By Ron Paul
Paris appears to be in the news once again. We all remember the tragic terrorist attack that occurred there. Now there appears to be an attack on the taxpayers taking place. Leaders from all over the world are in Paris saying that global weather changes pose a great danger to us all. Not surprisingly, many are making the argument that the weather changes necessitates more military to combat it! Never is it considered that the biggest user of fossil fuels on the planet is the Pentagon! The argument is quite a stretch, yet I fear that many people will fall for it. The whole climate change issue bugs me because it's so distorted. If you look at geologic history, even before there were significant numbers of humans on Earth, the variations in temperatures were much greater. There were ice ages, and periods of warming, etc. If anything, the radical changes in climate have been smoothed out! If anything, changes in climate are enjoyable. When winter ends, we all enjoy the spring. When summer ends, we enjoy the fall. Fortunately, I believe those who are looking to terrify everyone are on the short end of the stick. There was a Gallup poll conducted last year asking Americans what they were most concerned about. Out of 15 items, "climate change" was second to last. People are not worried about it, but are far more concerned about the economy and getting a job! That was number one on the list. Climate alarmists are persistent though. Their new tactic is in trying to connect "climate change" to terrorism! It's not America's militant foreign policy, propping up dictators, and constant wars. No, it's the weather. A great part of the whole climate change effort is to further the world government idea and to weaken national sovereignties. This is the fight that we have: individual liberty vs. The State. The ideas of personal liberty and private property would go a long way to solving problems of pollution. Bigger government with even more powers over our economic lives can only make things worse. Comments are closed.
September 2024