I'd like to say a few words about the non-aggression principle. If people would reject the use of aggression in order to achieve their aims, it would solve so many of the problems we experience today. No one should have the right to initiate the use of force against others.
Republicans and Democrats all have their so-called solutions, but they're all based on the use of aggression. People seek to use the government to achieve their ends. They want to gain control of the apparatus that wields force. They want to redistribute wealth, help their political friends, and bailout their cronies. Eventually, a country that takes this path goes bust. That's what we're facing today in America. While I fear that there will be more violence in America in response to the economic crisis and increased government controls, I am not an advocate of coups or forcefully overthrowing the government. The government is going to overthrow itself. The Soviet system didn't collapse because of a coup. The perceptions of the people had changed. Those in power, like Gorbachev, just had to give up. Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. That is what has to happen in America. The ideas and ideology of Americans must change. We'll get our liberties back if enough Americans understand the non-aggression principle. Thank you, and be sure to tune in to tomorrow's Liberty Report! Comments are closed.
February 2025