By Chris Rossini
The assessment of risk is the result of an individual valuation. It is subjective and different for everyone. The assessment of risk is done in each individual mind, who looks at his or her own local circumstances, and decides "it is worth it to do XYZ" or "it is not worth it." There is no such thing as a single risk assessment for all of humanity. To believe that there is, and that an authority has the ability to dictate such an assessment, is to participate in a fantasy. Some individuals bungee jump, while others would never go within 100 yards of a cliff. Many individuals fly in airplanes, but others vehemently refuse and will only drive. Some individuals are willing to risk their lives for a cause, while others will turn on a dime when confronted with social pressures. The assessment of risk is personal. Since the nature of human beings is perpetual ignorance, every single move that we make involves some form of risk. We ALWAYS deal with uncertainty. We NEVER know all the variables involved with what we are doing. We NEVER see the big picture. The only rational way to live under such a "setup" that The Creator has provided, is to accept and respect the individual liberty of others. Others will make different choices than you. They have to! They are not you! But here's another part of the "setup." While we are capable of thinking and believing that which is true, we are just as capable of thinking and believing that which is false. Since individual liberty is true, what would be its imaginary opposite? Collectivism. Collectivism is a creation of the imagination. It's the imaginary belief that all individuals are literally the same; that there are no differences from one person and another. Since this imaginary humanity is homogeneous rather than heterogeneous, it means that the brilliant authorities from Mount Olympus must pass down one-size-fits-all "policies" that the homogeneous human blob must obey. The reality of individuality is stripped out, and the fantasy of "there's only one way" is baked in. Since fear is such a powerful human emotion, the authorities from Mount Olympus exploit it to the extreme. How do you exploit fear? By promising an imaginary "safety." As the mind virus of Collectivism is embraced by more and more individuals, and obsession with "safety" becomes widely accepted and ruthlessly sought after. An obsession with the total elimination of risk emanates from every pore of society. Decade after decade, the policies are thundered from Olympus: "Obey, and you will be safe." "Obey, and you will be safe." Over-and-over, decade-after-decade, until ultimately far too many Americans have been conditioned to be afraid of their own shadows! Two mindsets have been feeding off of each other over the last several decades: those who want to rule others, and those who want to be ruled by others. The point has been reached where the breath (the breath!) of other human beings is to be feared. The point has been reached where people are being pressured to sacrifice their one-and-only body to the mercy other people with the injection of foreign chemicals. Other people are now attempting to take charge of the contents of your body! In all of this, the reality of human life has not changed one iota. The truth is true throughout all time. But the fantasy has consumed a very large amount of people's minds. They believe that the fantasy is reality! Everyone cannot be safe until everyone obeys the current dictate from Olympus ... and then the next dictate ... and the next ... ad infinitum. The obsession of safety at all costs is now taking the ultimate cost --- actual human lives! This is the culmination of the sacrifice of individual liberty. This is the dead end that the obsession with safety at all costs leads to. It's time to make a sharp U-Turn. Comments are closed.
January 2025