By Liberty Report Staff
Sanctions are an act of war. They are a form of blockade. They hurt the innocent civilians of the targeted country, and leave the leaders unscathed. Often, sanctions strengthen the leaders, since they can point at the blockade as the reason for the people's misery. What do you think American politicians would do if another nation blockaded us? Do you think they would blame themselves? Cuba should've taught America a lesson...Sanctions hurt innocents! Sadly, that lesson was not learned. North Korea is quite possibly the most impoverished nation on Earth. Isn't it bad enough that North Koreans must suffer under a brutal Socialist system? Must America now kick these innocent people while they're down? The American government's answer to that question is "Yes," and the American President even brags about it on Twitter.
Today President Trump tweeted:
Too bad?
Do we have a collectivist president? Does the president realize that there isn't an entity called "North Korea" that feels pain? Individuals feel pain. North Korea consists of millions of individual people; people that have goals, values, families, friends, etc. They try to survive and be happy the best that they can .... just like we do! A foreign country is now adding to the Socialist pain that they have to deal with on a daily basis. A foreign country is coming in and kicking these innocent people when they're down. Too bad? Comments are closed.
February 2025