Authoritarian government officials love to mandate that everyone "stay at home" to fight the virus, but when it comes to their own lives, they are not about to give up their freedom. The latest hypocrite is government coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx, who spent Thanksgiving at her second house with guests in violation of her orders for others. Also today, Sen. Rand Paul slams idiotic mandates that have no science behind them. Vaccine problems. Recall Newsom. And more...
Democrats and Republicans publicly argue and bicker with one another. Outwardly, there is conflict. But when it comes to expanding the power of government in every direction, there couldn't be more harmony between them. The growth of state power and destruction of individual liberty is a bipartisan affair laced with endless lies. Word of another "stimulus" is in the headlines, with the stated intention of "helping" Americans and the economy.
Liberty Report Staff Ron Paul joins Daniela Cambone of Stansberry Research to discuss the our unconstitutional and immoral monetary system: Part 1: Part 2:
There are many calls for President Trump to pardon Julian Assange. Ron Paul agrees that it would be a very good idea.
By Chris Rossini
As the walls of authoritarianism close in, the questions are often asked "What can we do? What can be done to restore freedom in America?" There isn't a single answer to such questions. Single answers are the modus operandi of authoritarians: "Everyone must do this. Everyone must do that. Everyone must do what they're told." Liberty is not born of, and does not expand, by authoritarian measures or thinking. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for the restoration of liberty. There is no central plan or planner. There is no algorithm, or committee of "experts" that can bring it about. You could be sure that if any of these things did exist, Liberty would have no chance. They could never work. So if all the typical authoritarian tools and thinking are out, what is there? There's YOU. Not what on Earth can that mean: "There's me?" Well, when Ron Paul is asked the question: "Dr. Paul, what can I do...," he always has the same reply: "Do what you want." Ron Paul doesn't know what your talents are, what your skills are, or where you can make the biggest dent against tyranny. What if Dr. Paul were to go the authoritarian route and reply by saying: "You must start a podcast. That is where you belong." What good would his plan for you be if you hate public speaking? What if, instead, you're an amazing artist who could be creating liberty-oriented political cartoons? Now Dr. Paul's advice of "Do what you want," fits perfectly. The ball is in your court. It's up to "YOU" to "DO." Once you start to "do what you want" for Liberty, you've become the answer to your own question of "What can we do?" You're doing it! Now, if that's not good enough for you, if instead you're looking for a white knight to come in and invoke liberty by diktat, or for a politician to wave a magic wand to ban all tyranny, then you're looking at the problem like an authoritarian would. You see, the BIG PICTURE of life, and all the events that transpire; all the good and the bad that take place in every second, are not for us to individually "take care of," or "make right," or "set straight." That's what authoritarians and utopians have been trying to do since the beginning of recorded history. It's what they try to do today. They think that they are going to control the BIG PICTURE. They're not! In their minds, authoritarians create a frozen and static perfection (i.e., what they believe is perfection) where everything is to their liking, every thought and every action of every human being is in line with their "vision." These utopian "visions" have unsurprisingly driven people to create the most horrible atrocities imaginable. They constantly bump up against the reality that this is a world of individuals, who have their own individual motivations, preferences, beliefs and goals. There is no unity of thought here on Earth. There is no unity of action here either. To seek to create unity of thought and action is to seek to wipe out humanity! There is only individual thought and individual action. There is only freedom here. The freedom to choose one's way. And it is here that one has the power to make a difference for the cause of Liberty. If being a busybody is the problem, then it's up to you not to interfere into the business of others. Their lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness is their own. As long as no one is hurting anyone else, leave them alone. If being dependent on government is the problem, then it is up to you to wean yourself off, as best as you can. Rely less on them this year, and even less next. Always moving away from dependency, and no longer moving towards. If being in debt to the corrupt monetary system that we live under is the problem, then it is up to you to stop increasing your debts, and start paying them down. Again, less this year than last, and even less debt next year. Always moving away from debt and no longer adding more. If lying politicians are the problem, stop believing them. If the lying media is the problem, don't watch or listen. Layer-by-layer, you remove yourself from being a part of the problem. Step-by-step you bless the world with one more person who wants to deal with others voluntarily and not through force. Perfection will never be reached. There will always be one more improvement that you can make. The process doesn't end. And as this process takes place, the BIG PICTURE will continue to have its ups and downs, just as it always has. A static and frozen utopia cannot exist in a constantly-changing universe. Hundreds of years ago, the ideas of liberty dominated the minds of Americans. Today, the idea of "something for nothing" dominates. But this too shall pass. The job that each of us has, is not to set about to "fix" the BIG PICTURE, but to individually change the ONE, the only one that we have the power to change....ourself.
You asked. Ron Paul answered. We hope you enjoy another edition of #AskRonPaul
By Ron Paul
Libertarian educator Tom Woods famously quipped that “no matter who you vote for you end up with John McCain.” Unfortunately Woods was proven right for about the thousandth time this past week, as Washington again showed us that it is all about war. First, we learned that if Joe Biden ends up in the White House next month he intends to put a deep state member of the military-industrial complex in charge of the Pentagon. General Lloyd Austin will be only the second Defense Secretary in decades to require a special Senate waiver to serve in that position. Gen. James Mattis under President Trump also needed a waiver, as he had been out of the military less than the required seven years before becoming Defense Secretary. But the revolving door between active military service and civilian leadership of the Pentagon is perhaps less troubling than the revolving door between the military-industrial complex and leadership of the Defense Department. As the first African-American to take charge of the Pentagon, the Austin pick is celebrated as a great victory for “diversity.” However, if we move beyond the color of a person’s skin, Biden’s selection is not all that diverse. Gen. Austin was head of the US Central Command under an Obama Administration that launched a brutal war on Libya under false pretenses and pursued a regime-change policy in Syria that involved arming and training jihadists. Upon retirement, as is all too common with military leaders, he cashed in on his service with a position on the board of military contractor Raytheon. Austin will be “business as usual” for Washington’s warmongers and the military contractors who make a fortune inventing endless conflicts overseas. Then things went from bad to worse, as the yearly monstrosity called the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was passed with an amendment severely restricting the US president’s ability to remove troops from Afghanistan and Europe. Offered by neoconservative Congresswoman Liz Cheney, daughter of the warmongering Dick Cheney, the amendment all but guarantees that America’s longest war in history will continue pointlessly onward. A coalition of warmongering Democrats and Republicans have been furious with President Trump for his last minute effort to draw troops down from Afghanistan and elsewhere, and they appear to have a veto-proof majority to tie the president’s hands. Congress has for decades believed that the president can go to war whenever or wherever he pleases without a declaration, but if the president dares attempt to end a war their belief in a “unitary executive” is thrown out the window. What hypocrisy. The Constitution is clear that the president is the commander in chief of the military and as such should have the authority to move troops as he sees fit. The Founders understood that 535 Members of Congress trying to micromanage troops on the battlefield is not a good idea. Congress has it backward. It should be very difficult for a president to take the country to war and easy for that war to be ended. Time after time, the “peace” candidate usually wins the election. But no matter how sick the American people are of endless war, the war machine finds a way to keep chugging along. What will it take to return to a policy of peace and prosperity?
Why are the American people waiting on "experts" to tell them that it's OK to live a normal life again? The "experts" seem to just keep moving the goalposts. The more time that goes by, the further out the goalposts are moved. How did 15 days turn into this?
Everyone knows how government policies implemented this year have caused suffering for adults and small businesses. But government policies have also negatively affected the young in so many ways as well. One-size-fits-all policies in a world of individuals runs contrary to the ideas of Liberty. It has produced the dire circumstances that we currently find ourselves in. Individual liberty is our only life vest.
It is a hallmark of central planners to proclaim the paradise that they're going to create on Earth. Human freedom will be gone, of course, and the world will be set straight by the authorities and planners. 'You will own nothing, and be happy,' is the newest bottle for the old wine. As always, it's best not to get caught up in the latest sales pitch, but always embrace one's own freedom and liberty.
January 2025