Dear Mr. North,
I'm a student in your English 3 literature course in the Ron Paul Curriculum, and the various works of literature (along with some encouragement from my brother) has really inspired me to read classic literature of my own accord and I've got the literature "bug" as my dad calls it. I've been reading many different works by classic authors (right now I'm reading Shakespeare and Moliere), my biggest project being the entirety of the Divine Comedy. I'm really enjoying educating and challenging myself by reading literature that a little while ago I would have vehemently avoided, and my dad suggested that I write an email to you asking if you had any practical and prudent book recommendations that would further expand my horizons. I also want to say how thankful I am for your course and the whole of the Ron Paul Curriculum itself. I admit that a little while ago I was not very interested and invested in my homeschooling education and thought everything was boring and, I hate to admit, useless. But something in me 'snapped' and now I'm really taking pride in doing my schoolwork and having the responsibility and discipline to keep at it, even if I'm feeling a little discouraged. The way the courses are structured and the content of the courses themselves have been very beneficial to me in helping me develop my own way of thinking and analyzing and critiquing literature. Due to reading the various works in the English courses I've taken, I've developed a scrutinous eye and I no longer take everything I read or learn at face value. I have very high hopes for my future and I have partly you to thank for that. I'm planning on going to college sometime within the next two years and becoming an architect, and I'm so glad that this curriculum prepares you for college in a way that most high schools do not. Anyhow, I hope knowing that you've inspired me and helped me build confidence in my academic abilities makes your day just a little bit brighter. And once again, I would greatly appreciate it if you have any literary recommendations for me that would further fuel my voracious appetite for knowledge. Sincerely, Lani R., 16 years old --------- Be sure to visit Comments are closed.
January 2025