By Chris Rossini
NATO has been obsolete for a long time. It should have been dissolved when the Cold War ended. After all, the Warsaw Pact was dissolved, and thank goodness for that. It would be quite unnerving were the Warsaw Pact still around and gobbling up countries that border the United States. Americans would rightfully be concerned about the motivations behind such actions. But the West "won" the Cold War, and NATO bureaucrats sought to find a reason to keep their jobs in existence. So America decided to go find some new dragons to slay, and into the Middle East they went. We know how that panned out. Meanwhile, a promise was made to the Russians that NATO would not expand to Russia's borders. Of course, that promise was broken. Bush, Clinton and Obama would expand right up to Russia's door, even conducting the biggest military exercises since World War II right on Russia's border! Then comes Donald Trump. Boy does he rock the boat with words like: "We certainly can’t afford to do this anymore. NATO is costing us a fortune, and yes, we’re protecting Europe with NATO, but we’re spending a lot of money." Those are fightin' words when you're dealing with military bureaucracy. At the same time, Europe has not fared well by following the U.S. empire around the world. Europe too has experienced blowback, with terrorist attacks occurring on its own soil. They've also had to absorb extraordinary amounts of refugees from war-torn countries. The ramifications have been disastrous as rapes, violence and assaults are now a common occurrence in Europe. Throw in the religious and cultural clashes that are taking place, and you wonder why it's not Europe itself that is trying to unglue itself from the U.S. and NATO. But it is NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg who is out telling Donald Trump that: “Going it alone is not an option, either for Europe or for the United States.” What a slap in the face. America can't just defend itself? Of course 'going it alone is an option'! The U.S. government should be defending the U.S. homeland. That's it! Not another morsel of the Earth. Europe should defend itself and pay for its own defense. It's not complicated, unless you're a bureaucrat who's about to lose his job. George Washington said in his farewell address: "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world". Thomas Jefferson would echo him in his inaugural: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none." That's what America was about, and should be about again. But the NATO Chief continues: "...we need to recognize the value of the partnership between Europe and America. It remains indispensable." Trump, as President, should go the way of America's founders. NATO is completely dispensable, just as the Warsaw Pact was. Europe can, and should, defend itself. Yes, it's easier for Europe to snuggle into the Empire's arms, as American taxpayers foot the bill, but America is bankrupt. We can no longer afford a foreign policy of being the policeman on the world. Will Trump be able to resist the Beltway 'experts' and the military-industrial complex? We shouldn't be too optimistic. Already the GW Bush neocons are working double-time trying to get their cronies into positions of authority in his Administration. Trump has shown no interest in opposing them. However, until the final decisions are made, we're yet to see which way President Trump decides to go. Will he continue us on the current road to serfdom, or will he heed the words of Washington and Jefferson? If Trump cares about his legacy, he'll chose the latter. Comments are closed.
January 2025