By Chris Rossini
Imagination. This aspect of every individual's consciousness is capable of producing tremendous upside, as well as tremendous downside, depending on how it is used. An individual can look at a barren piece of land and imagine building a towering skyscraper on it. Where there is absolutely nothing but dry dirt, his imagination sees a magnificent structure that could produce tremendous value to many human lives. As long as this individual adheres to the TRUTH, his imagination has the potential of becoming a physical reality. The barren piece of land can someday hold up a skyscraper that is located nowhere but in his mind at the present moment. Our dreamer will need to first own the land and acquire it voluntarily. He cannot build on it if it's owned by someone else. The other owner may have completely different plans for it. So the first TRUTH involved is private property. The next truth will be voluntary exchange. Our builder will need architects, contractors; those who understand physics and mathematics. He will need laborers, plumbers, electricians, etc. The list is exhaustingly extensive. Everything has to be precise and correct down to the minutest detail. Build a skyscraper with a team of people who believe that 2+2=5 and it will never happen. Someone may get killed in the process from such fatal error. The moment that a single LIE creeps in, the entire skyscraper will come crashing down. Stick with the TRUTH, and it can become a startling reality. That which was first imagined in a single individual's mind, can shine in the physical world. When we each look out into our world, we notice that it is brimming with physical realities. Each and every one began in the imagination of some particular individual. These manifestations of imagination are today able to sustain the lives of 7+ billion people! Imagination in harmony with the TRUTH sustains human life. Now let us look at the other side of this imagination coin. Let's look at imagination that ignores the TRUTH, and that is based on FANTASY. What if our dreamer looked at the barren piece of land, and instead of imagining a skyscraper standing on it, he imagined it levitating 3 feet off the ground. Or let's say he imagined creating a jumping skyscraper that could hop from one piece of land to another. His imagination can surely produce these images. But they are pure FANTASY. They are detached from the TRUTH. FANTASY has its place in the human experience too. For example, it can simply be entertainment for the one thinking it. If the thinker has writing skills, he can create a novel and make a fortune entertaining others. If he can write a script, he may reach an even bigger audience and create a movie. If he's a musician, he can write a song that millions of people can sing along to, even though the entire song is based on pure FANTASY. But FANTASY can never be manifested in reality. Reality, as we've seen with our builder, is uncompromising when it comes to the TRUTH. There is absolutely no wiggle room. There are no loopholes, no workarounds, and no back-doors. Unfortunately, the fact that reality is strictly based on truth and not fantasy, presents a problem for many people. There are always utopians who seek to impose their FANTASY onto the rest of the world. And they inevitably seek to do it by force. Utopians inevitably gravitate towards power. They are attracted to government like moths to a flame. Government is by far the most popularly chosen tool in the fruitless and destructive quest to force a FANTASY onto the world of reality. When we look out into our world, we see an accumulation. We see the manifestation of thousands of years of human experience. We see the accumulation of knowledge and experience. An uncountable amount of trial and error has come before us. We see the accumulation of capital, savings, and technologies. We see moral traditions, cultural traditions, religious traditions, artistic traditions and political traditions. When we look out into our world, we are not seeing something that just 'popped-up'. It is an accumulation of thousands of years of human experience. Utopians see that this world of accumulation does not match to their FANTASY and immediately set out to destroy it. In their imaginations that is Job #1 -- Destroy. Utopians believe that after they destroy what is, they will build up their perfect-world FANTASY on top of the ashes. Their fantasy will just 'pop-up' by dictate. All who are on board with this FANTASY are considered to be on "the right side of history." All who rebel against it are termed "reactionaries," along with a laundry list of other derogatory names. "Reactionaries" are considered to be on the "wrong side of history" and are deemed the enemies of the 'pop-up' world that can never be built. During the 1900's, utopians came to power in major nations across the world. The results were as predictable as they were horrific. Hundreds of millions of individual human beings were sacrificed to bring about the FANTASY that could never come. Humanity experienced destruction on a scale that never happened before in all of history. If one thinks that the death of hundreds of millions would cause the utopians to (maybe) re-consider, one would be wrong. The FANTASY continues to the present day as if nothing had happened. And it almost literally JUST happened! The Berlin Wall fell just a few decades ago! But alas, utopians continue to destroy the world that they did not create, and that does not match up with their imaginary fantasy. In fact, no man (or group of men) created our world. It is an accumulation of that which has been built by every individual that has ever existed. Furthermore, every individual who lives today, adds his little piece to the accumulation. There was no blueprint. There can be no blueprint. There was no central plan. There can be no central plan. Utopians believe they have the plan for their 'pop-up' fantasy world, and every (other) human being will be forced to fit into it. This is all just in their imaginations. Utopians can (and do) destroy. That's the easy part. But utopians cannot build. Destruction is simple. Construction is not. That which is built, must be built in harmony with the TRUTH. Utopians seek to destroy that which is TRUE with a never-ending stream of LIES. The upside is that the fantasy 'pop-up' world can never happen. The downside is that the destruction in attempting to bring it about can (and does) happen. Imagination... This aspect of every individual's consciousness is capable of producing tremendous upside, as well as tremendous downside, depending on how it is used. Let's use our imaginations to build that which is true and real; and not destroy in the name of any fantasy. Comments are closed.
January 2025