By Chris Rossini
America's Founders were not perfect angels. They were not omnipotent, or all-knowing. But they understood the ideas of Liberty and the perpetual struggle of humanity against the sewage of power. Freedom of speech? ... Huge! The natural liberty of arming and defending your life and property? ... Huge! The Founders were geniuses for making these the first two in the Bill of Rights. People may not be able to recite the entire Bill of Rights, but they know those first two. The Founders were also extremely educated when it came to the most important issues of all in trying to chain down the beast of government --- Money & War. Money & War go hand in hand. Cicero knew this when he pointed out: "The sinews of war, unlimited money." Government must never be allowed to create its own money. Give it this power and it will create never-ending war in no time. But why would government want never-ending war? Because, as Randolph Bourne pointed out: "War is the health of the state." It is during times of war (or even just the fear of war) that government capitalizes the most. The Founders were very specific that only gold and silver were Constitutional money. Gold and silver are despised by government. Government cannot counterfeit them. It can't create gold and silver out of thin air. Gold and silver cannot prevent all wars.....but they can prevent never-ending wars. The Founders were also smart in giving the power of declaring war to Congress. Take a look at the thinking, and how our ancestors wanted to prevent perpetual war:
James Madison
"In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the executive magistrate. Constant apprehension of war, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force with an overgrown executive will not long be safe companions to liberty…Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people." George Washington "The Constitution vests the power of declaring war with Congress. Therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure." James Wilson "This system will not hurry us into war. It is calculated to guard against it. It will not be in the power of a single man or a single body of men to involve us in such distress, for the important power of declaring war is vested in the legislature at large. This declaration must be made with the concurrence of the House of Representatives. In this circumstance, we may draw the certain conclusion that nothing but our interest can draw us into war."
But alas, these two safeguards (sound money and congressional war powers) would be destroyed.
In 1913, the Federal Reserve would be created (unconstitutionally) by Congress. A central bank now existed to counterfeit as much currency as the government wanted. World War II would be the last time that the U.S. Congress would declare war. It has been perpetual war ever since for America, and everything would be turned upside down. Congress would remain silent. All of a sudden it was up to the President to decide on war, and the media would glorify and promote it to no end. The moment any President would "back down" or put an end to war, Congress (and the media) would lose their minds and throw a collective fit against it. This continues to the present day. When President Trump sent missiles crashing down into Syria, he was praised as a King. The media pointed out the 'beauty' of it all. But when President Trump wisely does the opposite, such as ----
Do you see what President Trump is up against? The American people (in poll after poll) have been against war for decades. Candidates win elections in America by promising peace. No president has followed through on that, of course. It's just known that (even though you're going to keep the wars going) you have to promise peace to get elected. President Trump has the American people on his side and he is continually speaking out against endless wars that have literally bankrupted America. It's not surprising that his movements to stop never-ending war are met with unbelievable resistance and propaganda. It would be foolish to expect that anything else would occur. War is the biggest government program of them all. It is also the biggest destroyer of life on Earth. Stand strong Mr. President. You couldn't have picked a bigger enemy. Comments are closed.
January 2025