By Chris Rossini President-Elect Trump has been meeting with one bomb-thrower after another over the last week. How refreshing to see that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) visited Trump Tower today. Last year, Gabbard made headlines for questioning the Nobel Peace Prize winning President's regime change policy for Syria. As Daniel McAdams reported at the time for The Ron Paul Institute: Gabbard first raised eyebrows several weeks ago when she began to openly question President Obama's Middle East policies, and particularly his "Assad must go" policy in Syria. It is unusual for a first-term Member of Congress to take such a public position in opposition to a sitting president in her own party -- particularly if she has any interest in continuing her political career. It's quite commendable for Gabbard to put peace above party and president. Gabbard was asked by Wolf Blitzer if the U.S. has learned from its foreign policy failures in the Middle East. Her answer was fantastic: No...and the reason for this is that after Iraq, the United States went ahead and did the very same thing in Libya, overthrowing Gaddafi. Now, ISIS is growing in strength, has a stronghold in Libya today with plans to continue to expand. And what's even crazier is that now the United States policy is looking to do the very same thing once again in Syria with this focus and determination on overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad which will only serve to make ISIS stronger in Syria... Today, after meeting with the President-Elect, Gabbard said the following, which is music to every peace-loving American's ears: “I felt it is important to take the opportunity to meet the President-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government.” Gabbard is against a "no-fly zone" in Syria (which Hillary Clinton was for) and has no interest in getting the U.S. in a confrontation with Russia.
More individuals like Gabbard need to visit Trump Tower over the coming weeks. Trump needs to have people like her in his ear, rather than the war hawks he's surrounded himself with up to this point. The war hawks have done an astonishing amount of damage to this country and the world. More sanity please! Comments are closed.
February 2025