By Chris Rossini
Political folklore dictates that presidents visit disaster areas. But presidents do not have special healing powers that they can bestow on anyone suffering from a natural disaster. Since modern presidents are treated like Caesars, whenever they travel anywhere, they completely inconvenience everyone with their police escorts, entourages, and security details. Louisiana does not need that right now. It's the 21st century. Let the president send a video message over the Internet to convey his feelings. Everyone has a mobile phone these days. Citizens of Louisiana can watch the video without all the heartache of having a president visit their town. Louisiana needs its productive individuals to work on getting back to normality. Not only should President Obama stay on the golf course, but he should book some tee times for members of FEMA and all the other government agencies that interfere with economic recoveries. Local politicians in Louisiana should remove all regulations on "price gouging" and should abolish all price controls as well. The market needs to sort out where resources are desired most and from where they should be removed. Prices should reflect current conditions, not conditions prior to the disaster. Unfortunately, politicians pretend that they can artificially create the latter with price controls and "anti-price gouging" laws. Thomas Sowell describes the political mindset like this:“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.” If prices rise for certain goods and services, it will signal to businesses outside of the area that it would be profitable for them to import their goods and services. Government price controls only create shortages and disincentives for outside businesses from risking their capital and manpower. President Obama should extend his vacation as well. Golf everyday for the good of America. Anything that slows down the relentless lawmaking and war making counts as good news for life and liberty. Tee off President Obama....You're finally putting our tax dollars to good use. Comments are closed.
February 2025