"It is so naive that he [Obama] would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven. This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people." Huckabee is sticking by his words too, despite the fact that even his warmongering Republican counterparts admitted that the statement was over-the-top: "I will not apologize and I will not recant because the word Holocaust was invoked by the Iranian government. They used that very word." Interestingly enough, Huckabee did not always hold such a hyperbolic view of Iran. Back in 2007, he held a much more reasoned and peaceful position on Iran: Right now we are proceeding down only one track with Iran – armed confrontation. Nothing would make Osama bin Laden happier – he would welcome war between the United States and Iran, his two biggest enemies. I try to avoid doing anything that brightens bin Laden’s day. [...] When President Bush included Iran in his Axis of Evil, everything went downhill fast. How sad that it is now Huckabee who has decided to go downhill fast, when it comes to war versus peace with Iran.
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September 2024