By Chris Rossini
Life is only experienced on an individual level. We each have our own individual and unique adventure. No one can see through the eyes of another, or think the thoughts of another, walk in the shoes of another, or make choices for another. All choices and actions are made by each individual mind. In a nutshell, Life is Liberty. Every individual is endowed with the Liberty to choose and to act. It is the ultimate gift of Life. One cannot imagine a greater one. Every single action that a person makes, he makes because he believes that the outcome will improve his situation. By acting, individuals are constantly swapping out the less favorable for what (they believe) will be the more favorable. That doesn't mean that every action will produce a more favorable result. Since no individual is omnipotent, or all-knowing, we are all susceptible to error. We can act, only to find out that the means we chose will not produce the end we are seeking. But the moment that each of us chooses to act, we believe our situation will be improved by doing so. Because man is fallible, and must fail (quite often) while advancing through life, he is tempted to offload this individual responsibility to others. He's willing to sacrifice his greatest gift in the world, his individual Liberty, to other men! "Let someone else tell me what to do." Oh what a mistake! It's hard to imagine a bigger and more deadly error. Unsurprisingly, there is never a shortage of other men who are up for the task of being the ruler. They happen to believe that they themselves are "gifted," and "exceptional," and "enlightened" on how the entire world should "work." Sure! They'll tell you how to act! No problem! They will "organize" your life, "index" it, "cross-reference" it, run it through super-computers, shake it, stir it, turn a few screws, mix a few potions, and announce their decrees. All you have to do is obey. Don't obey and violent force will come your way. As a result of this sacrifice of Liberty, a new world is born. It is a total fantasy world from beginning to end, where the blind lead the blind, and everyone ends up falling into the ditch. The truth that everyone involved desperately tries to avoid is this: Another person cannot successfully dictate how you are to act. He cannot tell you what is more favorable, or less favorable, to your situation. He's not in your situation! He has his own personal situation! He doesn't see what you see. He doesn't experience what you experience. He can't successfully tell you what you should do. Is it any wonder that as you look through mankind's history you see nothing but a continuous stream of failed government experiments? Every single form of government that you can imagine has been attempted many times over, all with the same exact result. Failure! That's because the truth never changes. It's impossible for another to live your life. It's impossible to sacrifice your Liberty, and think that everything will turn out OK. Not only will it not turn out OK, it will turn out to be a major catastrophe! The biggest death counts ever piled up in the history of the world, have been piled up by governments! Nothing else even comes close. The "gifted," "exceptional," and "enlightened" ones are exceptional only at producing human suffering. When you embrace your Liberty, and make mistakes (as you must, from time-to-time) you will suffer from those mistakes. You're not alone. We all suffer from our mistakes. The point is to learn from them, and not to repeat them. When you sacrifice your liberty, and your ruler makes a mistake (as he absolutely will) then YOU SUFFER! Your ruler doesn't suffer for you. YOU SUFFER as a result of his decrees. There is no avoidance to suffering. Isn't it enough to suffer from your own mistakes? Must you compound it exponentially by suffering from the decrees of others? Here's the thing about rulers. Once you sacrifice your Liberty to them, you can't just nicely ask for them back. You can't go and say, "You know, I made a mistake. You obviously can't live my life for me. You don't even know me. I'd like to make my own decisions again. Thanks." No...No...No. Once you give your Liberty away, the ruler is not giving it back to you. America started out with citizens that were the freest perhaps to ever exist. Government was a non-issue in their lives. As a result, American abundance shook the world! But alas... The last 100 years of American history have been a prime example of what happens when you give away authority over your own life to rulers. It's been a constant grinding away of freedom, mixed in with great leaps into the abyss. We're currently living through yet another great leap into the abyss. It's now blatantly obvious that government wants to hang on to the liberties taken away during the Covid propaganda-fest. They do not want to return them. We've reached the point where the headlines actually say that low death counts are nothing to celebrate!!! That's the nature of power. Give it your liberty, and it will hang onto to it with an iron fist. The blind are truly leading the blind, and (as always) everyone will end up falling into the ditch. Liberty is the most precious gift imaginable. Is it any wonder that giving it up leads to a living nightmare? It's perfectly logical that such would be the fate of the people that go along. The good news is that the opposite is just as true. Cherishing and jealously guarding individual liberty leads to happiness, comfort and prosperity. It can be no other way. Liberty is the nucleus of the individual fife. NEVER (EVER) sacrifice it to any other man. Comments are closed.
February 2025