By Chris Rossini
Often when Ron Paul is asked if he desires a formidable third party in US politics, he candidly responds that he’d like to see a second party! After all, as George Wallace observed way back in 1958: "there ain't a dime's worth of difference" between Republicans and Democrats. Yes, what you see on the TV and Internet have some relationship to reality. Republican and Democrat talking heads do argue and many really do seem to hate each other with a passion. But their arguments are merely centered on who will wield the government's machine guns. Philosophically the two sides are virtually the same. Government force will be used against Americans. They merely squabble over which side will be using the violent force. Both parties have devolved to the point where they seek to wage perpetual war against the American public. In other words, they are no longer satisfied with robbing and ruling everyone in a piecemeal fashion whenever "their side" just happens to gain power. Nope, that no longer does the trick. They now want it all, and they want it all the time. Both parties have what can be thought of as "grand slam issues" and they're designed to foist perpetual chains onto the American public. The Left's issue goes by "climate change," which took several iterations before finally landing on the name. The Right's issue, of course, is the "war on terror." Again, a very ambiguous name. Both issues have the American public clearly in the crosshairs. With climate change, the possibilities for destroying liberty are endless. Were Americans to fall under this spell completely -- and fortunately most haven't -- anything could be used as an excuse to regulate our lives in the name of climate change. Don't buy these products...because climate change. Don't create those products...because climate change. Don't eat this...don't drive that....don't....don't....don't. It's a leftist dream come true. And for how long does the Left want to micromanage every aspect of our lives? Well, according to Vox, and they say it in big bold letters: Climate change is, for all intents and purposes, forever. There you have it. Perpetual chains. The Right plays the same game with the "war on terror.” Americans have unfortunately succumbed to this one and now have over a decade of experience with it. This war too is perpetual and has been used to create a surveillance state in the former "land of the free." All communications are monitored as if Americans are a population of lab rats. Government employees grope Americans at airports. Laws, upon laws, upon laws have been passed that have eaten away at our liberties. The latest push, which is gaining more steam, is the government's drive to abolish cash. Should that happen, every single financial transaction that Americans conduct will be under government surveillance. What you buy, what you do, and where you are when you do these things will be recorded for the bureaucrats. If cash disappears, government's ability to bailout its cronies, or even bailout its own bankrupt promises becomes exponentially easier. Government will be able to take the money straight from your electronic bank account. If it's all electronic, it's all there for the taking. This is the Right's contribution to perpetual chains. Can you see that Republicans and Democrats are waging war against the American citizen? Both are closing in the walls from different directions. Both are relying on fear and submission. Can it be any more obvious? Comments are closed.
February 2025