By Chris Rossini
Politicians appeal to emotions. They figured out long ago that facts, thinking and logic are not their friends. It's so much easier to stir up emotions and hope that no one (or only a few people at most) actually think things through. The primary emotional vein that politicians always tap into is fear. This is the king of them all, and the surest road to political riches. Scare people enough and they'll hand over their money, and even worse, sacrifice their liberty. You can shake trillions of dollars out of the population if you scare them efficiently enough. Americans succumbed to the emotion of fear long before any of us were born. The bad thinking habits have been passed down from generation to generation. Here we have a land surrounded by massive oceans. Nature provides the greatest defense. No one is coming to get us. And yet, trillions and trillions of dollars are ripped out of the pockets of the American people without a bat of the eye. American airports have become places that would make Washington and Jefferson roll over in their graves. They would roll over again if they knew that everything is under surveillance in America. How can this be? How can the "land of the free" and "home of the brave" spiral this far downward? FEAR. Power, being the epicenter of greed, is of course never satisfied. So new fears are systematically piled on top of the old ones. 'The Earth is going to turn into a fireball.....or an ice cube!' 'It's going to happen in 12 years....Hurry up!...Give us the remaining liberty that you have left!' 'We're going to fundamentally change this country.' 'And above all -- Do NOT question any of this!!!' It's just fear with a different wrapper. It's also as ridiculous as the U.S. having 1,000 military bases scattered all over the planet. Oh, and by the way, the U.S. government (military) is amongst the biggest polluters on the face of the Earth. But the "fundamental change" that has to occur in the country is all about micromanaging the American people. Liberty is not an option in this Matrix of Fears. The propaganda is on a 24/7 cycle and it comes at you from every direction. Wherever a lot of eyeballs happen to be focused at any given moment, propaganda is always there to meet them. Here's the silver lining: We're all individually born free, and meant to stay that way. But we have to choose it. We have to choose to not be afraid, and embrace our Liberty. It's not a given. If it was a given, we wouldn't be free, but automations that have no ability to choose. Choosing Liberty comes with social costs. You have to go against the tide. You may have to go against long-held family beliefs. You have to accept your uniqueness and responsibility for seeking out that which is true, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel to realize you've been wrong. Things that are true don't fall from the heavens into your lap. They have to be sought. There are no shortcuts. It is only propaganda that falls into your lap. You don't have to exert any labor to get a big dose of propaganda. It's always there. Ron Paul has said a thousand times that you never have to sacrifice your freedom in order to be safe. Taking away freedom should never be an option in America. Today, it's presented as the only option. Individually, we need to make the commitment to remove ourselves from the Matrix of Fear. Comments are closed.
January 2025