By Chris Rossini
With a government that is perpetually at war in multiple places around the world, Americans have been trained to "see no evil, hear no evil". The carnage that takes place around the world has been completely sanitized by the U.S. media. That was done on purpose right after the Vietnam war. During the Vietnam disaster, Americans were able to see the shocking brutality right on their TV screens. The ability to do so helped to create the massive public backlash against it. Then came Ronald Reagan and the sanitization of war. The Reagan Administration barred media coverage in his invasion of Grenada. In other words, the warmongers learned from their past mistakes. This time Americans would not see the disgustingness of war on their TV screens. And so it has continued to this day. Americans remain oblivious to the goings-on overseas. Out of sight. Out of mind. "Those people" must be bad people right? The countless innocents that have been killed? There must be something wrong with them. In any case, no matter what's happening over there, the average American's job is to sing the national anthem with the troops, salute the troops, clap for the troops, and then go back to watching the game. Yet, war is much more than this. It's easily the worst human creation. What if "those people" are really just like us? What if they're regular people going about their lives, trying to enjoy their days on this Earth? What if there is nothing wrong with the many men, women and children that fear a drone will take them out that day? What if you were able to peak into their lives? Well, now you can. Facebook recently rolled out a new LIVE feature, where anyone can broadcast what they are doing or watching at any moment. That, in itself, is incredible from a communication standpoint. But the beauty of Facebook is that it has over 1 billion people using the service worldwide. So we can peek into the lives of people all over the planet...LIVE and in real-time! This provides a wonderful opportunity to see what people are like in other parts of the world. Maybe they're not so different from us after all. Maybe they're just like us....Imagine that. Facebook has taken this brilliant idea even further. They've provided a world map that shows who is streaming LIVE content. This is what it looks like:
Each blue dot on the map indicates an individual that is streaming LIVE. Click on it and you can watch the stream. In a split second, you're taken to a place around the world to watch an unfiltered and uncensored LIVE representation of that land and its people.
This incredible achievement by Facebook brings a world that Americans have been trained to think of as "out of sight, out of mind" into sight, and into mind. The very first thing that you'll notice as you click around is that people are people, no matter where they happen to be born on the map. No one should fear that their life is in danger for no reason whatsoever. No one should lose their life for no reason whatsoever. Facebook has done good. Check out the livemap here. Comments are closed.
February 2025