By Liberty Report Staff
This may come as a surprise to many people, but Big Business loves government regulations. It's surprising to most because it runs contrary to what they've been "taught" in the government's schools and by the government-licensed mainstream media. The dominant belief is that the businessman wants the free market, but we "need" government to "regulate" him. Big Corporations love this big lie, and they LOVE that the public believes it. The truth is that Big Corporations do not want free markets, but are a major driving force for government regulations. Free markets are HARD. Consumers are fickle. Competition is fierce. It's much easier to have government regulations protect you from all of it. Ryan McMaken writes at The Mises Institute: Many Facebook critics like to claim that Facebook is a natural monopoly. That is, they think Facebook is so dominant in the marketplace, that it can use its supposed market power to keep out competitors. We're told that Facebook has so many users, no serious competition will ever be possible.
So if you ever catch yourself calling for more "government regulations," remember one thing, those CEO's that you like to complain about couldn't agree with you more.
Do you really want to stick it to the Fat Cat CEO's? Call for the removal of ALL government regulations! At most, government should have some basic laws to protect consumers from the use aggressive force or fraud. That's it. The CEO's will fight your proposal tooth-and-nail. Free markets are their nemesis. They much prefer you to clamor for more government regulations. Comments are closed.
October 2024