Partisan calls for a 9/11-type commission to look into what Democrats still claim was an "insurrection" on January 6th are being resisted by Republicans in Congress. Is it partisan theater? Would any investigation actually get to the bottom of the farce? Also today: Fauci admits Rand was right - his mask-wearing was theater. TX Gov Abbott says "no masks!" And...another insurrection on the House Floor???
By Chris Rossini
The push to get people to receive a vaccine injection has entered the bizarre realm. Simple recommendations that individuals should make as informed a decision as they can don't even appear to be considered. Instead, the messaging is very blunt, very aggressive, and very authoritarian. We see repeated variations of the following: 'Get vaccinated and get your freedom back.' 'Get the vaccine and get your life back.' 'Do all the things you love again.' These statements are abhorrent and repugnant. Let us consider some of the most powerful words ever written to paper. Every American should know these words and cherish them: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." First, our rights do not come from other people. They can't. We are not created by other people. Dr. Fauci did not create you, or anyone else. Neither did a politician. Nor do any of us actually create our own children. No human being has even the slightest idea as to how to create another human being. So rights do not come from other people, but from our Creator. Logically deduced, these rights are an inherent part of each one of us. We are endowed with our rights, amongst which the most important are our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. So your life is yours alone, what you do with it is your choice, and whatever it is that makes you happy is yours to pursue. This is what makes you, well, you. And there has never been anyone exactly like you, nor will there ever be. Now we can start to bring other people into the picture. Other people come in after-the-fact. And government even later still. If people in a specific area decide to form a government that is tasked to protect their Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, it happens after the fact. Government does not precede life itself. Government doesn't precede Liberty. It's totally illogical to think that it would or could. So when you see the words, 'Get vaccinated and get your freedom back,' or 'Get the vaccine and get your life back,' or 'Do all the things you love again,' you're being told that your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness are presumed to be in some kind of hostage situation. These inherent qualities that came with you into this world are presumed to be in hands of others! And in order to get them back, you must do what others tell you to do. Did you ever agree to hand over your Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness to others? Of course you didn't! You couldn't even if wanted to. They are a part of you. You're always responsible. Always. But with these bizarre messages being repeated everywhere, it's implied that your Life and Liberty are held captive by someone else, and in order to break yourself out of this hostage situation, you must pay a ransom. We've all seen the Hollywood movies. Ransom is usually money or a yacht to some Caribbean island. There's usually a financial or economic tie to ransoms in the movies. But this ransom is not financial or economic at all. In order to get your "life" back (can you believe they're actually saying this) you have to get an injection into your body! An injection that once you get, you can't give back. There is no going back. There are no do-overs. This is serious business. We only get one body in this earthly existence. What goes into it is of prime importance! Now, we are all free and sovereign individuals, tasked and responsible for our own decisions. If one thinks that the cost-benefit is in favor of getting the injection, then it is incumbent upon that person to do what he/she believes is right for themselves. But this decision has nothing to do with getting one's "life" or "freedom" back. That's insane! You already have your life, and you can do with it what you please. You can already do what makes you happy without an injection. Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness do not hinge on getting a needle from another person. Furthermore, when one makes the best decision for themselves (and their children) that's as far as their responsibility goes. It does not extend to anyone else. Everyone else must make what they believe to be the best decision for themselves and their own children. To each his own. Make your decision, and then you're going to experience the consequences; whatever they happen to be. That's what it means to be a free individual that lives in The Land of The Free. Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness are the inborn qualities of every individual American. They should never be held hostage in America.
As the death toll mounts in the latest Israel/Palestine flare-up, Americans find themselves taking sides on whether Israel is really "defending" itself or whether the Palestinian "militants" are again up to their old tricks. Today we present another view; one that could actually help diminish the violence. Also today: Whitmer getting her due? Cultural Marxism in NoVa. What's up with OSHA covid vax guidelines. And some fun with Thomas Massie's Tweets...
By Ron Paul
April’s 4.2 percent past year increase in the Consumer Price Index is not likely to dissuade the Federal Reserve from continuing its policy of near-zero interest rates. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell believes the rising prices are just a temporary phenomenon caused by the ending of lockdowns releasing pent-up consumer demand. Powell may be right that the ending of lockdowns would inevitably be accompanied by a rise in prices. However, this is just the latest reason the Fed has given for putting off increasing interest rates. Powell does not want to admit that the real reason the Fed will continue to keep rates low is that increasing rates will cause the federal government's interest payments to rise to unsustainable levels. One way the Fed increases the money supply — and thus lowers interest rates — is by purchasing US Treasury securities. These purchases increase demand for US government debt, keeping government’s borrowing costs low. An expansionary monetary policy thus enables increased federal spending and deficits. Since the lockdowns, the Fed has worked overtime to monetize federal debt, doubling its holdings of Treasury securities. A Truth in Accounting report from April concluded the real federal debt is 123 trillion dollars — over four times larger than the 28 trillion dollars “official” debt. The higher debt calculation includes the federal government’s unfunded liabilities. The biggest unfunded liabilities are the 55 trillion dollars in promised but unfunded Medicare benefits and the 41 trillion dollars in promised but unfunded Social Security benefits. Congress could transition away from entitlement and welfare programs without harming current or soon-to-be beneficiaries by cutting spending on militarism and corporate welfare. Part of the savings from these cuts could be used to pay down the debt, and part could be used to provide payments for current and soon-to-be beneficiaries of government programs while we transition to a free market. Unfortunately, there is not much appetite in Congress for spending cuts. The main Democratic criticisms of President Biden’s 1.52 trillion dollars budget, which increases spending by 8.4 percent, are that Biden is not proposing bigger increases in spending and debt, or in taxes on “the rich.” Biden’s budget increases are in addition to the trillions in other spending Biden is pursuing, including related to Covid, infrastructure, and his “American Families Plan.” Republicans are making obligatory attacks on Biden’s spending, while also attacking Biden for increasing military spending to “only” 753 billion dollars. Republican complaints about Biden's big spending ring hollow given their support for Presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush’s spending increases and Republicans' proposals to spend billions on infrastructure. Some conservatives have even embraced the madness of Modern Monetary Theory. These conservatives are urging people to stop worrying about spending and debt and instead figure out how to use Fed-financed government spending to advance conservative ends. The refusal of Congress to cut spending means the Fed will keep increasing its balance sheet in an effort to monetize skyrocketing debt. Eventually, the increasing debt and inflation will lead to a major economic meltdown. The meltdown will likely include a rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. The only way to avoid the crash is to spread the truth among enough people to force Congress to reverse course. Early steps in reversing course are blocking Biden’s big spending plans and passing Audit the Fed so the American people can finally know the truth about the Federal Reserve’s actions.
The CDC's surprise Friday announcement that vaccinated people no longer need masks indoors or outdoors caught the Covid cultists off-guard. Suddenly major US grocery chains like Costco and Trader Joes announced "no masks" for vaccinated customers - and a policy of "don't ask, don't tell." Has the pandemic panic run its course? Where to from here?
The effects of unprecedented government spending (of money it does not have) and unprecedented Federal Reserve counterfeiting of U.S. dollars are showing up in the economy with rapidly rising prices. You're expected to focus only on the symptoms, and then blame everything except The Fed. The Ron Paul Liberty Report focuses on the root of the problem, along with the solution.
The US continues to pursue force across the globe, with ever-increasing military budgets, sanctions, and threats, while China continues to make deals across the globe, arriving with bags of money to make investments. Which one is more sustainable? Also today, Gov. DeWine: 'Want some money?' And both NY Times and Dr. Gupta commit covid heresy...
Reports of a ransomware hack of the Colonial Pipeline had hardly ended when the usual MSM suspects and Democrat Party shills began blaming the hack on Russia. As with each of these prior claims, no evidence has been presented. But it fits the narrative too well to waste time on investigation! Also today, the New York Times busts the CDC over outdoor transmission claims. And...Rand versus Fauci.
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By Chris Rossini
"Anything That's Peaceful." Three words, perfectly arranged by Leonard Read to describe the ideas of liberty. To many people, this will come as a surprise. For the modern definition of liberty has been smeared, distorted and twisted into meaning the exact opposite. "We can't have liberty, for that would mean people can do whatever they want, even if it's violent." "We can't have liberty, for then selfishness would dominate, and people would gain at the expense of others; thinking only about themselves." Of course, these smears do not describe liberty at all; they describe tyranny! One very old and constantly used authoritarian tactic is to project onto your opponents that which you are, and that which you do. So it is no surprise that authoritarians have "taught" the people to believe that liberty = tyranny. But if both tyranny = tyranny and liberty = tyranny, one has no choice but to live in a tyrannical society. How convenient for the tyrants! Of course, liberty is the exact opposite of tyranny. Living by the ideas of liberty means you are living unselfishly. Your primary concern is peaceful and voluntary interactions with others; cooperation with others. After all, every individual acts with purpose; all-day, every-day. We are constantly choosing our own ends, as well as the means that we believe will achieve those ends. These means/ends can be extremely simple and almost instant, such as using fingernails (means) to scratch an itch for relief (end). Or the means/ends can be complex and time-consuming, like using building materials (means) to construct a house (end). In a society where liberty is the highest value, this process of continuous and purposeful action is rooted in peaceful and voluntary interactions between individuals. One may not use force or commit fraud to accomplish one's own ends. To do so would be to choose to act as a tyrant. Since man is endowed with free will, he may always choose whether or not he will act peacefully, or as a tyrant. The proper role of government then would be to protect against tyranny. Government's role would be to keep the peace and bring justice for acts of tyranny. Man has free will, and can choose to act as a tyrant. Some will make such a mistake. Government is there to punish the mistake. Now, let's look at the obverse of a society of liberty. Let's look at an authoritarian society. In an authoritarian society, power is the highest value. Not liberty. Power. In this society, selfishness dominates. Those in power dictate to others, and the others are expected to obey, under the threat of violent force. In this society, the ends of the authoritarians justify the means. Any individual can and will be sacrificed in the attempt to accomplish the ends that those in power have chosen. Individual ends are disposable and mean nothing. The ends chosen by authoritarians mean everything. Voluntary cooperation means nothing. Getting in control of the levers of power means everything. The ends chosen by authoritarians are almost always illogical and impossible. So the destruction of individual life and liberty takes place on a massive scale in order to accomplish ends that can never (ever) be accomplished in the first place. Today, instead of keeping the peace, the role of government is believed to be a vehicle to get what you want through force. Government has become the primary tool for tyranny. Instead of keeping the peace, government is used to destroy the peace. Now, there's good news and bad news in the human life scenario. First, the bad news. As long as people continue to believe that liberty = tyranny, society will continue its downward spiral until it reaches the ultimate destination of mass poverty and mass death. There is nothing new under the Sun. Tyranny leads to death. Liberty leads to life. The good news is that we all have free will, and the ability to choose the opposite. A society of liberty is always an option. It's always just a choice away. Individually, we must each make that choice, and then let others know that the true definition of liberty is: "Anything That's Peaceful."
Download a free copy of Leonard Read's Anything That's Peaceful here.
September 2024