By Chris Rossini
As the heroic Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises once pointed out "Government is essentially the negation of Liberty." America's Founders understood this and tried to "chain down" government with a Constitution. There is little doubt that they anticipated government would eventually break loose of those chains. Well, the chains of the U.S. Constitution were broken, and a good official year to peg it is probably 1913. That was the fateful year when the Federal Reserve and income tax were created. With those two oppressive acts, the U.S. government was ready to abolish liberty rapidly. Its disastrous entry into World War I just a few years later got the ball rolling. Ever since 1913, freedoms in the "land of the free" have been under relentless and persistent attack. New generations are born into lives with less and less liberty, with no idea what it must have been like having a federal government that was a non-issue in everyday life. Instead, every generation lives life with government interference in every single issue. Liberty is often taken away under abstract slogans and simple phrases that the everyday person can easily repeat. By far, the most popular phrase used to take away Liberty have been the words "National Security." Those words have been repeated so often over the last 100 years that politicians probably think they are magical. It's astounding how much freedom has been laid to rest simply by politicians attributing it to "National Security." Another set of words that are often repeated are "Freedom and Democracy." These two words, which mean the opposite of one another, have been twisted into meaning the same thing! You cannot have freedom AND democracy. It is either freedom OR democracy. John Adams wrote: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." With modern-day Americans split into two warring camps that cannot stand even the site of each other, the quote by Adams shows why democracy always exhausts itself. Freedom never exhausts itself......Democracy always does. The next catchphrase that has been used, but that has so far failed is "Climate Change." This fear has had so much propaganda poured into it, yet fortunately, the people never bought it. This shows that while propaganda often works, it doesn't work every time. But while "Climate Change" flopped, the next set of words did not. People should get used to hearing the abstraction that goes by the name of "Public Health." These two words will be repeated over and over, and the target (as always), is freedom and liberty. Americans have been scared beyond belief by extraordinary lies about a virus. Now that the fear has been propagated long enough, and has become almost habitual, government is going to want to get its pound of flesh out of it. Ironically, what the "Climate Change" crowd was always after has been produced by the virus propaganda -- constant fear and government control. While the "Climate Change" crowd wanted a technological gulag in the name of "carbon emissions," we instead see a technological gulag being attempted in the name of a virus. In other words, the technological gulag seems to always have been the destination. It just needed a different road to get there. At some point the American people will have to say that enough is enough. The nature of power is to never quit and to never stop taking liberty. The walls will continue to close in until Americans place a high value on their liberty once again. There is no reason to close our eyes and imagine that it isn't happening. It's best to see clearly those that want your liberty and to face them head-on. Americans are used to tyrannical actions happening "out there, somewhere" and never here. Well, what else do politicians have to do to convince that this is a mistaken view? Power is power. It negates liberty "out there" and here. There are many reasons to be optimistic. First, this pandemic power-grab has produced a lot of discontent. Americans got a real taste of how insignificant their livelihoods and dreams are to people in power. To crush almost 40 million jobs in a matter of months is no small thing. Trying to "blame Capitalism" for this is not going to fly. America also has a mental undercurrent of being a land of liberty. While many Americans have been softened up over the last several decades, this is the land of the rugged and rebellious individual. That which is seen in the mainstream is not that which exists in the heart of this country. Finally, and probably most important, the U.S. federal government and state governments are in horrendous shape financially. They are literally placing all of their chips on The Federal Reserve counterfeiting trillions of dollars at a time. This is a losing strategy. Once Americans see the economic disaster that this counterfeiting produces, which will include rapidly rising prices for everything that is important, the Fed will have a big problem on its hands. Couple that with the fact that governments are out of money, despite all the promises that they've made, and faith in their omnipotence will be shattered. Liberty is not complex. It's live and let live. You don't harm me or my property and I don't harm you or your property. And most importantly, politicians cannot harm anyone's person or property either. Government is the negation of Liberty. It is a problem multiplier and not a problem solver. If we want to live harmoniously, Liberty is non-negotiable. Comments are closed.
February 2025