By Chris Rossini
"What is it about ME that put me in this situation?" That's one of the most valuable and liberating questions that one can ask. At the same time, it's probably the most ignored and avoided question as well. The reason why it's avoided should be obvious. First, as human beings, we seek to avoid pain. At the same time, we search for the easiest road to pleasure. Self-contemplation can be painful and it's much easier to blame someone else for whatever problem we may be facing. But the fact remains that we're in charge of our own individual lives, a reality that humans have been trying to avoid, get around and fight since the beginning of recorded history. The attempt to abolish individual liberty has failed in the past, fails in the present, and will continue to fail in the future. No one else can be in charge of our own individual lives. We think, we choose, and our choices have consequences. We are individual sovereigns....royalty of our own personal realms. How ironic that every conceivable attempt has been made (and repeated) to throw that individual sovereignty away....all to no avail. Instead of asking that liberating question: 'What is it about ME that put me in this situation?...the blame game is put into motion: 'The rich people are to blame.' 'The corporations are to blame.' 'My parents are to blame.' 'My negative friends....' It's endless and a guaranteed recipe to stay stuck in whatever undesirable situation one is in. "What is it about ME?" is the question that liberates because the only person that we have control over is ourselves! Since everything about and around ourselves begin as ideas, that's where we must focus: What am I thinking? ....more importantly --- What do I believe? ...and most importantly --- IS WHAT I BELIEVE TRUE? The easier, but far more devastating option, is to try to throw away our individual sovereignty and try to give it to someone else. Royalty that is constantly trying abdicate! Guess who capitalizes on this charade?...The politician. The politician waits with open arms and will gladly assist you in pretending to throw away your liberty. As all of history has proven, you can't give away your individual sovereignty, but the politician will make sure that you go broke, and maybe even die trying. The politician, not knowing any better, is in the same exact boat as the individuals that believe him. Government is a drain on society. It can be no other way. The only question is: How big is the drain? In America, the drain has never been bigger!! It's the biggest drain that has ever existed on Earth! Once the day of reckoning (i.e., bankruptcy and default) approaches, does the government shrink itself voluntarily and allow oxygen back into society? No! Politicians are not interested in looking inward. Ron Paul tried to get Washington to look inward, remember? Neither Washington, nor the American people wanted (or want) government to shrink as drastically as it has to. What turned out to be the more popular approach? "It's Russia's fault!" "It's Mexico's fault!" And now...."It's China's fault!" What is the policy to accompany this blame? Record debt, record deficits, endless wars and a government that tramples the U.S. Constitution into dust. In other words, policies that promise to attract severe economic pain. Blame is poison. For the individual. For the country. Comments are closed.
October 2024