By Chris Rossini
Over the last several years "inequality" has become a popular buzzword. Politicians (of all people) fancy themselves as mechanics who will turn a few wrenches, push a few buttons and fix the inequality problem. Of course, they can do nothing of the sort, no matter how positively they portray their wrench-turning and button-pushing credentials. Is there an "inequality" problem? Well, that depends on how "inequality" is defined. Where are we equal? Well, we're all equal before the laws of gravity. The laws of cause and effect as well as supply and demand apply to everyone equally as well. It doesn't matter where we are in the world, we cannot alter any of these. We can only identify and obey them (or attempt to disobey them if you're a member of government). So when it comes to every man's relationship with natural laws, we are in fact all equal. What about man's physical characteristics in relation to other men? Well, for everyone with eyes that can see, we notice that our physical characteristics are not equal at all. We're all completely unique. No one has the ability to physically mold everyone into a cookie-cutter version of "physically equal men". What happens when we move beyond the physical to the mental? It is here that our inequality grows even larger! Our thoughts, convictions, desires and beliefs are uniquely our own. We each interpret the world in our own unique way. That's why two different people can observe the same exact event and describe it in completely different ways! In fact, imagine that we could take our thoughts and line them up, one by one, in chronological order. This "thought stream" would be completely different and unique for each and every one of us. No two would be the same, or "equal". So physically we can never be equal, and mentally we can never be equal as well. That's a problem for politicians who are part of the equality brigade. Since we can't be physically or mentally equal, can we be economically equal? In other words, can we all have the same stuff, or the same amount of money? Of course not! First of all, we all have our own unique desires. We all desire different things. I may desire a Mercedes, while another person desires a Toyota. A third person may desire a bicycle instead of a car. A fourth person may want to walk, or skateboard. How can this possibly be made equal? Who's going to make it equal? How? Politicians are looking more foolish by the moment, aren't they? And that's just one simple example. No one is going to make us "equal" in terms of stuff. Look around you right now and take a mental snapshot of the stuff that's in your vicinity. Will Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton make a carbon copy of it for every other person in America? Of course not! They can't even make a carbon copy of your stuff for your next door neighbor! Ok, what about money? Surely, Hillary and Bernie can put the exact same number of dollars in your wallet as there are in Michael Jordan's? Right? No? That would be ridiculous? Well then these "inequality" battling politicians will then take all of Michael Jordan's money, all of Warren Buffett's money, and every wealthy person's money (including their own) and they'll shower it all on 300 million Americans, making sure that every person has the same exact amount. Then we can all be "equal" right? What about income? Hillary and Bernie are going to "close the gap," right? Wrong. Since we are unequal in talents, abilities and skills, there must be disparities in what people earn. When 50,000 people pay top dollar to watch a star athlete play a single game, the athlete's income is going to be higher than the person selling hot dogs at the game. Hillary and Bernie cannot change that. Neither does there exist a correct "range" between what the athlete earns versus what the person selling hot dogs earns. Supply and demand determine their incomes, and politicians cannot overrule that. The whole "inequality" charade is a scam from start to finish. We are not robots. We are unique human individuals. With that being an unalterable fact, there is one thing that we can choose to do. While one man will never be equal to another, we can choose to equally respect each other's life and property. In other words, since our lives are different, we can respect those differences. The best way to respect our uniqueness is to only interact with each other voluntarily, and never use aggression against one another. We shouldn't steal, hire (or vote for) someone to steal on our behalf either. Stealing by proxy is still stealing. It's not a moral loophole. The problems that most people attribute to "inequality" are actually fostered by the government itself. After all, government by its very nature must steal every penny that it has. Since it doesn't create anything, it can only take. Government also has the Federal Reserve, which steals covertly by diluting the purchasing power of our dollars. More than any other arm of government, the Fed makes it very hard for the seller of hot dogs to get by in life. Many people are attracted to the government's nefarious nature, and they want a piece of the action. Why deal voluntarily with others when you have the ability to use force? Why satisfy a voluntary customer, when you can lobby for a government contract? It shouldn't surprise anyone that the richest and wealthiest areas of the country are in Washington DC and the surrounding areas. Using force and stealing your way to wealth becomes an addiction that pulls in more and more people over time. These individuals step all over each other to get their hands on the hot money. They swim in ill-gotten gains and are illegitimately rich. Meanwhile, everyone else is forced to shoulder the burden. It's natural to want to look for answers, especially when the burden gets heavier and heavier. When a tick latches onto the skin, it's going to engorge itself. The answers will never come from the politicians. They're the problem. The answer is for more and more people to choose a philosophy of live and let live. And, of course, not supporting the something for nothing philosophy of government. We're unequal and unique. We should treat each other that way. No aggression. Comments are closed.
January 2025