By Liberty Report Staff
Presidential budgets are pure hocus-pocus. Government has teams of "economists" who, instead of pointing out that economic laws cannot be violated, concoct formulas that seek to justify government expansion. That's really the only thing that bureaucrats care about ... expansion. The "economists" come up with the justifications, and thus get to keep their plush jobs of exonerating the state. Because estimates don't hold the same importance that they do in the private sector, you can always count on government to underestimate expenses and overestimate tax revenues. The politically-connected get their share of the loot, and the mainstream media gets to scream and shout about "cuts" that aren't really cuts at all.
Pull up a chart of government spending and debt. You'll see that the direction goes in one direction only --- UP!
Democrats, Republicans, people like Trump who call themselves "outsiders" --- UP it continues to go! In the Washington D.C. fantasyland, a cut in the rate of increase from the previous year is considered an actual cut. Think about that... Whenever government spends money, it crowds out productive spending (or saving) that would have occurred if taxpayers were able to keep their earnings. If individuals spent their own money, we'd see products, services, and jobs that they actually want would be created. That would be productive. Government spending, on the other hand, is arbitrary, politically-motivated and non-productive. Donald Trump, the supposed "businessman president," is proposing a budget that spends more next year than it does this year! Trump took over a bankrupt government, and he's increasing its spending. What kind of business sense is that? No doubt, his "economists" said that this was a good idea. From a perspective of liberty, government should not perpetually expand, but should be cut....for real! That means someone needs to actually cut the size and scope of government. Government doesn't even balance the budget, let alone consider cutting. So where do you cut if you're actually interested in living in a land of the free? As Murray Rothbard so eloquently answered such a question: "Anywhere and everywhere!" Comments are closed.
February 2025