By Ron Paul
Like their colleagues in the House, the Senate Republican leadership has squandered an opportunity to repeal Obamacare and replace it with true free-market health care. Instead, they have unveiled a bill that retains Obamacare's core mandates. Even the planned state waivers do not provide relief from the most destructive mandates -- "guaranteed issues" and "community rating" -- which are nothing more than price controls. The GOP plan even includes a version of Obamacare's individual mandate, and "temporarily" extends federal payments to insurance companies (payments that House Republicans sued President Obama to stop) that participate in Obamacare exchanges. Of course, these payments are likely to be extended by a future Congress, from now until the eventual collapse of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system that makes it possible. Like all price control schemes, Obamacare and the GOP's Obamacare 2.0 will decrease both availability and quality of health care while increasing prices. Those most in need of affordable care will be hardest hit. Hopefully the Senate will follow the lead of my son, Senator Rand Paul, and reject this bill and pass a free-market health care bill. This statement was originally published at The Campaign For Liberty. Comments are closed.
February 2025