By Chris Rossini
The media is trying to convince us that "Medicare for All" is popular. They keep repeating it as if popularity is some kind of criteria for truth. First of all, if something is really popular, there's no reason to incessantly tell us about it. We would know. It would be obvious. The "climate change" crowd uses the same exact tactic. They try to ram their statism into our consciousness 24/7, and they're always telling us about "majorities" and "most Americans". Since when is a "majority" something sacred? If "most Americans" think that concentration camps and gulags are OK, are we simply supposed to get on board because "the majority" is for them? Truth is the truth, even if there's only 1 person out of 7 billion that adheres to it. The idea that healthcare is a "right" is simply not true.
Rights do not come from the government.
Our rights to our life, liberty and property are inherent. They are a part of our nature, and prior to the formation of any group that calls itself government. Our rights are only restricted by the life, liberty and property of our neighbors. We cannot steal, kill or defraud them. We cannot use aggressive force against their person or property. Doing so would be a violation of their rights to life, liberty and property. Force is only justified in defense. That is, if someone else uses aggression against you or your property, it is justified to use force to repel that aggression. That's it! --- You keep your hands off me and my stuff --- I keep my hands off you and your stuff. For most people, this makes perfect sense. And thankfully, most people live this way. However, a strong temptation arises with the government. The same exact people will think: "I won't steal from my neighbor. I won't use force against him. That would be wrong. Instead, I'll use the government to do these things to my neighbor. The government will do it on my behalf .... My conscience is clean. The government will act as the aggressor for me." This warped philosophy ... This loophole for immorality ... This cowardly excuse ... is what destroys civilizations. It reaches the point where people are walking around claiming that "healthcare is a right"! How can that possibly be? How can you have a right to another person's labor? Is the laborer your slave? Haven't we moved beyond the idea of slavery yet? There is no such thing as a "right to healthcare"...even if everyone thinks it's cool and popular. There is a right, however, to voluntarily exchange for someone else's labor. You can trade something with the laborer for his services. It's a win-win. Both of you agree to the terms. There is no aggression <---- You also have a right to receive charity from someone who is voluntarily giving it. There is no aggression <---- This idea (i.e., Liberty) is far superior to anything that government can pretend to provide. Popularity tells us very little about the truth. Majorities are usually on the opposite side of the truth (especially on political matters). "Hands off" is a much better philosophy than the concoction of make believe "rights". Comments are closed.
February 2025