By Liberty Report Staff No matter how many signs and posters are assembled, or how many people decide to walk through the streets, science is never settled. Tom DiLorenzo elaborates: ...the premise of this latest leftist “march” is quintessentially anti-science. The science of global warming is “settled,” they say. That is the theme of the whole “march.” But to real scientists nothing is ever “settled” because most scientific studies are based on statistical analysis, and statistics is based on the study of probabilities. That’s why even your doctor is never 100% sure of most of the advice he or she gives you; his advice is based on probabilistic studies in the medical field that he learned of in medical school or in his continuing education. Furthermore, the world is constantly changing, so that statistical relationships that existed years ago are often vastly different today. As Ron Paul pointed out in a recent Liberty Report, the science was once supposedly "settled" that the Earth was flat, and that it was also the center of the universe.
Being a "skeptic" at that time would get you burned at the stake. Always be wary when someone claims that the "science is settled," and even more skeptical when the solution is more government power at the expense of life and liberty. Comments are closed.
February 2025