By Chris Rossini Big political speeches are a valuable tool for bamboozling the public. They present a fantastic opportunity for politicians to reach tens of millions of people at one time. What a gig! Americans glue themselves to the TV in order to watch prepared words (that are carefully crafted) to give individuals that good and wholesome feeling about government and its magical ability to make the world go round. Actions, past and present, get thrown out the window. The only thing that matters are the words and the feelings that they create. For example, last night Bill Clinton gave his convention speech. The Clintons have been involved with government for decades and have jointly caused incalculable damage to so many lives. That gets tossed aside. Instead, after 30 years of the Clintons, Americans yet again have to be pitched on the reasons why Hillary would make a great president. As predictable as the the sun rising and setting, the media and talking heads fell over themselves and wrote column after column on what a great speech Bill Clinton gave. He still has that magical ability to "connect" with the American people. Two nights ago, the adoration went to Michelle Obama. It goes without saying that the Obama years have been anything but the Hope & Change that they were promised to be. Freedom and liberty have been devoured at a shocking pace. But alas, once again, it's the words that count during the big speeches. Let's look at just a few of Michelle Obama's carefully crafted words that should send panic down everyone's spine: In this election and every election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives. Sounds so innocent, doesn't it? Ahh, but the ever-vigilant Karen De Coster strips the innocence away with the skill of a surgeon. Here's what Michelle Obama was saying: 1 - Power. That's just a single sentence! We can, of course, parse the whole speech and write thousands of words of rebuttals.
That is what the media should be doing, but the days of watchdog reporting are long behind us. Instead, the media acts as an advertising arm for every expansion of power. Big political speeches are indoctrination seminars for adults. Tens of millions get a dose of the same stuff that they received as innocent kids sitting (and being "shaped") in those government desks. Comments are closed.
January 2025