By Chris Rossini
Last week, Hillary Clinton gave what was called a "foreign-policy" speech. The fact we're forced to listen to Clinton (considering her horrendous record) shower thoughts on foreign policy merely displays how bankrupt American democracy has become. Not that Trump's foreign policy speech was any better. It wasn't. But Clinton's speech was more of diatribe against Donald Trump himself. That's fine of course. The more that these two individuals display how bad they both are as candidates, the better. It gives libertarians a plethora of inconsistencies, lies, and nonsense to point out to the general public. For example, Hillary said of Trump in her speech: He praises dictators like Vladimir Putin..
Pretty scathing right?
Insinuating that Trump needs a psychiatrist? That's sure to get some laughs, media attention, and lots of applause.....and it did on all fronts. However, perhaps the same psychiatrist can take both candidates in for a few sessions. Glenn Greenwald pointed out earlier this year: "[Hillary] has embraced and expressed extreme levels of support for some of the world’s most brutal and horrific dictators. She called President Mubarak of Egypt a close personal friend of her family and expressed all kinds of support for him at the time that the government, of which she was a part, was arming and funding him. She did the same with the Saudis. The Clinton Foundation has raised money from some of the worst and most oppressive dictatorships in the Persian Gulf, including the Saudis and the Qataris and the Emirates and the Bahrainis. Hillary Clinton, essentially, her record has been one of embracing and supporting, in all kinds of ways, the world’s worst tyrants."
Neither Clinton, nor Trump seek a policy of peace, non-intervention, and national defense of America only. They both want to lead the Empire in their own egotistical ways.
It looks like one of them will win, and the empire will continue to run on fumes no matter what. Americans, yet again, will lose. Comments are closed.
September 2024