By Chris Rossini
Politicians love to call for "unity." It's always time to "unite" behind what they want. But the search for political unity is equivalent to the search for a unicorn. You're never going to find it. Politicians seek to use force. Force requires victims. No one wants or likes being the victim. Hence, no unity. It doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to live in a society of political muggers and their victims, with the exhausting battle that occurs every 4 years to decide who gets to be the mugger. In fact, America was explicitly formed on the idea of breaking away from this nonsense. "Live and Let Live" would be the guiding principle. You keep your hands off me and my stuff, and I'll keep my hands off you and your stuff. A real "unity" was formed...and it revolved around refusing to use force against others. Government was not created to be a hitman. Naturally, the vicious powers outside of America had a problem with this. Governments of hitmen and muggers were the name of the game. Tyranny was mankind's lot for as far back as the history books would go. If the ideas of America were to succeed, their jig would be up.
This "live and let live" society had to be conquered somehow.
But the way to conquer America would not be on the battlefield. No one would try to come over here to militarily subjugate us. A free people would fight much too hard to keep their liberty. Instead, America would be conquered by ideas. Slowly, it would become and morph into being just like the vicious powers on the outside. Domestically, Americans would have to embrace the mugger mentality. This would be accomplished in 1913 with the imposition of the income tax. America would also become like the vicious outside powers by destroying its currency. A central bank called the Federal Reserve would be created in 1913 along with the income tax. Busy year, that 1913... Finally, the knock-out punch would come in foreign policy. America had a strong tradition of staying out of the affairs of other nations. The philosophy was the same as it was at home: "Live and Let Live." Americans would not step foot on another soil with barrels blazing. This tradition would be shattered with the fateful decision of jumping into a European war in 1917. America went on the attack! Game...Set...and Match. FEAR would dominate from that point forward. You name it - Americans were conditioned to be afraid of it. Attack...Attack...Attack....right up until the present day, where Americans now have to be afraid of North Korea, Iran, Russia, China...and on and on... Of course, one would guess that outside powers couldn't be happier. Their jig (was not) and is not up. America simply morphed into them and joined the club. It doesn't have to stay this way. The ideas of Liberty have not been banished off the face of the Earth. They can be adopted somewhere, even if not in America. But America would be a great place to re-start the philosophy. That would make a great story someday --- America was knocked down hard, but was able to get back up before the 10 count. I like it. "Live and Let Live." Comments are closed.
February 2025