By Chris Rossini
Human life, which consists of 7+ billion individually conscious 'I's,' can be described with the words 'radical decentralization.' Human life is radically decentralized. First, there are no carbon copies of the 7+ billion of us. No copies with anyone who lives now, who has lived in the past, or who will show up after us in the future. Even identical twins are one-of-a-kind individuals. We each perceive, interpret, and uniquely explain the world to ourselves. We each choose what to believe, what we desire, and how to act to achieve those desires. Radical decentralization. We're also equipped with boundless imaginations. We can imagine whatever we want. It can be fact or fiction, true or false, practical or impossible, logical or illogical. But while we have this liberty of thought, there is only one universal government that the whole world lives under. This government cannot be "regime changed." There can be no coup, overthrow, or abdication. It has the characteristics that man-made governments want, but can never have. This universal government is simply known as the truth. We can imagine that which is not true. We can even believe that which is not true. But we cannot create, bring about, or turn into reality that which is not true. So if a person (or group of people) imagine that they can take the radical decentralization of human life, and centralize it under their own command, they are imagining something that isn't true or achievable. They can act on their imagination. They can plan and build "structures." They can add to the "structures" of those who went before them. They can take 100 years, 1,000 years, or even 1,000,000 years to try to erect their centralized control, but it still wouldn't be true or achievable. Human life is radically decentralized. Centralizers can create the deadliest weapons that can blow the planet to smithereens, and human life is still radically decentralized. They can stick a camera and microphone on every square inch of the Earth, and human life is still radically decentralized. They can censor, and censor, and censor, and the truth still stands and is communicated between us. We're unique individuals, responsible for ourselves. That's a huge job and it lasts a lifetime. In your private home, you're responsible for the affairs of yourself and your family. It would be quite odd, if someone told you, that in addition to that, you're now responsible for what goes on in your neighbor's house, as well as the house two doors away, and three doors away....and so on. That's an impossible task. You cannot assume such a responsibility and succeed. You've got your own stream of problems and challenges to face and deal with. When an event occurs at your neighbor's house, it is for the people who live there, and who are directly experiencing the event, to deal with it. Sure, you can voluntarily offer assistance, and your neighbor can either accept or reject your assistance. But it's impossible for you to be responsible for the affairs that take place there. This is so easy for most people to understand. However... Bring in politics, and the opening to be a busybody in the lives of others, and this understanding of reality is thrown directly out the window. The illusion and fantasy of centralized power captivates even the most brilliant, rational and logical individuals. It seduces those who are otherwise geniuses in their own fields of specialization. This mentality snowballs into the dumpster fire that we call American politics today. Yet, it wasn't always this way. Those who formed the original American colonies and United States started off really well. Not perfect, of course, but really well. They acknowledge the radical decentralization of human life. They acknowledged the right to one's own life, to one's individual liberty, to one's own property, to the pursuit of one's own happiness, and to the fruits of one's own labor. The federal government was a weak sideshow. Local affairs were to be solved locally. The federal government wasn't there to abridge our liberty (see the Bill of Rights). It wasn't there to centralize all power to itself. Even America's foreign policy was something to be greatly admired. George Washington said to “steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world." Thomas Jefferson said the foreign policy of America was "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none." Boy, was the wrong road taken after this, or what? Everything changed at the start of the 1900's. In 1898, the U.S. conquered foreign nations and inherited 11 million new inhabitants. The taste of empire, and being a global busybody was now in its early stages. The next major thrust would come with Woodrow Wilson's foolish entry into the European War (World War I). The American empire would expand again after World War II. It would expand again during, and especially after, the Cold War. And today, in 2020, the United States claims that the entire Earth is its sphere of influence. The entire Earth!!! Anyone who watched the Presidential debate last night saw that the chaos is not only the foreign policy of empire that has bankrupted the country, but local centralization of power as well. Nothing is off limits to the federal government. It touches every aspect of the lives of 300+ million American people. The president is supposed to have a position on a virus, on the weather, on healthcare, on the economy, on education, on every U.S. state's affairs, on medicine, on vaccines, on the stock market, on riots, on policing ... The centralization now encompasses every square inch, and the chaos of this centralized power couldn't be more obvious. No one is happy, yet everyone seems to be looking to centralized power as the fix! No! Centralized power is the problem! The rejection of individual liberty is the problem! This is a world of radical decentralization. Centralized power can do nothing but turn every aspect of life upside-down. Yet no one wants to admit that the jig is up. It's as if everyone is curious and wants to see what the next level down into the abyss looks like. Why? It's going to be worse than even this! The first step in fixing this problem is admitting it. May Americans get there sooner rather than later. But there's no time to wait around for everyone else. Let us each individually accept the radical decentralization of human life and live by it. Let's each refuse to be a busybody that sticks his or her nose into everyone else's business. Let's each keep our own houses in order to the best of our abilities. Our own unique life is sufficient enough. Comments are closed.
February 2025