By Chris Rossini
It's pretty bad that President Trump wants to "rebuild" a military who's budget is multiple times larger than much of the rest of the world's combined.
We need to read news of base closings and troop withdrawals from around the world.
As of now? Not a peep. Today, the President decided he's going to throw even more money (that the federal government doesn't have) into the abyss. Trump said that he wants to build up America's nuclear arsenal to be ‘top of the pack’. As Jack Perry observes with amusement: I guess the 2,600 we’ve got aren’t sufficient to blow up the world enough times...By golly, if the Russians can blow up the world fifteen times, we better be able to blow up the world at least twenty times! How’s it going to look, with the world reduced to dust and knowing it was all for nothing because the Russians destroyed the planet better than we did? That’s simply not American! How can we look in the mirror knowing we can only destroy the planet to the tune of twelve times over and someone else can do it fifteen? That’s embarrassing! Every American ought to be proud to pay more taxes so we can close this Planetary Destruction Gap!
It should be obvious to even Trump's most fiery supporters that more corporate welfare to the military-industrial complex is a horrible idea.
Even the Left can come up with better ways to waste our money. Lefties are famous for concocting un-economic and non-productive boondoggles. At least when one guy digs a ditch and another fills it in, it won't lead to the apocalypse! Trump was supposed to be better than Hillary. When do we get to see the difference? Comments are closed.
September 2024