehearsals. This isn't a scrimmage game. Allow government to forcefully invade your body with an experimental chemical, made by a corporation that has been granted immunity, for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate, and you're handing over the keys to your bodily kingdom. Open this door and you can count on the forced injections to keep on coming. Now, you may want the Covid vaccine. Fine. That's your own personal decision. But what if you don't want the next injection that government wants to strong-arm into you? The Covid vaccine may not make you ill. But what if the next vaccine does? And your only choice is to get it, or you become a second class citizen; an outcast in your own nation. You should know what happens by now when you open the door to politicians and their corporate friends. How long have the wars in the Middle East gone on now? Two decades? Long enough for people to start calling them "endless wars." What happened when government was granted "15 days to stop the spread"? Unprecedented tyranny! So if the door is opened for "vaccine passports," the injections will most certainly continue. We'll have endless wars AND endless injections. Resistance to this is a must. Speak out: Tweets, Facebook posts, videos, blogs, texts, articles, podcasts. Whatever suits you best. The power-hungry pay attention. They see the metrics. They have the algorithms to measure sentiment. Let them look at this issue and be struck with the words "NO to vaccine passports!" If they see that the resistance is strong enough, they will be forced back off. They will only push through if they believe they can get away with it. Don't let them get away with this one. Speak!
Biden Administration CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared to break down into tears yesterday, pleading with Americans to avoid the urge to begin living normally again as the virus continues to fade. She warns of "impending doom" if Americans begin going back to "normal." But what about Texas and Florida? What about numbers? Science? Also today, Tyranny in the UK.
By Ron Paul
Gun control was already a Biden Administration priority before the recent shootings in Georgia, Colorado, and Virginia. In fact, the House of Representatives passed two gun-control bills weeks before the shootings. One of the House-passed bills expands background checks to include private sales, including those made at gun shows. Under this bill, someone who is not a licensed federal firearms dealer cannot sell a firearm without first relinquishing it to a federally-licensed dealer. The dealer must then conduct a background check on the prospective purchaser. The second bill allows the federal government to indefinitely delay a background check, thus indefinitely delaying a gun purchase. Other legislation introduced in Congress would create a national firearms registry, which would only facilitate gun confiscation. This same legislation would forbid anyone under 21 from owning a gun. The ban does not apply to the military, so it will not stop the majority of gun violence committed by 18-21 year-olds. The bill requires Americans to obtain a federal license before getting a firearm, but individuals cannot receive a license unless they undergo a psychological evaluation. The psychological evaluation mandate could lead to individuals losing their Second Amendment rights because they once suffered from depression. It could also cause people to lose their Second Amendment rights because someone told the police they may become violent. Police officers in 20 states and the District of Columbia already have the authority to take away an individual’s Second Amendment rights based on allegations and without giving the individual due process. These “Red Flag” laws are supported by politicians of both parties, including some who claim to be pro-gun rights. For example, former President Trump supported Red Flag laws. President Trump and Congressional Democrats were on the verge of reaching a “bipartisan” deal to expand Red Flag laws in the fall of 2019. Fortunately, the Democrat attempt to impeach the President ended all efforts at “bipartisan” deals to take away our rights. A psychological evaluation could also be used to deny an individual Second Amendment rights because they may engage in “domestic terrorism.” Among those likely to be considered as potential “domestic terrorists” are opponents of US foreign policy, mass surveillance, the income tax, the Federal Reserve, and – ironically – gun control. There is also legislation to reinstate the assault-weapons ban. Like the original ban, which was in effect from 1994-2004, the new legislation bans an arbitrary list of firearms and will do little to reduce gun violence. Criminals and psychotics are not going to be deterred by background checks and licensing requirements from obtaining a firearm. There will be a black market to service those who cannot obtain firearms by legal means. By discouraging law-abiding Americans from owning firearms, these laws leave millions of Americans defenseless against gun violence. There is a reason why most mass shootings occur in gun-free zones. If Congress is serious about protecting Americans from violence, it would repeal all federal gun control laws. A good place to start would be with the Brady background check law and the misnamed “Safe and Gun-Free Schools” law, which leaves children defenseless against mass shooters. Congress ending the unconstitutional and anti-liberty war on drugs would also greatly reduce gun violence. Gun control, like all attempts by government to control our lives, makes us less safe, and less free.
Mainstream media is reporting that the Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing some kind of Federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens. The system will quickly morph into a copy of China's "social credit" system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished. With Covid dying out across the country as herd immunity is reached, "vaccine passports" seems more about more government control than public health.
Socialism & Fascism are two sides of the same totalitarian coin, with the latter ideology being an offshoot of the former. While Socialism preaches the State being the sole owner of the means of production, Fascism preaches a partnership of State (Power) and Corporations (Money). Socialism leads to rapid ruin, while Fascism leads to a longer and drawn out ruin. The destination is the same regardless of the speed in getting there. Freedom and free markets are the only escape from this totalitarian vice.
Over the past year the Covid testing industry has blasted into the stratosphere to become a $100 billion per year industry. Powerful and influential forces are making a fortune from tests that have been proven largely inaccurate and Americans are being forced to foot the bill. If you subsidize something you get more of it. Also today, Covid corruption rocks Germany's ruling party and a new WHO-funded study is raising eyebrows.
Appearing on the Hugh Hewitt show yesterday, Fauci was asked whether, given that lockdown states did no better than non-lockdown states in preventing Covid deaths, the lockdowns were a mistake in retrospect. Fauci answered, "I don't think so." New data is emerging suggesting the lockdowns may have led to more deaths than they saved. What's Fauci's game? Also today, Germany's Merkel backs down from lockdown and Sweden does best on excess mortality.
By Chris Rossini
Imagine walking through the park on a nice sunny day and an unanticipated event occurs. All of a sudden you see in the distance a giant dog racing towards you at full speed. This is not a little toy dog that you can pet should it come up to you. No, if this dog were any bigger, it would be classified as a horse. Quickly you look for an owner and you don't see one. No one is yelling for this creature to stop and come back. Just as quickly, your mind searches for a way to safety. You're not interested in a possible wrestling match should this dog jump onto you. Fortunately, you're only a few yards from your car, so you hop back in. The dog sees this and stops coming for you. You're safe. Now, here is an event that directly affected you. Would it ever have occurred to you, while it was taking place, to turn on the TV to a government-licensed and approved "media" station to interpret this event for you? Would you have looked to them for the interpretation and meaning of what was taking place? 'That's ridiculous,' you might say. 'There are no TV's in the park.' Ok...Would you pull out your phone as this horse-dog is charging at you and go to a government-licensed and approved site to tell you what all of this means? Of course not. You are perceiving all the information that is in front of you on your own. You are interpreting it directly. You are attaching your own meaning to it. You do not need a middle man at all. In fact, 99.9% of every action you take during a given day works exactly like this. You perceive what is directly in front of you. You interpret it. You decide whether or not you can (or should) act to change anything about it. You attach meaning, value, and then possibly act to make it better from your point of view. Meanwhile, every other person is doing the exact same thing, but in their own specific location, and from their own specific point of view. What is directly in front of them is not what is directly in front of you. What they perceive in their location is not what you perceive in your location. What they decide to do may be similar to what you would do were you in their shoes; or perhaps it would be the exact opposite. That's their business. They are not are not them. They don't have the same upbringing as you. They don't have the same thoughts, beliefs, experiences, education, values, goals, or desires. No two people have these exact qualities....ever! But then something very strange occurs with a great number of people (although, fortunately, that number is decreasing with each passing moment). It's nothing but a bad habit. Your parents did it. Their parents did. The habit was passed on through mere imitation. What is this bad habit? Well, a very large number of people go to a monopolistic (government + corporation) conglomerate to "learn" about the events that are not directly in front of them. Large numbers of people willingly, on their own volition, go to this monopolist to find out "what is going on" elsewhere. Of course, there is nothing wrong with desiring to see what happens is this amazing world of ours, per se. But we have to choose our middle men very carefully! We're each responsible for who and what we you choose to believe. We will each experience the consequences of what we choose. There is no passing off of that responsibility. It falls on each of us individually. So with that being the case, there is something very wrong when there is a monopolist middle-man. For this monopolist picks and chooses what events to put in front of you. It will show you the events that it wants to show you, and ignore the events that it wants you to ignore. It gets worse. The monopolist will then explain to you what those events mean. This is a very big problem because events do not have one single meaning. Just go any athletic competition and you'll see it with your own eyes. One group of people will be celebrating at the end, while the other group hangs their heads in defeat. It's the same exact event ... yet with very different attached meanings to it. But the monopolist middle man interpreter has just one meaning to the events that it shows you. Because it is a monopolist, you will see this one meaning repeated, over and over, wherever you happen to look. Turn on a Hollywood movie and the same meaning hits you again. Go to a government school or university and there's the meaning again. Go into a big multi-national corporation and the meaning hits you. Go to a major sporting event, and there it is. How about that! How can that be possible in a world of unique individuals who attach their own meanings to events? Something is off here. This is very different from your normal everyday life. You, your neighbor, their neighbors, and so on...all live a vast majority of your lives without single and absolute "narratives." In fact, the very people in your own home see things differently. And yet, we all understand this in our everyday lives. We're all human beings, yet we are all very different individuals. So we respect our differences, do what we have to do on our own own properties, and live and let live. Technological advances even complement and accentuate this decentralized and individualized world of ours. Several years ago, you used to breathe a sigh of relief when you hopped onto social media. It was here that you discovered that the Single Narrative Emperor had no clothes. On social media, you used to be comforted by the fact that there isn't a single narrative after all. Differences of opinion and interpretation are in superabundance! Even better, on social media, you didn't need the monopolist middle man anymore to tell you what was going on. You could connect with people all over the globe and they could show you with their camera what was going on in front of them. As opposed to the monopolist picking and choosing what to show you, you could choose what you want to see, and what you want to ignore. The monopolist middle man interpreter was no longer necessary! What do you think happened next? Alas, even social media has changed very drastically over the last several years. Now, events and interpretations (even on social media) that go against the single monopolist "narrative" are being removed and censored. What a shame. What a big step backwards. But one must always remain optimistic because when one door closes, another one inevitably opens. Because we are all so individually unique and different, there's a part of us that is repulsed by monopolistic power-grabs. The Spirit of Life always finds a way under, over, around and through. Trying to impose one-size-fits-all in a world of unique individuals always fails. One size does not exist. One "narrative" can never exist. Individuality and decentralization must and will ultimately prevail in ways that we probably can't even imagine.
Suddenly we are facing a "crisis" at the border, with tens of thousands pouring in illegally. Democrats are starting to see the crisis in humanitarian terms and Republicans are seeing the crisis in political terms. Both are partly right, but both are missing the point. Also today, new PEW study shows shocking rate of depression and anxiety due to Covid lockdowns.
February 2025