By Chris Rossini
One of the great challenges of life is in dealing with it as it is, right where we are. In our hyper-politicized world, the temptation is always in front of us to focus on where we are not. When political power is decentralized (as it should be) this is not a problem. What happens "over there" is for the people "over there" to deal with. After all, no one can deal with it better than they can. They're there! However, when political power is centralized (as it should NOT be) the temptation to focus on "over there" begins to dominate many people's minds. They foolishly make it their business to deal with "over there", even though they are NOT there! A person in New York agonizes about what is happening in Texas. A person in Texas frets about what is happening in Oregon. A person in Oregon stews over what happens in China...China! An entire fantasy-world with fantasy-powers is created in millions of minds; and politicians and mainstream media are there to feed and sustain the fantasy. But the truth of the matter is that we NEVER deal with the world as a whole. We never deal with government, as a whole. We never deal with multi-national crony corporations, as a whole. Our entire lives are always lived right where we are. We only deal with what is directly in front of us, and with who is directly in front of us, in each and every moment. When we fantasize about what is "over there," what happens 'right here' begins to fall apart. The one place where we have dominion breaks down. No one knows (or can know) our local situation better than we each individually can. No one else has the resources and relationships that we have, right where we are. No one else has the same goals, or experiences, or specified knowledge that we each have. No one else can do, what we each need to do, when we need to do it. To fixate on "over there" and then to try to "fix" whatever it is that is happening "over there" is a fool's errand. Now, the reader may be thinking: "Wait a second, this is the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Your whole enterprise is based on reporting what is happening 'over there.'" This is partly true. Our enterprise is in the propagation and cultivation of the ideas of Liberty. In order to properly understand Liberty, one must understand what tyranny is, and what it looks like. So we will point out what the politicians, central bankers, warmongers, crony corporations and "globalists" are up to. But we also point out that they must fail in achieving their stated goals. We point out why they must fail, and what the repercussions of their misguided actions are likely to produce. In other words, our specialty is in explaining as to why people who are exclusively focused on "over there" are forever doomed to failure. But the point is not to "fix" them. They're un-fixable as long as they continue to participate in their imaginary roads to nowhere. Rather, the point is to reach out to those who are on the outside (i.e., those who are not part of the "Big Club" as George Carlin called it) but who mistakenly buy into The Empire of Lies. The Empire of Lies needs believers. Our job is point out, to the outsiders, why the Empire should not be believed. Our job is speak what we have learned and discovered to be true; and then to say "Here, this idea can help you in your local situation." The local is it. It's where it all happens. Ditching the obsession with "over there" is the road to recovery. We're each in charge of our own households, our own little kingdoms. Abdicating our thrones and bending a knee to The Empire of Lies is the road to personal ruin. Comments are closed.
September 2024