By Chris Rossini The words of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution are so easy to grasp: ...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. There are no asterisks or footnotes. There are no sentences that follow which start with the words "unless" or "however". The right to defend your life and property shall not be infringed by the government. Period. Let's take a look at Oakland today. Oakland is in the leftist state of California, with a leftist Mayor, and leftist "gun control" laws. These laws infringe on the right to defend your life and property. Leftists want people to believe that they don't need guns to defend themselves. Sure criminals will always have guns, and sure criminals have an incentive to do their dirty work where they know that citizens are unarmed, but the police will stop them, right? Well, unless the police have the ability to be in all places at all times, the answer is NO! The police show up after the fact. They arrive after the shooting starts. This is not a fault of their own. They're not omnipresent. They're not everywhere at all times. So if a criminal comes at you with a gun, he can play shoot-em-up at least until the police arrive on the scene. What happens if the police arrive, and they can't help? Then what? Well, let's go back to the riots that are happening right now in Oakland. Rioters are destroying businesses. Oakland's Mayor sent a letter to business owners. The whole letter was published at ZeroHedge, but here's the key section that should raise eyebrows (emphasis added): Tens of businesses including many of our small businesses and other institutions vital to Oaklanders were hit hard... So thugs are rioting and looting the area, and the police can't help. Where does that leave you in leftist Oakland, with its "gun control" laws? How are you supposed to defend your life and property? There is an antidote to this madness, and it's often referred to as "the law of the land": ...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Government wants everyone to believe the fairy tale that it's always there for you and protecting you. You don't ever need a gun. Only government should have the guns. Well, that fairy tale has turned into a nightmare in Oakland, California. Where does Ron Paul buy his gold?Call Monday-Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (PST)
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