By Chris Rossini
In America, we've now had a solid 100+ years of government domination. The idea sprouted with the poorly-named "Progressive Movement" in late 20th century. We are now reaping the fruits of those disastrous ideas. This is what it's like when government creeps into every corner of our lives. This is Progressive America and all that it has to offer....though things can always get worse. The challenge becomes: "Where do we go from here?" If poor ideas got us into this mess, what shall replace them? Obviously, we here at The Ron Paul Liberty Report do our very best to spread the ideas of liberty. Layer upon layer of government intrusion must once again be peeled away, lest it strangles us like an anaconda. We obviously face great challenges. Throughout human history, as governments would grind people to the brink, it opened up the doors for the white knight that trotted in on his white horse. The idea of a white knight solving everyone's problems becomes very seductive. It doesn't require much of an intellectual leap for those who have become conditioned by government domination. It's very easy to think that maybe "this man" will be our savior. Believing in the white knight is not a step in the direction of liberty. It's actually a very dangerous step to take. During the last Republican Presidential debate, Donald Trump closed with the following statement. Please make special note of the number of times that "I" was used in the statement: Over the years, I've created tens of thousands of jobs and a great company. It's a company I'm very proud of. Some of the most iconic assets anywhere in the world. And I will tell you, I don't have to give you a website because I'm self-funding my campaign. I'm putting up my own money.
This is not the language of liberty. Rather it is a white knight who is unashamed of saying the words "I want to make our country greater than it's ever been."
America can only be great again when each and every citizen enjoys the liberties that our ancestors enjoyed. They inhaled and exhaled much freer air. We're choking on government. Holding onto failed Progressive ideas will surely continue America's pain. However, choosing the white knight will only extend that pain in a much scarier direction. Liberty is the only solution. Comments are closed.
January 2025