By Chris Rossini
As was recorded last week, Trump will have to continually melt into the established order to get to the finish line of this presidential race, and after should he win. Yet another prominent neocon has gotten behind Trump. This time the more famous half of the warmongering McCain/Graham duo in the Senate. That's right, John McCain joins the ever growing list of neocons that are supporting Trump. McCain sidling with Trump reminds me of the Dick Cheney sidle. Trump calls Dick Cheney a liar for getting the U.S. mired in Iraq, and Cheney supports Trump anyway. The Donald also made a hugely reported remark that McCain was a war hero because he was "captured" and that he likes "people that weren’t captured,” and McCain is on board too! Do you think guys like Cheney and McCain just blindly throw their political weight behind someone? Or do you think that their moves are calculated, and they feel assured that the decision is the correct one? Unless you're new to politics, the answer is the latter. So on foreign policy, not only has Trump been surrounding himself with the wrong people, but the wrong people are supporting him too. Next let's look at the financial situation. Just this morning, The Donald made a remarkable statement: This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money. I hate to tell you. So there’s never a default.
This is a remarkable statement on so many levels. First, it portrays Trump as believing that the U.S. government is somehow 'exceptional'. That it plays by different rules than all governments throughout human history.
This may be tough for many Americans to swallow, but governments are man-made institutions. They're not fixtures of nature. And here's a cold hard historical fact. No military empire lasts. The Roman empire is no longer here. Neither is the Spanish, or the British, or the Soviets, or....the list goes on and on. The history of governments is like watching a dog chase its tail. Every single government that has tried to rule the world through military might has failed. Every one ran into economic laws (which are not man-made) and fell flat on their backs. The countries remained, so there's no reason to fear that life doesn't go on. Italy is still there, Spain is still there, Britain is still there. But the empires are gone. All empires default. There's a very simple reason as to why they default, and you can go all the way back to the great Roman philosopher/orator Marcus Tullius Cicero, who said: “The sinews of war are infinite money.” Yes, the siren song of infinite money. And now we find out that Trump is just another guy that believes in the impossible. The mistaken belief that supply and demand will yield to the U.S. government is a huge mistake on Trump's part. You can't print money forever and "never" default. Yes, the Federal Reserve can counterfeit U.S. dollars, and it certainly does. But it can't do so forever. History is littered with failed paper currencies. In fact, paper currencies have a 100% failure rate...not even 99.9999%. A complete 100% failure rate. You're making an unprecedented bet if you think The Federal Reserve will buck the 100% and make economic laws yield to its dictates. Paper money fails because a mentality eventually emerges that government can print forever, and "never default". It can print to bailout "too big to fails". It can print to finance the cornucopia of welfare programs that exist. It can print to finance wars around the world, and the millions of government employees that exist to hound life's productive individuals. Trump's statement on "never defaulting" is as establishment as it gets. It's really the worst that the establishment has to offer as well. How can Trump possibly make rational decisions with that kind of belief? That he can "just print the money"? That's not even true. Printing money and paying back debts with debased currency is a form of default. You're stiffing the creditor. Is sad to report this to Trump's many believers. Many really want government to change, so you can't fault them for that. The Democrats did it with Mr. Hope & Change. But "The Trump Train" is morphing into "The Establishment Train" with each passing day. It's being swallowed by the Deep State anaconda. Comments are closed.
October 2024