By Liberty Report Staff
When future generations look back, they'll surely ask the question: "What were the American people doing while their government bankrupted itself? Did they care about anything? Did they oppose anything?" They'll look back and see that of course there was plenty of bickering and fighting between different groups of power-seekers, but overall, the politicians and their media mastered the art of keeping everyone occupied on the immaterial. Americans were fed a steady diet of "the news of the day" with the guarantee that all eyes were kept off the real mischief. Let's look at a few headlines: Readers sound off on Mike Pence's Stunt Ivana Trump says she is the 'First Lady' Trump Challenges Tillerson to an IQ Test After “Moron”-Gate Trump can do this for four years. Heck, anyone can, and they all do. Then Americans wake up when it's time to vote, realize that everything is still spiraling further into the abyss, and fall for the next campaigner-in-chief.
Trump, by far, put on the greatest show. He broke all the political etiquette.
But etiquette is not our problem. We have a serious military empire and welfare state taking down the 'land of the free'. A few of the things that Trump said were even pretty good from a perspective of liberty -- abolishing Obamacare, getting out of NATO, getting out of NAFTA, and even auditing the Fed! But it was all a show! None of it is happening. Oh, yeah, let's not forget that Trump was really going to "stick it to the globalists" who are step-by-step taking us into a system of global tyranny. Look who Trump was sitting with today:
What were Americans doing while their government bankrupted itself?
Almost nothing. At least nothing that got to the root of the debacle. But there was a lot of top notch entertainment. One of the entertainers even became president. Comments are closed.
February 2025