From California eastward, US courts keep ruling against President Biden's attempt to force Americans to take the experimental virus shots. And the President has been forced to quietly back off of his threat to fire Federal workers who refuse the jab. Is freedom winning? Also today, leading expert says new variant may spell the end of Covid-19 altogether!
By Ron Paul
Inflation was an unwelcome guest at this year’s Thanksgiving gatherings. According to the Farm Bureau, a traditional Thanksgiving meal cost 14 percent more in 2021 than the same meal cost in 2020. Many families went without certain Thanksgiving favorites — or limited their guests — to reduce costs in hopes of saving Christmas from the Grinches at the Federal Reserve. Sadly, these efforts will not guaranty that children’s Christmas wish lists will be fulfilled because the government-caused supply shortages have even impacted Santa’s workshop. Some pundits have suggested that the way to cope with higher prices and reduced availability of goods is for people to “lower their expectations.” These pundits have unwittingly stumbled into the truth: The American people should lower their expectations of government. Since the Progressive Era, many Americans have looked to the government for economic security. The result has been a welfare state that undermines private charities, families, local communities, and the free market. Development of entitlement mentality has contributed to the moral crisis facing the country. Parents who expected the government to provide their children with a quality education are discovering that government schools are more interested in indoctrinating children in Cultural Marxism. The expectation that the government ensures everyone has healthcare has resulted in bankrupt entitlement programs that are major drivers of the nation’s fiscal crisis. It has also led to Obamacare, which has made it more difficult for many Americans to afford quality health care. There may be no better symbol of the folly of looking to government to provide security than the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). For twenty years, this agency has subjected Americans to incredible violations of their privacy and property rights as well as their basic human dignity. Yet federally funded tests of the TSA have found TSA screenings are ineffective at stopping would-be terrorists! It is not just the TSA. The entire unconstitutional surveillance machine created after 9-11 has done nothing to increase our safety but has done much to decrease our liberty. The trillions spent on foreign wars make Americans less safe by increasing resentment of American foreign policy. Our foreign policy that enriches the military-industrial complex and its paid propagandists is another major factor contributing to a massive fiscal crisis. A major expectation that people need to reject is that the Federal Reserve can produce stable prices and full employment. For fifty years, America has had a pure fiat currency. The result has been a steady erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power, an increase in economic inequality, a boom-bubble-bust business cycle, and a steady growth of government fueled by the Fed’s monetization of debt. Despite the Federal Reserve’s record of failure, Congress refuses to pass the Audit the Fed legislation that would allow the American people to learn the full truth about American monetary policy. In contrast to the welfare-warfare-regulatory state, a free society will exceed the people’s expectations. A free market, featuring a currency chosen by the people, not the government, can meet all people’s demands for quality goods and services. Private charities could effectively and compassionately take care of those needing help without creating an entitlement mentality. Schools would view parents as customers and so would not use the classroom as a vehicle to undermine the parents’ values. We can always expect authoritarianism and poverty from big government and peace and prosperity from liberty.
Thanksgiving weekend was rocked by reports of a new Covid mutation, quickly named "Omicron Variant," which resulted in lockdown-happy "public health officials" across the globe pushing the panic button. Actual doctors reporting from "ground zero" in South Africa, however, report that the infections thus far from the new mutation are much more mild than the "Delta Variant." Also today: Fauci jumps the shark, claiming that "I represent science!"
It's not the business of the U.S. federal government to "stockpile" anything. But as usual with government, the "emergency" and "fear" cards are used as excuses for it to stockpile oil. However, we know not only from theory, but from practical experience, that in any emergency, the very last people that you want allocating resources are people in the federal government.
In the effort to politicize every single thing in our lives, news outlets such as MSNBC have taken to attacking Thanksgiving as a celebration of "white supremacy." It's all absurd and should stop immediately. In response, Ron Paul shares a bit about what his Thanksgiving will be like this year...and he has one very funny story to tell.
Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of "killing people." Senator Paul has a great retort to this absurd and, frankly, unhinged claim. Also today: "Don't call looting looting!"
Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told the Washington Post that critics of Fauci and his organization are spreading misinformation and should be "brought to justice." He continues the "I am science" argument of Fauci even as the multitude of flip-flops and failed promises have undermined public confidence. Also today: Australia goes full gulag, medical devices are "racist," and the corporate elite are desperate to sell Africa drugs they don't seem to need...
By Ron Paul
President Biden’s approval numbers are dropping like lead. According to a Quinnipiac University poll released last week, only 36 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s performance as president. From Covid, to the economy, to foreign policy, Biden’s numbers are in the tank. Three out of four Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country today. Inflation is sky high, gasoline prices are higher than they’ve been since Obama was president, and the store shelves are empty just in time for Christmas. And the president’s illegal and immoral vaccine mandate may result in millions leaving their jobs rather than accept the experimental covid shots. That should do wonders for the “supply chain” problems in the US. Biden’s ability to drag the economy back from the brink is very limited and the Democrat brand is looking more and more like poison as the US moves into mid-term election season. That can be dangerous. When presidents make war they find that political opposition dries up and the media rolls over in gratitude. Is Biden eyeing foreign action to bolster his sagging support back home? Traditionally, progressives have been wary of aggressive US foreign policy, but four years of phony “Russiagate” lies has left a good deal of the political Left enamored with the CIA, FBI, and warmongering “woke” military officers like Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley. Many of them will likely cheer a military conflict. When it comes to foreign policy, the Biden White House continues some of the worst policies of the previous Administration. The US continues to sail warships through the South China Sea and when such saber rattling provokes Chinese concern the Chinese are condemned as the aggressors. Similarly, the US just sent warships into Russia’s backyard in the Black Sea to perform military maneuvers. Imagine Russian wargames off the Texas coast in the Gulf of Mexico! And then the US Administration attacked Russia for “massing troops”… inside Russia! The US media is, as usual, complicit in propagandizing the US population. Thus, Russia is said to be “massing troops near Ukraine” without the explanation that “near Ukraine” is actually within Russia. So Russia is threatening war by holding military exercises within its own borders, but the US is entirely peaceful when it sends warships thousands of miles away up to the Russian border. On Friday the Russian military intercepted US warplanes reportedly just 12.5 miles from the Russian border. The US and NATO continue to deliver lethal weapons to the government in Kiev, which only embolden Ukrainian President Zelensky to ratchet up the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The US foreign policy and military establishment exist in an echo chamber. They believe their rhetoric that the rest of the world is eagerly awaiting its orders from Washington and that the US has the moral right – and the ability – to tell the rest of the world what to do. This sets the stage for a potentially catastrophic miscalculation in the US Administration. Already Russian President Putin complained last week that the US takes its “red lines” too lightly, no doubt referring to Ukraine. Biden may be calculating that he needs a nice little war to boost back his numbers and rally Americans to his support. Like most everything else in this first year of the Biden Administration, it would be a terrible mistake. In an interview with the New York Times earlier this month, Fauci made a startling revelation: the vaccine wanes so seriously that it doesn't even protect against hospitalization and death! His solution? MORE shots. Will America keep listening to him? Also today: South Korea got fully vaxxed...then they all got covid! What's going on here?
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By Ron Paul
What do the Federal Reserve and neoconservatives have in common? They both refuse to admit that their policies — the neocons’ promotion of perpetual war and the Fed's manipulation of the money supply — are complete failures, having produced the opposite of the promised results. The latest example of the Federal Reserve engaging in Bill Kristol-like levels of denial is the Fed’s continued insistence that the return of 70s-style inflation is a “transitory” phenomenon resulting from the end of the lockdowns. The Fed has acknowledged the “transitory” inflation will last until at least 2022, yet it is still determined to keep interest rates at or near zero until the “jobs situation” improves. To be fair, the Fed has finally announced plans to cut back on its money-pumping activities by reducing by 15 billion dollars a month its monthly purchase of 80 billion dollars of Treasury bonds and 40 billion dollars of mortgage-backed assets. It is unlikely that the Fed will stick to its plans to “taper” its purchase of Treasury bonds. The Fed’s Treasury bond purchases enable the federal government to run up the debt without increasing taxes or paying punishingly high interest on the debt. The Congressional Budget Office projects that by 2030 the federal debt interest cost will more than double to 829 billion dollars. That is more than the government spent on the military in 2020! Despite the looming fiscal crisis, Congress is unlikely to cut spending anytime soon. Instead, Congress members are debating a 1.75 trillion dollars “social spending” plan, having just passed a 1.2 trillion dollars infrastructure bill. Contrary to the claims of President Biden and his allies, this new spending will not reduce inflation. What it will do is hasten and deepen the inevitable economic crisis caused by government overspending. Of course, most Republicans will continue opposing big increases in spending and debt ... as long as a Democrat sits in the Oval Office. A Republican who becomes president will likely believe, as Dick Cheney has said, that President Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter. The difference between the parties is Republicans are less likely to raise taxes. So, no matter who controls Congress and the presidency, spending and debt can keep increasing. The Fed may also take dramatic action to keep interest rates low if other purchasers of federal debt demand higher interest rates in anticipation of future inflation. Such a situation would be a sign of what Ludwig von Mises called a crack-up boom. A crack-up boom occurs when the public anticipates continuing devaluation of the currency, causing them to factor future price increases into their economic plans. Crack-up booms are preceded or accompanied by economic crises that can lead to the rise of authoritarianism. However, this is not inevitable. Important steps can be taken including cutting spending on militarism and corporate welfare, phasing out the entitlement and welfare programs, and auditing and ending the Fed. Those of us who know the truth should seek to convince our fellow citizens of the importance of restoring a limited, constitutional government that does not try to run the economy, run the world, or run our lives. |
February 2025